GenkiGenga's Forum Posts

  • Hey Smokin,

    If you want to have separate parts of the car but want the car to move as 1, you could use pin behaviour for this. (or you could use everytick-> set part to X location).

    Lets say you want to pin the wheels onto the body of the car. When you create you car you will still need to correctly arrange the parts in the right place, but then you can use "pin" and it will stick in the same position no mater which way the car moves.

    The event could be something like

    On right click -> Create object -Car

                   -> Create object -Wheel   

                   -> Create object -Wheel

    You can put all of your pictures or cars into 1 object, you then just need to use variables to tell the object which picture or animation to use.

  • Hey Duper,

    We could use another method to check for collisions. Im assuming you want your character to die from the shockwaves when the object slams into the ground.

    Imagine you had an invisible background object that overlaps the player only when he is standing on the ground. (or if you have the same ground object you can check if the player "Is overlapping" that ground object).

    There is a ton of different ways you could utilise depending on your stage design. If its a flat stage you could check the players Y or when the thing crashes down it could spawn an object either side of it and if that object overlaps the player you could kill him. Just to give you some ideas, the flexibility of C2 is amazing.

    For the not being able to move part, if you gave your player an "instance variable" called 'PlayerMove' then you could set that variable to 1 (when required) and then have an event:

    Every tick

    PlayerMove = 1   -> Set ignoring input* to true

    Every tick

    PlayerMove = 0   -> Set ignoring input to false

    *(the input relates to the platform behaviour action).

  • Looks like you've built yourself a nice base to work on. Looking forward to seeing more.

  • No worries, keep up the good work ;)

  • I really like the art (and just mechs in general).

    The setting is awesome, love all the ships flying by.

    Couple of gameplay opinions; having enemies that can shoot directly at you while you can only shoot in a straight line is a little unfair. Also I would of loved starting with at least 1 other weapon as well, perhaps something limited but big damage (grenades/missles/etc).

    Keep up the good work.

  • Yeah pin/setting X-Y would be fine.

    I like using image points though. If Ubi is always attached to a platformer object - then create a new image point (on your platformer object) and call it "Stomp"

    Then you can use:

    Every tick -> Marker, set position to another object : Platformer object AND image point : "Stomp".

  • It was working for me as well, maybe a slight problem if you hit the monster on the side before hitting the ground.

    Alternatives to Y < Y though could be using a marker to check for overlaps. Imagine you have a marker at his feet, this marker doesnt touch enemies when hit side on but when you jump on them the event would be :

    Player on collision with Enemy

    Marker is overlapping enemy           -> do what you want.

  • Grats man :) well done.

  • I had a feeling that was what the flash was about. Red tint sounds like a good alternative!

    That flame thrower did look fun, good thinking to have drawbacks. Keep up the good work :)

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  • Nice range of sounds, definitely kept my attention.

    Good work.

  • Hey Donan,

    Looks pretty good, I like the variety of gameplay. Boss fight was cool. Fire is OP! :)

    Two things that stood out to me (and I might be alone in the first one) was the flashing effect when you get hit. Its set to flash at a slow speed - I think I would prefer it if the player ship didnt flash at all when hit.

    The second was when you beat the stage in space it kind of just jumps straight to another environment - would be much cooler if you faded the screen first or had some kind of transitional layout.

    The rest of it looks pretty fun IMO - looking forward to playing it.

  • Hey boolean.

    Just thinking out loud.

    Maybe if you made your speed a variable instead, like :

    every tick -> Set Player Speed = Player.SpeedVariable.

    Then you could add (or subtract) speed from the variable on the fly easily. As for the how to get back to the normal speed you could do a couple of things, you could have a timer that when hits a certain point (like 1 second) sets the speed back to normal. You could also set it back to normal when they hit the ground or when they have gone a certain distance.

  • Its coming along great, liking the subtle changes.

    I would defintaly be open to doing a little project with you in the future. You really need to get yourself a license! In fact, I'll pledge 20 dollars towards it if it would make things easier for you.

    Consider it an investment :)

    Edit: The zombie got through when I attempted to type definitely. (Twice)

  • No problem O, have fun! :)

  • First in your new project you want to create a new event sheet and name it whatever you like. Then, to copy and paste you just need to select all of the events manually. If you select one at the very top and then hold shift and click on an event at the bottom it will select all. (Or just use ctrl+A).

    Then you can ctrl+c OR you can right click on one of the selected events and choose copy from there. Then go into your new event sheet and paste it by using ctrl+v or right click on an empty area and paste.

    (you can also copy and paste sprites the same way).