GenkiGenga's Forum Posts

  • Nice work, its a very novel experience. I like the whole flow of pulling your gun out, cocking and shooting.

    Love the animation on the enemy (especially his hat). It is fairly challenging to aim but fun also. Maybe you can add a crosshair for easy mode.

  • Damn too far away, would have been awesome though.

  • Ahh close, you use quotation marks "".

    So it looks like this in a spawning event:      

    Player Spawn bullet on Layer 1 (Image point "gun barrel1")

    If you wanted to use image points elsewhere, like setting the bullet towards a point of the ship or something you would use it like this:

    Bullet, set angle toward position :

    Player.ImagePointX("gun barrel1")

    Player.ImagePointY("gun barrel1")

  • Yeah I know what you mean. I guess it wouldn't hurt to tag Ashley so he has a better chance of seeing it.

  • Hey En4cer,

    The problem is that you are storing an important variable into the object itself (as opposed to using local or global variable).

    By the time the parachute fades, the object has already been destroyed. So you don't give it a chance to trigger.

    Change your 'Pilot Survived' to a local or global variable and it will work fine.

  • Are you using the latest version Goblyn?

    It used to happen to me a lot but seems like its a lot better now if not fixed altogether.

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  • Hey Ikarus,

    Remember that the event sheet runs top down, the first event runs but then also sets it to activate the second. You can code it a different way or simply flip them upside down to make it work (from highest to lowest instead of lowest to highest). So when you click it will look for animation frame 2 first and not activate it again.

    Hope that made sense lol.

  • Is this the kind of thing you are looking for?

  • With Bullet behaviour set the "Set Angle" property to no, then when you set the angle of motion the sprite wont move (change angle direction I mean).

  • Close enough?

    Use space to dash.

  • Its pretty fun. Nice work Shinkan.

  • Thank you Blackhornet. Big help.

  • Try adding a 'for each' condition for the enemy chewie. That way they can all be independent. Remember if you aren't choosing any specific instance (of the chewie) in the event then it will choose all of them.

    Also you probably want to change the global direction variable to an object based instance variable. So when you randomise the direction each object can store its own number and be moved accordingly.

  • Hey Sulli,

    I can relate to what your saying, I'm sure we all can. We live in a world with an infinite amount of distractions at our fingertips. Add procrastination into the mix and you have all the ingredients necessary for unproductivity.

    Life in general is all about perspective. The best answer for you will depend on the kind of person you are and your experiences, but If I could step into the Delorean and give myself some general advice on the topic it would be this.

    Don't see motivation as a wave that will carry you through your project. If you do then you will no doubt start something, get obsessed with it for a while and then totally slump before looking for the next wave/game-idea and repeat the cycle.

    Take a moment and really decide if you want to stick this thing out (and also how much time you want to put into this project as a whole). If you decide to continue then do so knowing that a lot of the development time wont be fun. Depending on how quickly you want to get your game out you might also have to make some sacrifices (both in your game and out of it). This in itself is very demotivating but will ultimately determine whether or not you end up finishing this game.

    Now when your sitting on your board and there isn't a wave in sight. Remind yourself that you have committed to the above and not seeing this one through will truly only have you repeating the cycle indefinitely.

    If you ever feel overwhelmed with the amount of work don't struggle with getting motivated, don't question your commitment, just play some music ( Something that will go on for a while like this playlist : ), put your head down and force yourself to tick one of those boxes on the to do list. With any luck you will find yourself losing track of time and before you know it you will again be swept up with the same burst of motivation you started with.

    To sum up: If your bored blame the music and not the project and switch it up. Focus on your goal, don't let yourself even entertain the thought of starting something new before this is finished. Life is a rollercoaster and so is game development, enjoy the ride! :)

  • Very nice work. Hope you get the recognition you deserve!