<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!-- About -->
<id>XBR</id> <!-- Never change the ID. Change the name instead -->
<category>Advanced Effect Layout</category>
<description>Use this effect on individual sprites or the whole layout. Based on code by Hyllian and Anata</description>
<!-- Settings -->
<!-- Extend the bounding box for effect processing by a number of pixels to show the edges
of effects which go beyond the object edges, e.g. blur and warp. -->
<!-- Set to true if the background is sampled (samplerBack is referenced at all in the shader) -->
<!-- Set to true if the background is not sampled at 1:1 with the foreground (e.g. the
background texture co-ordinates are modified in some way by the shader, as done
by Glass and Lens) -->
<!-- Set to true if the effect changes over time, e.g. Noise or Warp effects. -->
<!-- Parameters -->
<description>Destination X</description>
<description>Destination Y</description>
<name>X Coef</name>
<description>X Coef Multiplier</description>
<name>Y Coef</name>
<description>Y Coef Multiplier</description>
[code:1zrs66q1]#ifdef GL_ES
precision mediump float;
uniform mediump sampler2D samplerFront;
varying mediump vec2 vTex;
uniform mediump float seconds;
uniform mediump float date;
uniform mediump float pixelWidth;
uniform mediump float pixelHeight;
vec2 iResolution = vec2( 1./pixelWidth, 1./pixelHeight);
uniform float WindowsWidth;
uniform float WindowsHeight;
uniform float x_coef;
uniform float y_coef;
const float coef=2.0;
const vec3 rgbw = vec3(14.352, 28.176, 5.472);
// const vec2 dx = vec2( 0.0009765625, 0.0);
// const vec2 dy = vec2( 0.0, 0.001953125 );
// const vec2 x2 = vec2( 0.001953125 , 0.0);
// const vec2 y2 = vec2( 0.0 , 0.00390625 );
// const vec4 xy = vec4( 0.0009765625, 0.001953125,-0.0009765625,-0.001953125);
// const vec4 zw = vec4( 0.001953125 , 0.001953125,-0.001953125 ,-0.00390625 );
// const vec4 wz = vec4( 0.0009765625, 0.00390625 ,-0.0009765625,-0.00390625 );
vec4 df(vec4 A, vec4 B)
return abs(A-B);
vec4 weighted_distance(vec4 a, vec4 b, vec4 c, vec4 d, vec4 e, vec4 f, vec4 g, vec4 h)
return (df(a,b) + df(a,c) + df(d,e) + df(d,f) + 4.0*df(g,h));
void main()
// float x = 0.5 * (1.0 / WindowsWidth);
// float y = 0.5 * (1.0 / WindowsHeight);
vec2 dx = vec2( 0.0009765625, 0.0);//vec2(x, 0.0);//
vec2 dy = vec2( 0.0, 0.001953125 );//vec2(0.0, y);//
vec2 x2 = vec2( 0.001953125 , 0.0);//vec2(y, 0);//
vec2 y2 = vec2(0.0, 0.00390625);//vec2( 0.0 , y*2.0 );//
vec4 xy = vec4( 0.0009765625, 0.001953125,-0.0009765625,-0.001953125);//vec4( x, y,-x,-y);//
vec4 zw = vec4( 0.001953125 , 0.001953125,-0.001953125 ,-0.00390625 );//vec4( y , y,-y ,-(y*2.0) );//
vec4 wz = vec4( 0.0009765625, 0.00390625 ,-0.0009765625,-0.00390625 ); //vec4( x, y*2.0 ,-x,-(y*2.0) );//
vec4 edr, edr_left, edr_up; bvec4 px; // px = pixel, edr = edge detection rule
vec4 interp_restriction_lv1, interp_restriction_lv2_left, interp_restriction_lv2_up;
bvec4 nc; // new_color
vec4 fx, fx_left, fx_up; // inequations of straight lines.
float alpha = texture2D(samplerFront, vTex).a;
vec2 fp = fract(vTex.xy*vec2(WindowsWidth,WindowsHeight));
vec2 TexCoord_0 = vTex.xy-fp*vec2(0.0009765625*x_coef, 0.001953125*y_coef);//vec2(x, y);
vec3 A = texture2D(samplerFront, TexCoord_0 + xy.zw ).xyz;
vec3 B = texture2D(samplerFront, TexCoord_0 -dy ).xyz;
vec3 C = texture2D(samplerFront, TexCoord_0 + xy.xw ).xyz;
vec3 D = texture2D(samplerFront, TexCoord_0 - dx ).xyz;
vec3 E = texture2D(samplerFront, TexCoord_0 ).xyz;
vec3 F = texture2D(samplerFront, TexCoord_0 + dx ).xyz;
vec3 G = texture2D(samplerFront, TexCoord_0 + xy.zy ).xyz;
vec3 H = texture2D(samplerFront, TexCoord_0 +dy ).xyz;
vec3 I = texture2D(samplerFront, TexCoord_0 + xy.xy ).xyz;
vec3 A1 = texture2D(samplerFront, TexCoord_0 + wz.zw ).xyz;
vec3 C1 = texture2D(samplerFront, TexCoord_0 + wz.xw ).xyz;
vec3 A0 = texture2D(samplerFront, TexCoord_0 + zw.zw ).xyz;
vec3 G0 = texture2D(samplerFront, TexCoord_0 + zw.zy ).xyz;
vec3 C4 = texture2D(samplerFront, TexCoord_0 + zw.xw ).xyz;
vec3 I4 = texture2D(samplerFront, TexCoord_0 + zw.xy ).xyz;
vec3 G5 = texture2D(samplerFront, TexCoord_0 + wz.zy ).xyz;
vec3 I5 = texture2D(samplerFront, TexCoord_0 + wz.xy ).xyz;
vec3 B1 = texture2D(samplerFront, TexCoord_0 - y2 ).xyz;
vec3 D0 = texture2D(samplerFront, TexCoord_0 - x2 ).xyz;
vec3 H5 = texture2D(samplerFront, TexCoord_0 + y2 ).xyz;
vec3 F4 = texture2D(samplerFront, TexCoord_0 + x2 ).xyz;
vec4 b = vec4(dot(B ,rgbw), dot(D ,rgbw), dot(H ,rgbw), dot(F ,rgbw));
vec4 c = vec4(dot(C ,rgbw), dot(A ,rgbw), dot(G ,rgbw), dot(I ,rgbw));
vec4 d = b.yzwx;
vec4 e = vec4(dot(E,rgbw));
vec4 f = b.wxyz;
vec4 g = c.zwxy;
vec4 h = b.zwxy;
vec4 i = c.wxyz;
vec4 i4 = vec4(dot(I4,rgbw), dot(C1,rgbw), dot(A0,rgbw), dot(G5,rgbw));
vec4 i5 = vec4(dot(I5,rgbw), dot(C4,rgbw), dot(A1,rgbw), dot(G0,rgbw));
vec4 h5 = vec4(dot(H5,rgbw), dot(F4,rgbw), dot(B1,rgbw), dot(D0,rgbw));
vec4 f4 = h5.yzwx;
vec4 Ao = vec4( 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 1.0 );
vec4 Bo = vec4( 1.0, 1.0, -1.0,-1.0 );
vec4 Co = vec4( 1.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5 );
vec4 Ax = vec4( 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 1.0 );
vec4 Bx = vec4( 0.5, 2.0, -0.5,-2.0 );
vec4 Cx = vec4( 1.0, 1.0, -0.5, 0.0 );
vec4 Ay = vec4( 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 1.0 );
vec4 By = vec4( 2.0, 0.5, -2.0,-0.5 );
vec4 Cy = vec4( 2.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.5 );
vec4 Ci = vec4(0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25);
// These inequations define the line below which interpolation occurs.
fx = vec4(greaterThan(Ao*fp.y+Bo*fp.x,Co));
fx_left = vec4(greaterThan(Ax*fp.y+Bx*fp.x,Cx));
fx_up = vec4(greaterThan(Ay*fp.y+By*fp.x,Cy));
interp_restriction_lv1 = vec4(notEqual(e,f))*vec4(notEqual(e,h));
interp_restriction_lv2_left = vec4(notEqual(e,g))*vec4(notEqual(d,g));
interp_restriction_lv2_up = vec4(notEqual(e,c))*vec4(notEqual(b,c));
edr = vec4(lessThan(weighted_distance( e, c, g, i, h5, f4, h, f), weighted_distance( h, d, i5, f, i4, b, e, i)))*interp_restriction_lv1;
edr_left = vec4(lessThanEqual(coef*df(f,g),df(h,c)))*interp_restriction_lv2_left;
edr_up = vec4(greaterThanEqual(df(f,g),coef*df(h,c)))*interp_restriction_lv2_up;
nc = bvec4 (edr*(max(max(fx, edr_left*fx_left), edr_up*fx_up)));
px = lessThanEqual(df(e,f),df(e,h));
vec3 res = nc.x ? px.x ? F : H : nc.y ? px.y ? B : F : nc.z ? px.z ? D : B : nc.w ? px.w ? H : D : E;
gl_FragColor.xyz = res;
gl_FragColor.a = alpha;
Dont forget to follow variables in source try to understand what they do ....