GoldMatenes's Forum Posts

  • A turn-based battle system that requires deliberate separation of events with delays in between, to prevent events from not happening in a sequential order, eg.

    Player attacks (with corresponding movement)

    Delay until it finishes and slight afterdelay

    Damage floater

    Delay until it finishes and slight afterdelay

    Prompt for next turn

    It just burns through all of the events over the course of five ticks and I see nothing but the variables jump from initiating to done, even with dozens of events in between. And then crashes because there is no way for it to wait for user input without causing an endless loop behind the scenes if the user does not input.

    I'm attempting to get the hang of timescale, but it's honestly really confusing.

    The call function after delay I have tried in multiple ways but I cannot seem to get it to work, as it does delay the function call but delays nothing else.

    I just make my own timers (globals or pv's) and use a state machine to control events. I've never had any problem with that, even with complex tasks like choreographing cut-scenes.

    This is more what I'm looking for.

    I attempted to do this in a few different ways, and could not get it to actually work. Could you elaborate on how you do it?

  • Timeline and timer seem to have a mind of their own, and attempts to work them in doubled the size of my event sheets and still didn't work.

    Theoretically I could separate everything into individual groups, but that would be equally as convoluted as making a function for every little event lineup.

    Keypress doesn't stop the system. It just allows for a key input while merrily wandering off through the code, even when I attempt to bracket it in with states/variables/groups/etc.

  • I'm trying as hard as I can to work around the lack of a wait function, but it just isn't working.

    Every single event happens at once across the board, and attempting to prioritize or restrict the active events just causes freezing (using complex variable strings to kludge a wait function) or crashes (all the time division functions like 'while' just break eventually while waiting for input).

    There needs to be a simpler way to call events and cause delays (and no, functions aren't effective, unless you make a different one for every single game event and make constant calls back and forth, in which case I may as well be coding.) I don't want an entire scene to flash by in a series of ticks because I have no way to slow it down.

    Can someone help me figure out how to make the system wait without causing an endless loop or a crash?

    What would also be useful is a 'wait until user input' plugin, because that would at least solve a couple of the problems with having any kind of pausing in your game (allowing for prompting in a turn-based system, for example.)

  • I really, REALLY want an action to temporarily disable/enable input to a Mouse&Keyboard Plugin, to prevent players from wandering away during cutscenes or overlay sequences.

    I'm still trying to find a good way to kludge my way around this in the meantime, and I'm having trouble.

  • Mine is working perfectly and the Quickload is still there...

    How can I make my game auto-load, then?

    EDIT: There is still only one tiny issue even with the Quickload deleted, and that is that the High Score keypress is ignored the first time, but works from then on.

  • Got it. I was fiddling with the M&K events and realized the game board one was Global.

    So it was misconstruing keystrokes in multiple ways.

    It would be nice to have a global M&K that worked, so we wouldn't have to stick one in every layout, but so it goes.

  • Okay, here it is.

    Don't look too hard at the code under 'Generation', it works perfectly but looks incredibly kludgy (I learned to code in C++ first.)

    Also, try in debug mode first to get an idea of how the movement is supposed to be responding.

  • Up until a short time ago, all my movement and keypressing was working like a charm.

    But for some reason, it suddenly refuses to work properly - some keypresses are randomly ignored, or the system waits for them, or refuses to let my sprites move until another identical keypress.

    Before I go about posting the .cap, though...

    It runs perfectly fine in debug mode.

    So does that mean I'm missing something obvious?

  • I love this plugin but I would like some clear docu on importing sprite fonts, as while the example shows easily how to use the plugin it doesn't explain how to change fonts.

  • ...sigh.

    I'm guessing you may have accidentally put your player character into the same layer as the UI?

    Yes, yes I did.

    Anyway, it's all fixed now, and the resizing stopped the trippy background problems.

    Thanks for all the help.

  • Hmm, if I'm right in thinking what you're trying to do, it does that automatically. Have you made sure unbound scrolling in the layer properties is switched OFF. Because in that case, I'm 99.9% sure that the player will be centered in the screen until you reach the edge of the playing area, at which point the view will stop at the edge, while the player can continue up to the boundaries.

    I believe you have the gist of my idea. And you're right that that is what is supposed to be happening. But it doesn't. I have all the settings set in such a way but my player still moves around the screen and even out of the HUD.

  • Ah, that would make sense. Resizing go!

    What I'm looking to do is this.

    Player moves in a grid around a play field, but the HUD moves with him so he always appears to be in the center... UNLESS he reaches the bounding at the edge of the field, in which case the view no longer centers on him, so he can move to explore the areas in corners of the field. I'll try to toss a .cap together to see if I can show you what I mean.

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  • Well, I'm trying to like Construct. But I keep getting fiddly little issues.

    Maybe you all can help me out.

    I want to create the following:

    A sprite (25x25) in the center of a HUD that is the size of the window (375x400). The player moves with 4-way grid movement around a large map (1200x1200) with a tiled background.

    The irregular size of the window is because it needs to have a centered square (with a double-square-width space for the HUD at the top).

    I placed all the above, and set it up so the map would scroll around the player as he moved and the HUD would remain in place, taking up the whole window. My intention was to make it so the player only appears to move if he hits the edge of the map, but otherwise remains in the center of the HUD at all times, for a little grid-based RPG kind of thing.

    Unfortunately, that's not what happens.

    The player moves around the window area no matter what I do, even though the window is centered on him. When he moves, the background does move, but the tiles are blurry and improperly aligned, no matter what I do.

    Might anyone know the cause of this?

    (Another minor issue - the 'show grid' function doesn't seem to properly align with the tiles, but that I can cope with for now.)