Greg's Forum Posts

  • You can make anything glow using additive overlay sprites. Just duplicate the sprite, erase everything you don't want to glow, and then place that sprite over the original and set it to additive. To adjust the brightness of the glow increase or decrease the brightness/darkness of the overlay sprite. Use gradients expanding from the shape to make the penumbra of the glow.

  • You can export from flash to a series of frames that can be imported as animations, why not do that? Create a sprite object and import the frames from the flash animation into the sprite, and then use events to start/stop.

    Flash is vector based and would require a separate plugin and largely defeats the purpose of using an HTML5 based platform imo.

  • 1. If you are using cocoonjs, do not use too many tiled backgrounds! After trial and error, i found out that was the biggest performance hinder. Not sure if CocoonJS needs to optimize tiled backgrounds.

    This defies everything I've read about mobile device development, surprising to hear!

    I have many single tile sprites imported as tileable background objects rather than sprites objects in an attempt to plan for a mobile platform.

    Can Ashley or ludei weigh in? That a single tileable background object is or is not more resource intensive than a single sprite object?

  • So a single frame sprite object is more resource intensive than a same size tiled bg?

  • Thanks, I would appreciate an example at your convenience, but no rush. I have more time to access forums than work on my project right now so I wouldn't be able to implement an example into my game for at least a week or two.

    I hadn't looked through the shader effect list until just now, and I can definitely get the effect I am looking for with pixelate and opacity. I didn't realize how extensive the shader list is. There are so many effects available, I wish I had looked into this earlier   <img src="smileys/smiley3.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • I would love to see some sort of pixel-growing/mosaic effect, used in a lot of SNES games for transitions.

    Here is an example in flash:

  • A rewrite is pending, basically a slimmed-down fork of SpriteFont (no backwards compatibility). Right now, however, I am swamped in projects, so it may take some time.

    Mipey By no backwards compatibility do you think we will need to re-create all objects that are created using current plugin? If so I would want to hold off on creating sprite font objects in my project until after the new version, or will I be able to not lose the work I put in now?


  • 2) ah... if you already have an icon, then I must not have your updated version!

    Do you mean the icon in the Project object list window?

    There is an icon for the large dialog windows, such as add object or edit event, it looks like the text object icon but with blocks forming the T rather than a typeface T.

    The only place I don't see an icon is in the project object list, which has no icon.

  • Sorry I couldn't get back to you sooner about this, but it works flawlessly! Thank you so much!

  • I am using r99. I noticed the issue initially on r96, but never reported it because I wanted to try and get it fixed without begging for help on the forums.

    I think the issue is related to lowering the stepping below 0.1 is the cause of "lag" on the collision detector. 128 speed with 0 stepping makes it easy to see.

    Thank you for taking an interest and looking into it!

  • Thank you for the response, I really appreciate you taking the time to look into this!

    The original capx can have the issue but it is very difficult to get it to go into a wall. I download it and playtest for a few minutes and can run into the wall after trying for a few minutes (moving along a wall and turning towards it constantly). Not always or easily, but it is possible.

    If you turn the speed down the collision detector lags behind the player more noticeably. Setting the speed to 128 and stepping to 0 makes it much easier to run through walls. It's unfortunate because 256+ is too fast for my needs, I want a classic looking slow grid movement :(

    I really like the script, so didn't want to use anything different, and I've built other scripts that rely on this script to work. I will keep looking into it, but I am no programmer lol!


    With this (otherwise perfect for me) script you are able to move through walls occasionally.

    If the speed is lower than 256, the player can move through walls easily, but even at 256 the player can still move through walls. Is it possible to make the collision detector always position itself before the player moves to it?

    I hate to bump the topic, but I have a sticking point in my game because I do not want there to be a bug where player can run through walls, and I need grid based smooth movement.

    If you turn on the visibility of the green sprite, collision detector, you can plainly see how the character moves faster than the detector sprite allowing you to at times enter the collision object (wall). Is there any work around for this?

    It's easier to reproduce if you lower the speed variable, but even at 256 you can still at times move through walls.

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  • You can get away with a few sprites that are animated by a few frames and get a decent looking effect.

    Start with a rain falling sprite, just a blue pixel animating from the start position to the end position over the time of a few frames. Have a second animation that is placed on the ground plane for an impact.

    '               frame 1

    '               frame 2

    '               frame 3

    '               frame 4

    v               Impact

    -------------    Ground

    I've seen many games effectivly use lighting, sound, and the ground impact sprite effect only to create nice looking rain scenes

  • bjadams - don't forget WebGL shaders only work in Chrome and Firefox, and only when the graphics drivers are relatively new as well.

    What about on mobile platforms, do those support webGL shaders?

    Is there ever going to be a chance of normal and specular mapping, and or vertex based lighting when using vector objects?

  • If you don't want to use a third party plugin, for each ordered is the method to use. The plugin I linked to might be faster, though.

    Aside from the ability to not publish to the Scirra arcade, are there any other downfalls to 3rd party plugin use?

    I have to use SpriteFont right now, so does that mean I might as well use all plugins I feel are needed since I am already using one?