GeometriX's Forum Posts

  • It's awesome to see that my first point was addressed, but I'm bumping this with a few more suggestions, although I hope the other two I mentioned in the first post aren't forgotten.

    The first two are based on my experiences with 3DS Max. They're focused on speeding up and simplifying layout editing.

    1) Object groups: Often I find myself creating slices of levels/puzzles as they come to me, and I later place them into the level as I see fit. This would be made 100 times easier if those objects could be grouped together and repositioned as a single object. This isn't an event/container thing, just a convenience thing in the layout view. I realise that box selection is the preferred method to deal with this, but it's not always suitable.

    2) Lock/freeze individual objects: This would require a new object pane that would list all the locked objects, but it'd make it much easier when dealing with heavily layered layouts without having to lock entire layers.

    Lastly, again this is a small niggle:

    3) Comments above individual actions: I love my comments, and sometimes I have very lengthy events that become a bit visually muddled. If I could use comments within events as opposed to above them, it'd make organisation far easier and quicker.

  • You can already do this. Select your bottom-most layer and, in the properties panel on the left, change its background colour.

  • I don't know why you won't just test it yourself, but Webstorage works perfectly well - exactly as you'd want it to - on mobile.

  • I have customisable controls in my current project - took about an hour to put it all together including storing and returning values from WebStorage. From there, just use Key code pressed/down/released for all your control actions and animation changes.

  • Use the choose expression.

  • I made a Klotski example a little while ago for someone else that dealt with this issue by forcing the object to be dropped as soon as it touched certain blocks. Here it is.

  • Awesome, glad you figured it out. You should file a bug report in that forum; bugs mentioned elsewhere pretty-much get forgotten about.

  • I haven't really messed around with this sort of stuff, but I created a quick capx using your procedure and it works fine.

    The only thing I can think is you're using the wrong keyboard condition; maybe you're using on key pressed, instead of key down? Or perhaps you didn't give the car object the physics behaviour?

  • It depends on the type of save game system you're using, whether or not you'd ever want to pause the clock, and if you ever change the timescale.

    The most simple way is to call up wallclocktime, which simply counts the number of real-time seconds the game has been open for. This isn't ideal for some situations, like if you wanted to pause the game in any menus, during cinematics, and so on. It's also not ideal if you're using a custom save system (with WebStorage), as wallclocktime resets every time the game is opened. It will be restored if you use the built-in save game system, though.

    I'd suggest that you use a global variable, and increment it by dt every tick in all situations where you'd want to track the total time played. A neat way to display formatted time is with this expression: int((GameTime/3600)%60)&":"&zeropad(int((GameTime/60)%60),2)&":"&zeropad(int(GameTime%60),2)

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  • In most free-pathing TDs, the mobs attack the towers if they can't find a path through to the end. Usually, to prevent this being abused by the player to buy more time, those attacks are pretty brutal, and can wipe out a tower in a single attack.

    To program this, I'd imagine something simple like, if the mobs can't find a path to the exit, find a path to the nearest tower and start pummelling it. Once it's destroyed, try find the exit path again, and so on until the player feels like an idiot for trying to screw your game :P

    The other option is to prevent the player from putting down a blocking tower at all. In this case, just before you actually place down the tower (once it's been verified for position, cost, etc.), run a pathfinding action to see if a path is possible once the tower would be theoretically placed down. If it's not possible, prevent the tower from being placed.

  • Yup, I tested it on my side and it works perfectly. Export a NW version from this capx [r140] and see if it works. If it doesn't, then there might be something like an anti-virus preventing the app from launching another file.

  • You had it mostly right. You need to add a preceding forward-slash to your expression: NodeWebkit.AppFolder & "/dxwebsetup.exe".

  • Use the expression keyboard.StringFromKeyCode(Keyboard.LastKeyCode).

    EDIT: Just saw that this was a necro-post. Sorry. Anyway that is the expression that you want, Next time please don't post across multiple threads.

  • You must be a great person to hang out with ;)

  • BACLog Nice one. I like your air/ground implementation :)