[Effect] 2.5D Platformer

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10 Retro songs ideal for platformers or farming games
  • Waltuo you don't ask for much do you?

  • Waltuo

    Once again Gigatron delivers, big thanks for your contributions!

    I was wondering if it's possible to set the other faces of an object to show different graphics (for example have the top face have a grass texture, the side faces grass + dirt texture and the bottom face have dirt texture)? If not, maybe you can consider this for future versions, by having different faces be different animation frames of an object or something. Anyway, awesome job and keep up the good work! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    * I have just updated the demo to include right left up and bottom wall.


    First tank you for your good comments.

    For now Construct2 glsl can accept 1 texture just the fragment shader no atribute for now.. Be sure Mr Ashley will do something for the future.. this is why i believe of the future OF CONSTRUCT2 and to the Scirra Staff.

    With little hack you can do what you expect to transpose 2 object with different texture i think.

    i will try do that .. without glsl


  • Gigatron link is not working

  • Gigatron link is not working

    maybe i have a server problem , but it's working now .http://gigatron3k.free.fr/html5/C2/3d6

  • Thanks my friend Gigatron

  • Waltuo you don't ask for much do you?

    I probably am, I'm not going to even pretend I have a clue how all this technical wizardry works so I don't even know if what I'm asking is realistic or not. I don't mean to come off as ungrateful or overly demanding, as what Gigatron is doing is amazing and greatly appreciated. I'm not expecting all my requests to be fullfilled either, just offering feature suggestions for future:)

  • Waltuo don't worry about it it just that it takes time to develop something. Just like you are learning same way to create something from start it takes lot's of work and planing. Gigatron is doing his best when it finished you be first to know about it. Therefore please ignore what I said and wait for Gigatron

  • Waltuo ; Lordshiva1948 ,

    i have updated this project for the final release, use it for your pleasure..

    First post :

  • Gigatron Thank you and Waltuo see I told you

  • Once again Gigatron delivers, big thanks for your contributions!

    I was wondering if it's possible to set the other faces of an object to show different graphics (for example have the top face have a grass texture, the side faces grass + dirt texture and the bottom face have dirt texture)? If not, maybe you can consider this for future versions, by having different faces be different animation frames of an object or something. Anyway, awesome job and keep up the good work! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">


    Ok here an example of what you are expected ... This shader has great possibility and with a little hack we can map 3 face with 3 texture... face X,Y and Z so i used this and maked an example for you. I must adjust shader later ... for now tell me if this is your

    request... ? http://gigatron3k.free.fr/html5/C2/3d7

    Regards ..

  • Gigatron YES! This is exactly what I was thinking of, looks awesome!:) Indeed this brings great new possibilities for C2 development. Thank you again for all your hard work. Perfect!!

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  • Gigatron

    That looks very cool. Reminds me of Construct Classic 3dBox object.

  • Gigatron no words to describe this work you have done

  • I'm glad you like it...

    Another last update include X,Y,Z and All Face for cubes.

    X= face mean left/Right Face others are empty

    Y= face mean Top/Bottm face others are empty

    Z= face mean Near and Far face in Z axis .. hope you understand other faces are empty.

    All face= All faces are filled by texture.

    Debug mode.. if you set to 1 the empty space around cube is filled by Yellow. This is usefull when you set X face and the cube

    become invisible in editor.

    At start I did not know that this will have some powerfull possibility.

    ** Important this shader is just for visual, The mysterious Vtex is the screen of each Sprite, this is the reason why we set Zoom factor to -6.5 for example. Consider each block like a screen and inside this screen the result of FX.

    So in Editor ... set snap to grid to 4x4 and show grid.. make zoom for transposing correctly boxes.

    for collision you know you must add invisible SOLID block over each Cubes..

    Last live demo; with face texturing boxes.


    the .capx ; download it after fx file installation.


    The latest version of this fx in .rar format: http://gigatron3k.free.fr/html5/C2/FX/25dplatformfx.rar

    Have fun

  • Before reading book ... and sleeping ; i would like to share a little demo i made quickly..

    score counter and all block are shader fx, invisible collision blocks + notes and player are 2D sprites.


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