ginsengsamurai's Forum Posts

  • 14 posts
  • I heard about Scirra Construct Classic quite awhile ago. Not sure when and where, but I believe it was after searching for free game creation tools that i happened on CC. However, I never downloaded a Scirra product until possibly 2 years-ish later with C2. In fact, I bought the early adoption license without even trying the free version. ^_^

    PS: I can finally get on the forums after 7.5 months!!! Woohoo! Thanks Team Scirra. ^_^

    Played this mini metroid demo, thought it was frickin cool, found out it was made using Construct, got me interested. Wait a minute...this thread is a year old!

    Oops! I just noticed that after I read your post!   <img src="smileys/smiley9.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • I think s/he wants a partnership so they can work on a game exclusively without the nuisances of the waiting game looking for answers. It's one thing to get help from the community, but totally a different thing to have a dedicated person to work on a project.

    Think of it this way: do you want to work in a team where people are devoted to it and will try to meet goals OR work 'alone' and stretch out the process of development? On one hand, you have an organization in which each person has a specific role and work is divided up accordingly. On the other hand, you work alone and through trial and error, you may get the sense of accomplishment for figuring things on your own and with the help of others, but unless you have no life (or you're very wealthy, lots of time on your hands, retired, etc), this isn't the optimal way of doing projects.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • There are MMO game creation tools on the net, but I find them to be utterly ridiculously hard to use. So unless you have a knack for understanding a programmer's mind (speaking of GUI design flow here), I suggest you get together with a programmer and try to create an MMOG with C2 but start small and work your way up from there. Eg: MMOG Pong > MMOG Checkers > MMOG Text-based/static images with X number of turns per hours or day(s) like Legend of the Red Dragon or Legend of the Green Dragon.

    I think it would be great to see a plugin or guide that helps you create an online scoreboard thingy stored in SQL or some other database system, then expanded on for online scoreboard achievements. Of course, this isn't really an MMOG concept, but it does create a sort of social community and would be great for forum web sites.

  • Merry holidays ladies and gents, boys and girls and anyone in between. ^_^

  • In no particular order:

    • Bastion
    • Machinarium

    Hmm, I thought I had more. This is a good sign I need sleep. ^_^

  • I find it moronic that many American politicians and many Americans for that matter, bash Communism for being an evil to be destroyed due to many of its leaders using censorship to 'duct tape' the voices that scream liberty and freedom, then turn around and create these two bills that does exactly the thing they supposedly loath.

    It's already bad enough watching American politics from across the border north and wonder what in nine hells they're doing, but these two bills are just outright retarded (apologies to those medically retarded). There are better ways to combat piracy, which it seems none of the big names have taken and instead go after the mom and pop users, like fining one single mother of four $1.5 million for downloading a few MP3's.

    What really amazes me is that the RIAA seriously was pleased with this ruling. Oh yes, please enact capital punishment for petty thieves while they do nothing against the real problem: the pirate hackers and distributors.

    Now with SOPA and the other bill, the government are seriously idiots and so is the RIAA and all the big names that support this. Why do I think they're idiots? Because enforcing the two bills is like destroying all the roads and transportation systems around the world, just so a few pirates have a harder time transmitting stolen data AND punishing everyone else who even hints or mentions copyrighted material.

    Seriously? I always had a speckle of hope for my American neighbors, but this - THESE BILLS has seriously gone too far.

    To my sensible American neighbors: please try to fight harder. Stop Faux News and stop the Republicans and Democrats whom are screwing all this up. It's just so messed up.

  • I think ultimately, whether it is a bad idea or good idea, the idea should still stand for those who seek game engines to dissect. If you're the type who are purists, then don't buy the game engines and make your software from ground up. No one is forcing to do so. If you're not a purist and would like to use existing code to help build the framework of your game, then go ahead and buy the game engine.

    Reality check: whether something is a clone or not, doesn't affect you as a purist. You despise clones, no one is asking you play clones. What you don't like, shouldn't be the standard for others who want to buy game engines.

    If your belief is that a C2 user shouldn't use C2 because s/he can't learn the application as well as one of the C2 veterans, then that is nothing short of being a C2 snob. What is the goal of C2? It is to help those who seek to make games without using programming knowledge. What is so good about C2? It's great because it allows programmers to improve the game's logic and structure by editing the code, WHILE at the same time still give non-programmers a way to make a game.

    I know a lot of people who have a hard time editing photos and simple graphics with Photoshop - the every day 'newbies'. Does that mean they should stop using Photoshop and hire a professional? That doesn't make sense if you're a father of three, who wants to create a simple family web site. Templates, game engines, tool kits allow that.

  • I found a great example for a game with known characters:

    it's called blip and blop and it's contain smurfs, pokemon and more.

    Yes, but like others have already said and to put it simply: if you want to take the risk, go for it. There are a lot of fan-made games on the net and many of them were created without the consent of their owners, but this doesn't mean it's legal and this doesn't mean the owner may turn a blind eye. TL22 has especially nailed it on the bulls eye.

    I think this thread and all its answers have pretty much covered the original question. Now it comes down to what you will do regardless of who tells you what.

  • If you want to make a game, learn how to make it. There are already enough examples about a lot of things in the "How do I" section of the forum.

    I'm old school in that aspect that I grew up being taught "if you want to do something, practice, learn and put effort in it".

    I agree with you on a personal level, but I disagree with you if you exert that same standard on others.

    To clarify, I have the same/similar approach when people ask me for help. I often take the route that helps make the person think for themselves and get the answers themselves, eg: point them in the right direction, than to outright tell them the answer. There is a saying that coincides this: "Give a person a fish and s/he'll be fed for the day. Show a person how to fish and s/he'll never go hungry again."

    However, this same standard is also like saying that our principles should be the standard for the entire world. In essence, it would be a positive feat for everyone to think this way, but at the same time in reality, by enforcing such an idea on others, it means we deprive them the factor of choice and preference. Eg: "My dad demands that I become a doctor, because he's a doctor and his dad was a doctor and his dad's dad was a doctor."


    As for answering OP: I think it's an interesting idea. I believe the developers for Torque has a similar thing going for them. They're not full fledged games you can buy and dissect, but they are completed engines you can use to help build your game. Actually, a lot of professional game companies lease game engines for their own usage. Eg: the CryEngine for the Far Cry games is also used for Aion, the MMOG.

  • Sounds like a fun thread. Here are a couple of mine:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    ^ I'm the guy on the right.

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Not sure if this has been addressed, but when using Firefox 7.0.1, the Post Options box pops up at the far right of the screen.

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • You'll have to contact them. I can't read their web site, as the language is not English or Chinese, but if you can find it, just look for their contact email, postal address or phone number and ask for permission.

    Their site:

    Normally, they wouldn't let you because it comes down to control over the assets and representation. For example, the company I used to work with would right off the bat reject everyone who wants to create games after our characters unless they were hired by us or partnered with us for that specific purpose.

    However, you should still give it a try. You never know if a company like them would want some extra exposure.

  • Excellent! Thank you for the quick answers. I'll head on over to buy the license now. /bows

  • Hi Scirra team...

    I have been scouring the net for a game engine that is as painless as possible for someone who has mainly worked with the visual side of things. Tried all of them: Torque 2D/3D, Game Maker, Unity 3D (this one def no go), Blender Game Engine and tons of others.

    Anyway, finally got my hands on Construct 2 and did the tutorials and I think this app has a huge potential. So I'm highly considering getting an Early Adopter license. I have read the FAQ but I still have the following I need answered:

    1) Does the license cover future editions of Construct 2? Eg: Construct 2.1, Construct 2.5, etc?

    2) I am assuming the licenses will only cover Construct 2.x and not far future versions like Construct 3.x?

    3) Is the cost a monthly/yearly thing or is this a one time thing?

    4) Do you prefer orange juice with pulp or without?   <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • 14 posts