Grimmy's Forum Posts

  • Hi, when I access an iFrames textbox on mobile the whole iframe (or viewport) moves up and in my case the text box is moved out of view making it impossible to see what you are writing.

    How do I prevent the page moving up when the keyboard is opened? How can my code know if the hardware keyboard is opened or not?



  • Hi, I have an iFrame that displays a web page which contain Whats App links.

    When I open the page normally on mobile (without construct 3) the WHats App link works perfectly and sends me straight to the WhatsApp app.

    EDIT: This also works perfectly well from Construct 3 IF using the remote preview.

    However, when I click the same link within a built APK it says that I haven't got whats app installed and it takes me to a page to download it and login to Google Play etc.

    How can I make this as seamless as it is when using the remote preview?

    Something to do with security or something? I tried allow * in my iFrame Allow permissions but it didn't help. I also tried allowing external write access when creating the build but that didn't help either.



  • Hi, I want to access an iFrame and get the data from a class therein and then put this into one of my variables? How would I do that. I tried something like this as a random stab in the dark but it didn't work..

    RATE_myGlobalVar = iframe_id.getElement("fee font-body-sm font-weight-regular");

    All help greatly appreciated.



  • I found the location but it seems its protected by an Authentication Token. I guess that might be generated off limits. :(

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  • I will dig through thanks.

    I had an idea of loading the page into an iframe and then maybe accessing the data within the iframe after s few seconds. Is that even possible?

  • It sounds like yes, thats what Im trying to do. If I can find out where they get the data from themselves I may be able to get it from the source instead.

  • Using AJAX I am trying to get some data from a site (a currency site).

    When the site initially loads it just contains the vanilla page source, but (I think) that after a second or so, all that seems to get processed and additional data is added (currency values etc).

    The problem is that when I use AJAX it only returns to data Ajax.Last data of the source code that was present on the initial request. So there are no values to extract, just a bunch of useless <spans> and <divs>.

    I want to extract data that I can see in the 'Inspect Element' window and not the 'View Source'.

    Is there any way to somehow do an Ajax request which delays its return values until the site has done some processing.

    Or some other idea?


  • Im getting script validation problems in this version even though my project doesn't have any Javascript at all. Whats also wierd is this say Event sheet 1, number -1.

    Its happened twice today, I reverted all my work the first time then tried making some new edits and the error started happening again. Even if I undo everything to the state is was when I loaded it I still get the error.



    After lots of going round in circles the solution is very easy. The trick is to use:

    Set attribute "tabIndex" to "-1"

    and NOT:

    Set CSS style "tabIndex" to "-1"

    ..which is what I was doing initially. (oops)

    Thanks for all the help!

  • "On Enter Pressed" still works for me when cursor is in a text input.

    This is on PC yes? Apologies, for this I am talking specifically about Android (I stupidly forgot to mention). When I hit enter it just tabs between text input and no reading is given for lastKeyPressed.

  • HI, sorry for bothering but is this how the code and the input communicate with each other? I tried the following but the console log doesn't print anything when I press a key when the text input is focussed. Maybe Im doing it completely wrong?

  • "On Enter Pressed" still works for me when cursor is in a text input.

    To stop the Tab key to move focus to another text input you can try this code, but it only works with Worker disabled:

    Hi, for this code how exactly do I go about assigning/using the textInputID. I'm not sure how it works. Do I simply put a string "textInputID" into the ID parameter of each textinput object?


  • CHeers. Does On Enter pressed work though if you have multiple input boxes? For me it triggers only after it tabs out of the final input box.

  • I don't want that to happen. Is there a way to stop it?

    I tried adding: Set CSS Style "tabindex" to "-1" but that didn't have any effect

    I notice also that keyboard events aren't registered while a text input is focussed, so there seems to be no way I can do On Enter- un focus all text just always automatically tabs to the next one when Enter or Tab is pressed.


  • When I print a keycode using on anykey pressed event and the event being setText to Keyboard.LastKeycode it works great for PC..

    However this displays nothing when I try to use the same command using an Android virtual keyboard.

    Basically I'm just trying to close the keyboard when the user hits Enter on the virtual keyboard by unfocussing the text inputs but instead the Enter key seems to just tab through my text inputs on Android.

    You can see a live example of my current project in the Playstore with this issue here:

    Just download and try inputting some numbers and then hitting enter.

    Any ideas?
