GenkiGenga's Forum Posts

  • We got there in the end :)

    No need for the mention Rookie, glad to have helped.

  • Its a pleasure,

    I think you will like this, same link as before.

    I have adjusted the numbers so that you still have some Y scrolling but not enough that you lose view of any set of mountains.

    One thing to keep in mind with this is its based off how high your stage is, so if you doubled the height of the stage you would have to again adjust the Y values accordingly.

  • That's ok, I have been there.

    Try the link again. Im not sure this is what you want but I have just reset the parallax for the Y axis on one of the mountains to 0 (and positioned it in the editor to always be at the bottom of the window).

    Am I getting close?

  • Hmm I cant picture the style that you are wanting to achieve, maybe if you drew a picture it would help.

    But, lets say you wanted the far set of mountains to have the normal X parallax but you want to control when it moves up or down (so its not actually parallax for the Y), you would then have to manually move it up or down.

    Simplest way to do this is add bullet behaviour and control the speed and angle of motion.

  • Haha, no worries and I'm sure you will mate!

    Agreed, C2 combined with this community is awesome. :)

  • Blacksmith, Cheers I should have mentioned that.

    Here you go Rookie I have updated the original example. Now when you fall from the sky you can see the verticle parallax working too (you will no doubt want to adjust this to your liking but its a good starting point).

    Things start to get a little bit hectic in the editor (depending on how zoomed in you are it will look different) so the best way to adjust is to play the game and move it up or down bit by bit until it feels right.

  • Ah, you should have an email in your inbox about a newer version (though I seem to get them late a lot of the time as well).

    If you scroll to the bottom of the screen you can see "Beta Release r133", hit that and your good to go :) really no worries, I'm glad to help and look forward to seeing your project.

  • Damn, well I did download it but I don't have the pause plugin so I cant open it up.

    Here is an example that should help.

    If this is already what you are doing then the problem lies somewhere else.

  • Nice mountains,

    The main problem you had was that you didn't have the layers with parallax set to "show parallax in editor", if you click on a layer its an option on the left hand side of the screen (just under parallax itself).

    I have only set the X axis to scroll, so you will need to play around with the Y value but now that you can see it in the editor it should be much easier. No worries and let me know if you need any more help. ;)

  • Hey Gamer, if you are working with multiple event sheets and you want them to be linked you need to "include" them with each other.

    You do this by right clicking in the event sheet and selecting include.

  • What happens is that your friend can open the file but cannot edit/add any more events.

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  • Hey no worries mate, I had a humble beginning with this program too. Its really easy to pick up though.

    When you save you project as a single file (as a Cap.x) you can then post it on a website like dropbox and it makes it very easy to help. Do that and I will sort you out.

  • Hey Canned,

    There are other ways to pin objects in place if you didn't want to use containers, the pin behaviour for example :)

    If the whip will be changing hands often that's what I would do.

  • Hey Rookie,

    It is fairly easy to do. What do you mean though when you say compressed and looks funky?

  • Hey Moscow,

    Post your cap.x, if it is in the same event it should work.