Greg's Forum Posts

  • Not a problem bro! I thought I was going crazy!

    Downloaded it, installed it, and it works like a charm! No more bug while using webGL and so now my game is looking much better.

    I wanted to mention, having the ability to use effects with the text is invaluable for making stylized text. Being able to make it glow, use it as a mask, and creating "flashlight" text opens a lot of doors for stylistic choices.

    Thank you so much for your hard work, I owe you a beer! <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • I would set them to "Additive". Then you don't need to add alpha channels and you can get additional "glow" when they overlap eachother.

    I have never used gimp, but to make the background tileable you need to offset the entire canvas by 50%, so if the background is 512x512, shift the entire image to the side 256 and up 256, and then remove the seams that appear after this shift. In photshop there is an "offset" filter, if you have to do it by hand, cut the image in half and swap it manually.

    If it would help the forums, I can make a "creating simple tileable texture" tutorial.

  • I hate to insist, but I can not find the Set Effect action or an effect option in the properties. I cleared my internet cache, deleted my spritefont folder, redownloaded your may 7th update, and installed it again. I create a new project, added a sprite font, and checked the properties and created an on on created event and checked the actions, and still nothing. The icon in the zip is the old spritefont icon, and the most recent file in the zip is edittime.js 2/21/2012. Is there another download location I am missing, it appears what I am downloading is out of date.

  • Thanks for the update Mipey,I really appreciate your hard work!

    My bug has does not occur after disabling webGL, and this update does not fix that, but at this point in my project I can live without webGL.

    I was going to try and make an every tick set effect to none, but I am not seeing an effect action. Sorry for the odd question, but how do I set the effect?

  • Thanks for the plugin Mipey, it gloriously ties together all things texel dense. <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Is it possible to implement sprite effects similar to a sprite object?

    I currently have an issue where all of my sprite font objects turn to additive after certain events run, and back to normal after others, seemingly randomly, but no way to control that and don't know how to track down what's causing it. It's not happening consistently or I would create a capx for this issue, but maybe you've run into it and can suggest things to check in my events.

    The closest I can describe is one event is revealing a sprite font object and hiding another (through visible.) When the event runs, and then another that reverses it runs, the sprites all turn to additive until the event that caused it in the first place runs again, and during that event is active the sprite font looks fine, but after the event finishes and reverses all sprites are additive again. This does not always happen but when it does this is what seems to cause it.

  • More commented picking for you in capx

    Glorious! This makes so much more sense then what I was attempting, thank you so much!

  • first, you have four sprite instances - one that is on the right side is your Sprite.Instance=0, top left is Sprite.Instance=1, midle left is Sprite.Instance=2 and bottom left is Sprite.Instance=3. Second, when enemyhp1_hpMin=0 it will destroy Sprite.Instance=0 - right Sprite, and number of instance will change so the second sprite (former Sprite.Instance=1) will be Sprite.Instance=0, and it will be destroyed, and third sprite will become Sprite.Instance=0 et cetera.

    Use private variable.

    Thanks for getting back to me! Your point about the sprite instances makes sense. I'll try using an instance variable, and if I get it working I'll post my results. Thanks again man, very informative :)

  • I did something similar to this with a custom movement behavior, let it move up for half a second, and back down for half a second, then destroy it. Also, adding a wait between the set visible and destroy will allow it to appear on screen for a noticeable length of time.

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  • I've beat my head against this for a couple days, and have read a lot of the posts on here about dealing with instances through UID's, select n'th, etc.

    Here is a .capx of what I am attempting,

    I want to create enemies at specific locations, the enemies are represented by the same sprite, and the HP for each enemy is stored in an array. I use the array to populate 2 values, a maximum and minimum HP for each enemy location. When a minimum HP variable reaches 0 I want the enemy at that location to be destroyed. My problem is, regardless of how I set this up, it's very difficult for me to specifically (and elegantly) assign which instance of the sprite gets destroyed.

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

  • Also all the stuff about trasnfering arrays from another project is bad usage. You should report exactly the errors you get on crash though but it's definetely not the intended way to use it.

    Create arrays in the "final" layout directly, not elsewhere.

    Perfect man! Thank you so much! Believe it or not this solved my problem!

    It's good to know that transferring arrays between projects is bad practice, I hadn't tried it beyond test experiments but even in those I had inconsistent and crashy-results. I only tried this because in one project I (thought that I) could create arras in one project and wanted to see if those arrays with properties would transfer to another project.

    The solution here is "Create arrays in the "final" layout directly, not elsewhere."

    While in an event sheet view I was right clicking in the project list window under objects and selecting "insert object." to create my arrays. When I right click on the layout workspace and select "insert object" I am allowed to create an array with properties.

    Basically it looks like the bug occurs when you create an array to the project list window while viewing an event sheet tab.

    Does this happen to anyone else?

    It's really awesome to know that my scene wasn't corrupted, and that this is avoidable, thanks a million sir. <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Thanks Kyatric, I appreciate you looking into it for me, but were you able to create arrays with xyz properties in that file? I downloaded your fixed capx, but it will still not allow me to create an array with xyz properties. I reinstalled construct, but I still cannot add get an array to create with properties in that project. The "girl_response" array works fine for me, so maybe the issue with that array's name or instance placement, has caused my project to not allow the creation of arrays. Is it possible that the project is corrupt? I can start new projects and create arrays with xyz properties, and I can transfer them to my "gregs adventure" project, but when I save with the transferred array that contains xyz information construct crashes. I am ok abandoning this project, and will try to save more intermittently in the future, but I'd like to know what caused this issue to avoid it in the future.

    I realize the previous capx I posted didn't have an example of a bugged out array, just that in that capx the array could not be created, so I added a bugged out one and this is that capx:

    The bugged array is "inventory" and the array created before the bug was "girl_response".

    As a note, the "girl_response" array was created before I installed the hash table and rex hash plugins. After installing those plugins the bug started happening (only in this project) and I've since remmoved those plugins but still cannot get arrays to create within this project with properties, but I can get them to create with properties in other projects.

    I am not blaming these plugins, but it's the only change in my environment between the creation of "girl_response" and "inventory"

    In the Mikeys Adventure tutorial theres a segment about creating hash tables, and rather then doing it with arrays I attempted to use those plugins, after researching the functionality of hash tables I decided to not use the plugins and attempted to use an array, and that is when I noticed that in my tutorial progress file I could not create arrays that contained properties.

  • My project is having a similar issue. I was trying to create an array and kept getting responses as 0 regardless of how I set it up, and then I noticed in the properties window there were no height width or depth options available. When I create a different project and attempt to create arrays it works fine, but the project I've been working in does not let me create new arrays. This is my project file:

    I am using r84, but the file started in r82 I think. It's a tutorial I've been fooling with, so it's not a huge deal, but I would like to complete the tutorial and I need to create an array to do so. Any ideas?

  • I see, that's cool man thank you! I was hoping to use array/hash tables for an inventory system in my project, so while this will be useful with a lot of things, I can't wait to see the Array example, hopefully scidave OK's it! I played the demo you made, and it's a lot cooler then what I have going lol!

  • I've been trying to work through the tutorial as well and have hit a major road block with the last section of the second pdf, the hash tables. Everything else has been transferable to C2 pretty easily (I skipped families, text based input, and mouse click buttons.) I tried downloading the hash table plugins, and have been reading up on hash tables and arrays/loops, but I am in the dark. How did you pull set up the hash tag segment with the key and door. I tried to do it with arrays, but I am shooting in the dark lol.