goblynn93's Forum Posts

  • I wanted to avoid using anything that specifically wrote files because of how long this app is going to be running. I don't know if the clipboard uses a drive based cache or not. This app will potentially run 24/7 for ... years? Not sure what they will do with it once I hand it off. If I can keep these messages from stressing the hard drive more than just normal operation that would be ideal. I am still working on the websocket solution as this would give me incredible flexibility to do all kinds of interfacing and communication with lots of stuff outside of C2 and my apps. The use of the clipboard is a great temporary fix for this, and will likely get me through my demo with flying colors, but getting the websocket working is really the ideal situation.

  • Thank you for the response! This is exactly the info I needed. I actually have a node.js expert working on the communication side of the app now and I am focused on the interface. I am good at the interface... not so much the more complex behind the scenes stuff! I didn't even know node.js existed until a few days ago and I don't know JavaScript at all so bringing in another brain who knows this stuff is a good thing I think.

    I did get this working through the Node-Webkit Clipboard and as this app is running on a very controlled situation with no real user I can get away with it. For this app its ok but I plan to make more that have multiple interfaces running at the same time so I need to learn better ways to do this. So I am hoping to learn a bit from my friend the node.js coder and see what he comes up with.

  • Interesting... good to know for the future! For the project I am on I am only trying to send a trigger message which can delay even up to a full 1 second and the user experience won't suffer. Thanks for giving me something new to look into after this project is complete! (if it ever completes... ugh)

  • I am running two NW.exe one called ColorPage.exe and one called ButtonPage.exe

    Using a suggestion from R0J0hound I have managed to get this to work using the Clipboard.

    You may be correct in that the websocket/socket.io/node.js issues I am having are because I am running two NW apps at the same time but I have a node.js programmer working with me now to figure that all out.

  • R0J0hound you're a lifesaver... thank you so much for giving me a totally different view and solution to this issue! Clipboard never even crossed my mind. And its so simple!

    When I am done with my project I am going to have to write something about using Construct 2 for creating non-game applications (I am building an interactive Kiosk and (semi?)permanent display installation) and I will be sure to credit you with showing me this for quick/easy passing of data.

  • I have avoided writing/reading files because this system will be running 24 hours a day/7 days a week for possibly years... I would like to not put that kind of read/write on the hard drive.

    Using the clipboard is a very interesting idea that I had not thought of... The clipboard is not going to be in use on this machine at all. The final build is a highly restricted use Kiosk so monopolizing the clipboard is not an issue.

    Thanks for the great idea I am going to look into this immediately.

  • I have two apps both running on the same Windows computer, both Node-Webkkit exports.

    How do I send a simple message from one to the other? A text string "1234" for example...

    Press a button in App1 and it sends "1234" to App2. App2 reads that and sets its MessageVariable to the incoming message...

    Not hard right?

    Yet I can't seem to do it...

    Help! I have less than a week left to get this working!

  • Set

    visibility to int(WebSocket.MessageText)

    Let me know how it goes.

    Still not working.

    If I knew anything at all about JavaScript and/or node.js this would be a lot easier... Maybe I am just missing something and this whole thing is a lot simpler than I've made it but it seems like passing a couple numbers between two apps is really really complicated.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I updated the links. Sorry about that...

    I will try your suggestion and see how it goes.

  • I have been trying to figure this out for days.

    I do not know what I am doing. Research on the internet is not helping because much information seems to be outdated.

    I need to share a basic data item between two apps. I do not need "chat" I do not need multi-player functions... I just simply need to share a variable between two apps.

    These two apps are super simple and they illustrate how incredibly basic my need is.

    I am trying to use node.js socket.io and the Websocket object.

    I have not been able to get this to work.





    Server script:


  • I have two apps that are running on the same Windows machine. I need to pass data between them as fast as possible.

    The new Multiplayer seems like it would be easier to work with than WebSockets/node.js/socket.io as I know nothing about any of that and the learning curve is not exactly easy.

    My problem with Multiplayer is the Windows machine has no network. No internet, no intranet, noLAN, no WAN. So connecting to wss://multiplayer.scirra.com is not going to work. I need to stay local to

    Can I use Multiplayer in a pure peer-to-peer setup or even better: between two peers on the same host?

    Is this overkill when all I really need to do is pass 2 or 4 variables between the two apps as remote triggers?

    Is there a better way to pass some simple data between the apps?

  • I have created two separate apps. They both use NodeWebKit to create a .exe for use on Windows computers.

    I would like to be able to share data between the two apps. Instead of combining the two apps I think it would be easier to simply output data from one and read it with the other...

    I would also like it to be fast enough that I can create triggers in one app and have them picked up in the other app.

    App 1: press button to set (webstorage?) variable to 0 or 1

    App 2: while variable is 0 do A, while variable is 1 do B

    Is there a way to do this? Through JSON or AJAX or Webstorage or something? I need to pass a trigger and a number but if I can pass one I can figure out the other...

    Both apps are running at the same time on the same computer... Is Webstorage Local or Session available as the same thing between both apps or does each app create its own instance and you can't share the data?


  • I have an array built using AJAX and CSV2ARRAY plugin.

    Example data:

    Carrot, Juice


    Apple, Sauce



    Coconut, Chocolate

    Row 0 has X and Y but Row 1 does not have a Y value.

    0, 0 = "Carrot"

    0, 1 = "Juice"


    1, 0 = "Banana"

    What is 1, 1?


    1, 1 = ""


    1, 1 = 0


    I want to create an If/Else using the data...

    If Current.Y != "" Then Create 2 small objects for text display evenly spaced.

    Else Create 1 large object for text display centered.

    If I have never assigned data to an Array cell should I use "" to check for an empty cell?


  • I am in the planning stages of an adventure game that I'm hoping to create for non-mobile devices... My thought is everyone I know has two monitors and I love games that can use both monitors. I want the game on one screen and a mini-map and/or character stat/inventory sheet to be able to use the secondary Extended desktop space if its available.

    Before I get started I am wondering if its even possible to run two full screen layouts on different monitors from the same project?

  • I am wondering how to create windows that are outside of my app and either go full screen or have no browser border on them and allow users to place them where they want...

    Is this possible?