goblynn93's Forum Posts

  • I have a loop that spawns objects "Repeat X Times".

    It creates the objects so fast that they all seem to appear at once. I don't want to slow down the animations or the objects themselves but I would like to put a small delay between the object spawns so their appearance is visually staggered instead of all at once.

    I've tried "Wait" but depending on where I put it in the loop I either skip spawns and lose objects or nothing at all seems to happen.


  • Hi! This may be a totally obvious thing but I can't seem to figure it out.

    I have an array filled with object names:

    0 "Alpha01"

    1 "Alpha02"

    2 "Beta01"

    3 "Beta02"

    4 "Beta03"

    5 "Delta01"

    6 "Delta02"

    7 "Delta03"

    8 "Delta04"

    9 "Epsilon01"

    I would like to scan each cell for first letter and return the cell value of the first cell to contain that value.

    Looking for "A" would return 0.

    Looking for "D" would return 5.

    Bonus: Looking for "C" would return 5 or the next closest letter in line.

    Basically I am trying to create an alphabet index to jump around the long list in my array to make access quicker...

    I think I am just lacking a way to look at only the first letter of each cell and not the whole cell itself.

    I will try and make a simpler capx to post... this is one small part of a much larger project, I should have done a prototype in a standalone capx first!


  • Is it possible to restrict the mouse to a certain area or within boarders for example if I make a game that always runs in a tiny window can I lock the mouse to that window?

    I know I can restrict movement of my objects but I really need to force the mouse to only one area while the games levels run.


  • Ok I feel silly and fixed my own issue.

    Once again I am over thinking things... it said "URL" so I was looking to have to put in a whole complex URL...

    I simply typed in the file name and it works...

    AJAX > Request URL >

    Tax "x"

    URL "filename.CSV"

    Hats off again to Scirra for making Construct 2 so awesome that even -I- can use it! <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Can I use the AJAX "GET URL" to open a CSV file that's outside my encoded app? I am hoping to keep the file in the local app folder or at least on the local machine as this game won't have internet access or any network access at all.

    Currently I am using AJAX Request Project File and loading my CSV file into an array using CSV2ARRAY. I would like to not have to include my CSV in the Project Files.

    I have a small test I built to load a CSV into an array and it works when I use "Request Project File" but not when I use "Request URL".

    It could be my URL for the local file is very broken as I can't find any examples of how to do this (because maybe you can't?).

    AJAX > Request URL >

    Tag "x"

    URL "file://.../sample.csv"

  • Thanks! Taking the slowest as the bench marker for smooth running makes sense.

    Thanks again for the info!

  • Is there a size limit to what you can export to a desktop app? I have a native resolution of 3840 x 1080 to work with and I was hoping to create something interactive across the whole thing but I don't know what the limits on size may be. This will run on either Windows 7 or 8, I don't know if that makes a difference.

    I am also starting to see tablets that can do 4k native resolutions... Again, what are the limits I'm up against?


  • That's perfect. And exactly what I was hoping for... Touch will accept Mouse by default but Touch has to be specified before it will work even if Mouse is used. I guess that's the clearest way to lay it out.

    Thanks for the help! Without a touch screen to test with I was guessing (and hoping!).

  • I am building an interactive screen for a kiosk. The main user interactivity is all Touch but there are certain Sprites that will open up Admin menus. I am hoping to make those Sprites open the menus on Mouse Click but *not* touch. I want to be able to set options with the mouse, close my admin stuff, and take the mouse leaving the user with Touch only thus locking them out of the admin screens...

    I am sure there are other ways to do this and this might not even work but if it does it would be a very simple way for me to secure access to the admin areas.

    Thanks for the reply I hope this makes my needs clearer...

    <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • If I have a project with Mouse and Touch and I enable Mouse for a Sprite but not Touch, or the other way around Touch but not Mouse will they cross over?

    If I have Mouse only on a Sprite and its Touched will it still react?

    I am using triggers to activate the Sprites for building basic custom buttons and I would like some things Touch only and some Mouse only.

    I don't have a Touch screen to test on yet and so far it seems everything I set to Touch will accept Mouse... That's OK but I'd really like to lock down Touch to a few items for interaction, the rest Mouse and I'm hoping that by simply not building Touch triggers for the Sprites that I can achieve this.

    The manual and other information I've found was a little vague on how this might work...


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  • How do I keep objects from passing through walls?

    I am using Physics, have 4 walls and bouncing balls. Everything works great until the balls collide with each other near a wall. Sometimes this causes a ball to pass through the wall and its lost forever.

    Is the speed of the object simply outpacing the collision calculation? The Bullet setting hasn't seemed to help.


  • Thanks for the push in what's probably going to be the right direction...

    Its going to be interesting... I am on a very closed system for where this project will run. No interwebs, probably not even a local network... and I know nothing about PHP and only a tiny bit of mysql... I usually run huge projection systems, this is a little out of my skill set but you guys are the best at helping :)

  • That is awesome... my project was incredibly complex to accomplish basically the same thing...

    Can the game make changes/updates to the files? Or just load them?

    This project has a huge list of names... I can always create the list in a comma-delimited format and paste it into a global text variable and split it out into an array on load... I'd still rather use what you've shown me and load the .txt file so I can update it from outside the game then just reload the file as needed.

    The list of names can be edited by certain users and my hope is to be able to capture those changes as they are made... ideally to a file I can access. Cleaning up array.Asjson is preferable to nothing!

    Thanks for all the help! Between you and rexrainbow I think I'm finally getting a grasp on some AJAX basics. Thank even more for utilizing the "tags" ... that part really confused me as to how you would use it, this is a lot more efficient and slick compared to the nightmare I wrote lol!

  • "Where would the .txt files for this be kept?" -- what I meant by this was where do I place the .txt files to be called? Same folder as the app (e.g. same folder as the .exe for a Windows export)?

  • Well this is awesome... really, incredibly helpful and explains a ton! I can read about it in the manual all day but until I see it in action like this I am so lost...

    This helps make the concept of "tags" make a lot more sense.

    I can see how this is going to save me tons of time on my first-run data load...

    Where would the .txt files for this be kept?

    Is there a way to update the .txt files? That's really the big killer for me.

    My app basically collects names from user input and creates an array to hold the names. Being able to export this into any kind of file that I can access with 3rd party software (text editor, Excel, etc) is my goal. I have to ensure that the list of names in the array is stored in a stable data location that I can access if something goes wrong...

    Thanks again for the help this is huge!