gonzdevour's Forum Posts

  • Hi, I got an error message after r165.

    This error made the project fail to preview.

  • > Detail about Magnetized(app annie):


    This app have only one review on itune ? is this success full app ?

    I am not sure the rule of itunes reivew list, maybe you can check "All Review" to see them all.

    It looks like there are 34 reviews on American appstore.

    (Also here is the buyer map:


    This game(iOS+Android) earned more than 26000 USD as far as I know,

    it's successful enough for me. As a 3 years C2er, I can't make so much money by one app till now.

    Rocky, the Author of Magnetized is trying to make this game pass through Steam Greenlight and OUYA.

    The webgame early version was already available on Kongregate and Newground.

  • 1.cocoonjs plugin update:

    facebook, googleplay games, notification, camera, QRcode,

    gamecenter achievements.

    maybe websocket or webRTC support.

    2.Remove or decrease the splash showing time for premium users to make the Cocoonjs Apps more native.

    3.Each Text object and Tiledbackground object makes iOS Cocoonjs Apps 10+ fps slower.

    4.On layout start, Audio(BGM) changing is still crashy on Android devices.

  • Amazing!! Thank you~

  • Hi,

    I tried the example capx and get this:

    <img src="http://i1220.photobucket.com/albums/dd443/gonzdevour/pasterbug_zps68371dd8.jpg" border="0" />

  • Observed result:

    The fullscreen setting of exported manifest.webapp

    should be "fullscreen": "true",

    not "fullscreen": true

    See here:


    Or you can't upload the app to FFOS Market.

    Construct 2 version:


    By the way, unlike the FFOS tutorial,

    the portrait/landscape setting

    is on the properties settings of project now.

  • I think the plugin is great but the webwork system must has it's own problem.......

    I tried to deploy my current C2 game into BB10,

    everything worked well from preload to title layout,

    but I can't get my gameplay layout work.

    (which is OK on iOS ipa and Android APK)

    My test steps:

    1.close all the related event sheets

    2.Start to delete the objects in gameplay layout.

    Yesterday to today, I tested about 30 times,

    there has always been ONE OBJECT make the app falsh back to home.

    It means, if I delete this object, works; re-put this object, flash back.

    However, this ONE OBJECT is NOT SPECIFIC,

    as far as I tried, more than 3 different kinds of objects can be this object. It means the flashing back caused by uncertain reasons, maybe memory or some other things.

    The art graphics are not belong to me,

    so I can't paste the capx download link.

    Here is the screenshot of C2 Debugger:

    <img src="http://i1220.photobucket.com/albums/dd443/gonzdevour/2013-9-104E0B534812-11-47_zps970958e5.jpg" border="0" />

    Maybe BB10 Webwork system can't hold a normal size game?

    A pretty small one-stage casual game will be better.

  • gonzdevour I have an Z10, if you like to test your game.

    hi, thank you.

    I borrowed a BB10 Dev Alpha B form our government,

    followed Ashley's tutorial and successfully deployed my platformer game.

    The problem is, I could open the game and play around some simple layout like: title,menu,credits, but the device flashed back when I try to go to the main gameplay level which has more than 30000~50000 width layout.

    I am trying to figure out which element made the device flash back.

    If you has any clue(e.g. never use some plugin or behavior), please tell me.

  • support bada, blackberry blackberry, windows-phone-8, windows-phone-7, IE ,windows8.

    That's a good job, I didn't even know the browser plugin can't detect language on the platforms above.

    Thank you , I'll try this plugin.

  • I can successfully made IAP work on iOS sandbox, but can't get localized product price by this function:


    What the "index" means?

    I created 6 products and all the purchasing progress work well,

    then I want to show the price by TEXT object in front of the product icons, replaced the "index" with integer 0~5,

    no case works, the string value get nothing returned.

    I also tried the product's appleID like: 695116508,

    still nothing returned.

    How can I show ProductlocalizedPrice by TEXT object?

  • Thanks.

    Since the Playbook won't be supported,

    maybe it's time to find a Z10....

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • No, Are you sure?


    Nothing news?

    The VersionCode is editable on ConcoonJS Clould Compiler now.

  • Sorry, pasted the wrong link.

    Here's the capx.


  • If any tool make you uncomfortable, don't use it.

    C2 is a plugin-orientated game engine,

    When you insert object into C2 layout,

    it's a PLUGIN.

    Do you know that?

    Sprite is a plugin, Tiledground is a plugin,

    Browser is a plugin, Text is a plugin.

    In very early version of C2,

    Sprite animation editor sometimes cause crash,

    Tiledground had its power-2 problem,

    Browser functions can't be totally supported in mobile solutions,

    Text slowed down the fps.

    Ashley surveyed all the bug reports,

    make the official plugins better and better, release by release.

    Same as 3rd party plugin makers.

    Sometimes they can't make a perfect plugin for you for free at once,

    but most of them keep working with their tools.

    No plugin maker, include Ashley,

    can promise you any reliability of the plugins.

    Even you are a pure official C2 user,

    you may find the performance of your game can behave different on different browsers or devices.(e.g. WebGL effects, PC vs Mobile, Differnet resolution of PC)

    So it's all about you trust or not, about you feel comfortable or not.

    If you don't like them, just don't use them.

    Or you can find what exactly happened inside your project,

    ensure the real reason of the bugs.

    If it's absolutely caused by any plugin,

    tell the author of this plugin and send your testing capx to him/her,

    I think most plugin makers are gladly to take your report,

    and make the plugin more and more reliable.

    Maybe it's a better way than questioning the reliability of plugins before you clearing the cause of the bug.