goblynn93's Forum Posts

  • Hello!

    Is there a way to disable the Thumbnail strip and/or creation of the Thumbnails in the Animation area of Sprites?

    Or is there a way to dynamically load images into the animations of sprite like "go to folder x and load all images into sprite Z animation"?

    Or maybe I am doing this wrong and there is a better way to do this...

    I have 3 "emitters" that spawn objects. The objects are spawned with a specific animation frame upon creation. I have need for a very large number of unique animation frames to pull off my project...

    The images are tiny but the quantity is huge and I've had some stability issues in creation but running the app works great so far even with 50,000 images loaded. It was just very very difficult to get 50,000 images loaded...


  • Ok I got it... I had to add an "On Created" action to set everything I couldn't just change the numbers after spawn. The post above:


    sort of helped because I could see the "On Create" action and decided it might fix my problem... it fixed all kinds of problems actually.

    Thanks for taking a look and for the post. It helped a lot in the long run!

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  • I read through the two posts listed and they don't seem to address my problem. They relate more to how to connect items together and I need to assign Animation Frames to instances of items as they are created and have them not shift.

    Watching even closer now I can see I have something very wrong going on. Some of my emitters are putting out objects that are changing animation frame with the cycle and some objects are not.

    I am totally lost...

  • I think I know why now that I'm watching it run... Its working I just need more animation frames, enough to satisfy the amount of unique frames visible at any time.

    That changes my question... I am trying to prevent items spawning on top of each other using an Overlapping object check at spawn but that is causing some Animation Frames to be skipped because its a timed cycle... If I change the cycle to a When I get nothing...

    I should probably make a new Post for the changed question...


  • I am probably using Instance Variables incorrectly but I was watching the Memory Card Game video tutorials and I can't figure out what I've got wrong...

    I've got two different methods of spawning items my Large and Small use the same method, my Medium uses a method closer to the video. Neither ones seems to be doing the trick...

    I'd like to spawn a unique colored number per spawn set when they spawn and unchanging until they fade and are destroyed.

    I've probably built this way too complex or there are probably a lot better ways but this is what my brain built so here I am...

    I assign Instance Variables to the name for each instance but when the Animation Frame set is changed they all change...

    .capx posted here:



  • Thanks for the replies! I uninstalled from the Steam client and re-installed from a direct download from the website. That fixed everything! I should have gone through Steam if I wanted to stay in Steam I guess... better this way anyway I think.

  • I downloaded Construct 2 through Steam. I purchased a Personal License from the website. I probably should have gone through Steam... but I didn't realize I could. None of the options listed for installing the license are working...

    Put it in your "Documents" folder.

    Or put it directly in your Construct 2 install directory.

    Or manually locate it by clicking the blue 'i' symbol in Construct 2 and click "Load License File". Then select your "c2license.txt" file.

    Tried all that. Still stuck with "Free Edition". The Manual Locate "blue i" is not blue... and there is no "Load License File" option... only Purchase License which then takes me back to Steam.

  • Oh thanks! Happy it was something simple... That makes a lot of sense though because the tweaks I was doing at the time were in an attempt to keep the objects from slowing down. It failed and I came up with another way but never though to reset the density. Thanks for taking a look!

  • dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/39000273/Clean%20Test.capx

    Here you go! When I first built this the "Emitters" would rotate on impacts as expected... Then I went in and manually adjusted the rotation of each object to see if the starting rotation effected the direction the velocity was applied. After that I've lost the rotation from collision that the Emitters had before.

    The first time this happened I deleted all Emitters and rebuilt them... rotation came back. I manually randomized the starting rotation between each emitter and again lost the rotation change on physical impacts!

    The goal is to be able to fill as much of the faded color area with solid color block as possible without any overlapping. I have a much improved concept for preventing overlaps that I have not yet implemented.


  • I have a bunch of Sprites in a box with Physics applied, the walls are solids. Super basic... I have each Sprite set to "Prevent Rotation: No" but they won't rotate... if I delete one and rebuild it I get Rotation back from Collision with other Sprites and Walls but after making some changes in other areas my Sprites stop Rotating like they should... Having to rebuild to get back Rotation is getting very tedious because the Sprites control other things with their motion.

    How do I get my Rotation back? It helps the random movement of my Sprites quite a bit even though they are just square.


  • I have figured out how to use CSS styling to change the look of Lists but I am at a loss on how to turn it. I have need of it being sideways and no matter what I do it won't rotate.

    I tried:









    I don't think I'm doing it right...

  • So... you have to build and kind of know the pixel space you want to display and set the scroll to show that area... I think I got it... It won't really show in the builder but its the result you get when it runs. I get the camera reference... the Window is what my lens can see, the Layout what I'm shooting at. Thanks that makes a lot more sense!

  • Maybe this is something super basic or completely impossible but here is what I would like to do...

    I have a 1920x1080 Layout with a 1920x100 Window size. The problem is that the Window is the top 100 pixels... I would like to center it on the 1080...

    The game plays vertically in a very tall thin strip and I have need of Layout area on either side. I would like to use the Destroy Outside Layout for easy bullet management but there are bounce objects outside the view space on both sides.

    Really I'd like to be able to position the Window within the Layout but have control over the total size of the layout...

    I hope this makes sense... I'm very new to this and having fun so far!
