GenkiGenga's Forum Posts

  • No worries mate.

  • Hey O.

    You can copy and paste everything you need from one project to another one. But keep in mind that all of your events you made in either project reference specific objects.

    If these objects (including variables) are not in the project that you are copying them to it simply wont work.

  • Hey,

    If you invert the action that tells the animation to play (so it reads as - mouse is not over sprite) then give it an action like set frame to X or stop animation that should work.

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  • Hey Stampedo,

    So you have your Layout and margin sizes in the layout properties window, but then you click on "Project properties" below that and then you should be able to set your actual window size.

  • Thats the most fun I have had spelling... well... Ever! I could probably use the help as well haha :)

    I got to wave 11 - 300 points.

    One thing, when you get to the stages with tons of zombies and there is multiple words starting with the same letter - It always chooses the Zombie/Word furthest away from the player (my eyes on the other hand naturally go to the zombie/word thats closest to the player).

    Great work.

  • Rory - I know what you mean. After listening to 01 again today Im thinking it would be perfect for one of those games where you have to connect up the water pipes before the water flow reaches the end.

    Its amazing that you can get so much inspiration from listening to music.

  • Wow, I think next time I might be the one asking you for help!

    I know what you mean about the late nights, I have had many trying to figure out what is going wrong in the past!

    I would be honoured with a mention in the credits but its really no problem, it was my pleasure. Others have helped me in much the same way so Im happy to pay it forward.

    Looking forward to playing it, definately keep me posted! ;)

  • Lol i just basically said what rory said.. Facepalm moment.

  • Hey Kisai,

    I remember going through a similar issue and ended up having to redo alot of work because I changed my mind.

    What you should be considering more than anything is: Where is this game going to go? If your targeting the Scirra Arcade then you can find details on the preferred resolution (sorry I dont know it off the top of my head).

    800x600 is pretty safe for places like Kongregate.

    1024x 768 (at least) for Chrome web store. But they also like it go bigger as well.

    If its for mobile then its probably worth digging through the forum for as much info you can find (there is a fair amount on here already).

    Hope that helps.

  • No worries Teahouse :)

    I have updated it for the arrows to dissapear when you get it correct and also fixed another issue caused in the process (when two arrows where close enough together they would both dissapear because they are overlapping). Again I just updated the arrows only.

    I also robbed you of a bit of experience though :) so to help you understand whats going on, Ive just added a couple of conditions to when you press the arrow. Now when you hit the correct arrow at the right time the arrow is also destroyed.

    One added condition checks if the arrow we want to destroy is overlapping the correct "Effect spawn" object (Without this it would destroy all the arrows that were overlapping any "effect spawn" objects), the second condition added is to also pick the closest arrow to that object. This way it will only pick 1 per click (and always the one that is closest to the object).

    I hope I explained that ok. (if not i can clarify)

    Thanks for playing Froghead!

    Im really glad you enjoyed it. Haha, yeah even I struggle on the end boss at times. He doesnt play around! :)

    (Your game is also looking great by the way - the music is perfectly timed and it really feels like your playing the music. Some of the parts when the arrows come together is really challenging!)

  • Hey teahouse,

    Take a look at this. I just moved the "set frame" to directly underneath where you initially spawned it. Seems to work well.

    I have only done it for the arrow keys, you will have to do the same for ASWD. then you can lose those last events altogether.

  • Nice work Tulamide,

    I have been listening to NES soundtracks lately, these are really good quality.

    CT 01 would be great for a retro scifi strategy game. Or a night stage.

    When I listen to CT 02 I can imagine starting off a level in darkness, bit of mystery maybe in a cave of some sort. Then at 28 seconds out steps a very Kirby like character into the light. Its a great track.

  • Thats crazy, i love it.

  • No worries!

    By the sounds of things you'll be catching up pretty quickly. I'll keep you updated about the site ;)

  • Not too bad Hydar. I liked it. Some of the effects are cool.