goblynn93's Forum Posts

  • Yes I need to span multiple monitors.

    I have Extended my desktop so I have separate pixels spaces at 1920x1080 each. I need to span across both monitors, full screen. Currently my project locks itself to one screen or the other, refusing to span across both.

    I have tried with ATI EyeFinity using a 3840x1080 across two displays and this works but it breaks my Touch Screen input.

    I have 1 Touchscreen, 1 non-touchscreen... I need to keep each pixel space separate for the the touchscreen input to work properly...

  • I have set my window size to 3840x1080 to cover the two pixel spaces but the app will only run in one pixel space. I need to make it span across both but its not working...

  • Interesting idea... similar to how I thought I might have to do it but I wasn't so sure about the collision thing.

    Thanks I will be looking into this!

  • Is there a way to transpose touch input?

    If the left side is 0%, right side is 100%-

    I would like to touch the middle and have it respond as if I touched it at 25%.

    Touch the right side and I get 50%.

    Touch the left side and I get 0%.

    I need to transpose my Touch input X by 1/2.

    Is this possible?

  • Is there a way to do a "Windowed Fullscreen" mode?

    I need to span multiple pixel spaces using multiple outputs on my graphics card and I can do this when I am not full screen but I need to ditch the "browser" look around my app...

    If I use the Fullscreen mode my window is locked to a single pixel space only...


  • My project is 3840x1080 so it can split in half over two screens. The problem I am running into is that even with Extended display turned on I lose half my image... it won't show on the secondary display. I can make it show if I use something like ATI EyeFinity to create a 3840x1080 pixel space. This creates a problem however as Windows sees the one touch screen and the non-touch screen as one surface and input from the touch screen is scaled 2:1 to cover both screens!!

    Is there a trick to getting the secondary display to show the other half of the double wide project? I am running in full screen mode... I can stretch a window to cover both screens but that's not ideal... Is there a "faked" full screen mode that will stretch across both?

  • Hello! I am wondering if it is possible to render to two pixel spaces at the same time? I would like to create a giant Nintendo DS kind of thing using a touch screen and a standard monitor. The touch screen gives you control over the characters on the regular screen. Single computer, two displays, one touch, one standard, one ap running across both... can I do this?

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  • I used CSV2ARRAY plug in to bring in a much easier to write/maintain CSV file... works great.

    Theoretically you could use this to write JSON files for you.

    Create your data array in a spreadsheet.

    Google Docs or Excel or whatever.

    Export to CSV.

    Use CSV2ARRAY to write the CSV file into an array.

    Then use the Array.AsJSON or Array.Download to produce what you need for the JSON file to load.

    I wonder if this makes sense...

  • blackhornet Setup 1 is actually built off a CAPX you helped me with! I had some other help and realized about the Stop Loop but the CAPX you made worked... I'm assuming because it only searched out one value and I have need of multiple. Either way you've saved my day both times!! This is the main thing that's been stopping me from finishing tonight :D That definitely worked by the way. I'm getting proper values all the time now!

  • I can't open your CAPX because you're on a beta or something...

    Are you trying to bring the array into a C2 app? or push it out?

  • I have two arrays, one small one big.

    The user picks a Name from the big array. The system compares that name against the Names in the small array. If the Name is in the small array it returns a value of 1, if its not it returns a value of 2.

    Or at least its supposed to...

    I have set this up two different ways.

    #1 using an Array loop

    #2 using a System.For loop.

    Setup #1 will return a value of 1 only on the -last- X item from the small array. All other items that match do not return a proper value. I've tried both with and without the TriggerOnce sub shown in the image.

    <img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/39000273/First%20Way.png" border="0" />

    Setup #2 will return a value of 1 only on the -first- item from the small array. All other items that match do not return a proper value.

    <img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/39000273/Second%20Way.png" border="0" />













    User selects from ListB:

    Manly - return value 2

    Silly - return value 1

    Scared - return value 2

    Sassy - return value 1

    Currently I can get a value of 1 on Sassy or Crazy but not Silly... any cell between the first and last I can't get a proper value returned!

  • Wow that was just insanely stupid of me... thanks! Solution on that was too simple to help me on the real issue but at least it got me to go back and take a good look at possible stupid mistakes. Thanks again!

  • My "And" statement doesn't seem to be working properly.

    I have two triggers.

    Only Trigger 1 is having any effect.

    Trigger 2 seems to be ignored completely.

    The number should not increase unless BOTH triggers are active.


  • Thanks for catching that! It would have been obvious once I put this through its full test but now I won't have to face-palm later!

  • <img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/39000273/Index2.png" border="0" />

    Fixed!! Thanks a lot for both solutions! My project is working much much better now.