Gigatron's Forum Posts

  • Once again Gigatron delivers, big thanks for your contributions!

    I was wondering if it's possible to set the other faces of an object to show different graphics (for example have the top face have a grass texture, the side faces grass + dirt texture and the bottom face have dirt texture)? If not, maybe you can consider this for future versions, by having different faces be different animation frames of an object or something. Anyway, awesome job and keep up the good work! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">


    Ok here an example of what you are expected ... This shader has great possibility and with a little hack we can map 3 face with 3 texture... face X,Y and Z so i used this and maked an example for you. I must adjust shader later ... for now tell me if this is your

    request... ?

    Regards ..

  • Gigatron - This looks very nice XD . But, I don't know if this is normal, but I experience hugh fps drop on preview but still playable.

    You are right ... it's caused by this shader math calculation.. be patient i will improve that to gain maximum performance

  • I know this fx can be done with events.. but i made it to exploit shaders.

    Not finished yet, you can for example use it when you win game etc....

    Original source from shadertoy converted in 5 min .. to C2

    Look anyway if you are interested...


    This shader is done now.. Much faster than before.

    For request special params please PM.

  • Waltuo ; Lordshiva1948 ,

    i have updated this project for the final release, use it for your pleasure..

    First post :

  • Try Construct 3

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    > I am working full time on threejs/C2 interaction now... but protracker is in my todo list...

    > regards


    Looking forward to it! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">


    I have just updated this plugin with .. song forward/backward jump command and stereo separation 0/1/2 type.

    Removed Dynamic compressor from Web api.. etc ./..

    for .capx ... PM me !

    Live demo:

    Regards ..

  • Gigatron link is not working

    maybe i have a server problem , but it's working now .

  • If i have the 3D Starfield plugin installed can i make a game like wolfenstein 3D ?

    If i can then how to make so that the player can turn around and move ?

    Sorry you can't do that..... your request is different of this plugin..

  • Waltuo

    Once again Gigatron delivers, big thanks for your contributions!

    I was wondering if it's possible to set the other faces of an object to show different graphics (for example have the top face have a grass texture, the side faces grass + dirt texture and the bottom face have dirt texture)? If not, maybe you can consider this for future versions, by having different faces be different animation frames of an object or something. Anyway, awesome job and keep up the good work! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    * I have just updated the demo to include right left up and bottom wall.

    First tank you for your good comments.

    For now Construct2 glsl can accept 1 texture just the fragment shader no atribute for now.. Be sure Mr Ashley will do something for the future.. this is why i believe of the future OF CONSTRUCT2 and to the Scirra Staff.

    With little hack you can do what you expect to transpose 2 object with different texture i think.

    i will try do that .. without glsl


  • This is so cool. I did find a little issue but it's pretty rare. When I jump alongside platforms, sometimes my playerbox gets stuck on the side of it. I'm not sure where that could be coming from but I thought I'd share.

    I know this problem, i think this is caused by the collision detection of polygon selection.

    Click to the cube to see the polygon for collision ,i will look that , the other solution is to

    place invisible rectangle block over cubes.

    Thank you for this report ..

    ** ok i have just tested this , the solution is like above place invisible block over each cubes. This will

    increase objects number in screen but not really affect speed performance , you can make over 200 cubes+

    200 invisible block without lost frame rate..


  • Gigatron take your time Rome was not built in DAY

    Nothing can stop Human brain (working non-stop) <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    Ok here is the last example.

    .capx example :

    Fx File:

    ** Click to the cubes to see the Collision polygon... you must adapt it to the correct visualization when play the


    Hope this will contribute to all platform games with Construct2 ... May The Supremacy bless you .

  • Thank you very much for all good comments..

    I made many modification in this shader to easily make 2.5d games. Just to finetune collision detection and i will publish it.

    Avantage of shaders are really faster cause use GPU. I am working with Threejs since 1 month and if you mix threejs + C2 with collisions .. the performance is really poor .

    So look example above to see the progress of this 2.5d project .//

    ** new parameters are width, height and depth.

    Wait a little bit i have done %90.. of work you just need add platform on layout not coding or else.

    Have fun

  • How do i use .rar effects? The effects in the Construct 2 folder are .fx and .xml.

    .rar package is compacted file like .zip you must extract it with .. winrar for example.

  • Ok .. is this fx usefull ?

    sorry for my inactivity but i have a .capx for C2 users.

    Here is a demo show a little platform example.

    .capx :

  • This FX was teleported to :

  • Hi L&G here is another gift from me to all C2 users.

    2.5D Platformer FX usefull for making nice pseudo 3d platform games. Original shader from Mr IQ (shadertoy master).

    Live Demo:

    Rar fx file;

    .Capx file:

    This capx use C2 Stable r223

    ** I think this little project is finished and the final fx file is released. The explanation for using this fx is included in the .capx file.

    So look correctly the invisible block to make best collision detection etc... Last word , if you want make a game start with this


    Have Fun