Hello everyone,
Wanted to show you my first project using this amazing tool ^^
It's the first game i don't have to rely on coders and can actually do graphics and functions at the same time. Been on the project activelly working for a month on free times but started it almost 3 months ago. My aim its to make it work on browsers, ipad an iphones and so far works smoothly on the 3 systems :D
(Image looks worse than it actually is ^^)
<img src="http://s11.postimage.org/mo8kb2zv7/frikimars.jpg" border="0">
Graphics are from an old version of the game i was working on 7 years ago and gotta rework them a lot. Interface its just to make all work, but the core of the game mechanic its almost "coded".
Hope you like it and would be pleased if you give me some feedback about it ^^