GeometriX's Forum Posts

  • Nice one. You've nailed that creepy, unsettling tone quite well with sparing use of music and sound effects.

    Only issue I found is that the context-sensitive icons seemed to be pretty random - it almost always went to the look icon; very seldom would the use/take icon trigger for an object I could pick up. I'd also appreciate a talk icon.

    Overall, quite slick - especially for a jam game. The single-click interface is a nice idea, and the whole thing has this "murder evening" feel to it which I really enjoyed.

    Great references, too: Donnie Darko, The Shining, Clerks :D

  • You can pick the platform beneath the object with Object -> Is overlapping at offset (0,1). Then set the object's angle to the platform's angle.

    It's a bit quirky though, and you'll find yourself running into a lot of instances that require workarounds. You also have to be very careful about what angles you set your platforms to. I had this same functionality in an earlier version of my current project and eventually scrapped it because there was so much fiddling required.

  • Brilliant idea, but sadly I do think most of us wouldn't be able to attend.

    I go to London at least a couple times a year, but I doubt those visits would ever coincide with a meetup event. Still, I'll keep an eye out for the date and see if I get lucky :)

    Otherwise, is anybody going to be at GDC/Gamescom? I'll be at Gamescom, so maybe we could arrange something there?

  • Yeah, I realised after I fully tested with movement and aiming that I was referring to the left analogue stick there.

    To be frank, you should know how to fix this - you need to spend some time working through the manual and trying to understand how the gamepad object works and how axes are indexed.

  • This question came up earlier today, and I answered it already, but here's an example capx that includes movement controls.

    It's pretty rough, but it functions well enough.

  • Ashley, aha, thanks for clarifying that.

    Turns out that having a bajillion bullet objects (mostly enemies, but also collectable coins that bounce along the ground) in a level was the cause. It also seems that these checks happen even the bullet behaviour is disabled. Is this something that I simply need to accept, or is there a way around it?

  • Sooooo pushing 500 poly checks/tick would be pretty bad, then?

    Is there any way to exclude certain objects from these checks? I have a quite a number of background objects that mostly just sit around doing nothing, but I guess they're all chewing up a little piece of performance by simply overlapping.

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  • Yes, you're correct in your understanding.

    You've got one other option, and that's to do it manually using the Sprite -> Load image from URL action. The idea here is that you use dummy or low-res images as the sprite images, and then, as necessary, load their high-res versions (probably pre-load it in the preceding layout). These high-res versions can be stored in the project folder and retrieved with a relative URL.

    Here's an example of it in action, and here's the capx. It's set to change at 1 second just to make it noticeable on high-speed connections. It'll sit in the browser's cache once it's downloaded.

    The only real caveat is that you don't have much control over this system, other than creating a very laborious, or very smart, chain of On image URL loaded conditions to ensure the player can't continue until everything is loaded.

  • Regarding your second point: my current project makes extensive use of 8-directional shooting using the four arrow keys (and/or numpad) in every conceivable configuration and I haven't noticed an issue yet.

  • I believe you could get the angle with an expression like angle(0,0,Gamepad.Axis(0,0),Gamepad.Axis(0,1)), but unfortunately I can't test it as no browser recognises my Logitech controller.

    EDIT: I did some digging and found a neat utility called x360ce that tricks Windows into thinking any USB gamepad is an Xbox one. After setting it up, I tested it and the above expression does indeed work.

  • I'm decent enough with Photoshop but I've become quite fond of Inkscape after reading this brilliant blog: 2D Game Art for Programmers.

    For pixel art, I'd recommend Graphics Gale and/or Pickle. GG is excellent for designing animated characters, and I've found Pickle to be particularly useful for generating terrain and tilesets.

    Also, it's probably a bit much for your needs, but I wouldn't overlook the idea of designing in 3D and rendering to 2D. As a 3D animator, that's the easiest solution for me, but that's just because I suck when it comes to thinking and working in 2D :P

  • Select the object with the behaviour and, in the properties panel on the left, change "Default controls" to No.

    It is mentioned in the manual entry, by the way. All control-based behaviours (car, platform, etc.) have this feature.

  • if ppl want to download pirate i cant do anything, but if people want to buy and support us, i want to encourge them to buy it

    That right there is the crux of the matter. Pirates will pirate your game anyway - treat it as a great marketing tool and accept that they'd never be sales in the first place.

    Embrace your legitimate customers and give them the best experience possible. If that experience includes pointless DRM like mandatory logins, online requirements or even serial keys, you're just inconveniencing them for absolutely no gain.

    Put your game out there - charge for it - and believe in its quality. If it's good, it'll do well. You can't beat the original selling point.

  • The individual files that you link to will be public, but it won't operate as a web server, which is what is needed for this.

    I see that Dropbox doesn't automatically create the Public folder these days. Not sure what their thinking is, but click here to create one in your profile. Then you drag the entire exported html folder into the Public folder, share the index.html link and you should be good to go.

  • My pleasure :)

    That isn't loading. If you want to share your exported project, then you need to take the entire folder created by export html and place it in your Public folder in Dropbox, then share the link to index.html.