GameThirsty's Forum Posts

  • The part of the spec you referenced is an extension to the input element, which isn't really relevant to User Media since it's not a form control. I guess a file-chooser form control could be useful though - I'll look in to it for the next beta.


    That's great news! Would be useful for many applications such as map editors, profile pictures/ avatars etc within our games. Right now I use this file reader plugin but it is sort of slow and outdated. It doesn't work with webgl to render a picture from mobile photos into a sprite but works with the standard canvas2d. I don't know if this helps you in any way giving you what input control that is out there right now but thanks for looking into it!

  • +1 would like to know this too.

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  • > Aphrodite


    > Ahhh I see, Paste Object to canvas and load it using the Paster.imageURL and it kind of "Crops" the area...


    > Thanks my friend, you saved my life.


    I just tried to see, and there is no "Paste layer", so you would have to paste all objects concerned, which is a bummer (the canvas plugin however let you paste a layer, but I think it works not the same exact way so I can't say for sure how to do it)


    Basically all I needed was to essentially "crop" a sprite. Because im making a sort of cropping system for profile pictures in my app. So this paster plugin should do a fine job of that.

    This plugin has a far superior accuracy then the plugin I was using too which is a good thing!

  • Aphrodite

    Ahhh I see, Paste Object to canvas and load it using the Paster.imageURL and it kind of "Crops" the area...

    Thanks my friend, you saved my life.

  • > Hi everyone,


    > I personally believe that the official snapshot to canvas system expression should be extended by giving us the option to snapshot a certain area of the canvas.


    > For example, you could have a system action -> Snapshot canvas -> Location of snapshot is X1, Y1 and X2 Y2 giving us a box area of which the canvas will be snapshot.


    > I would custom make a plugin myself, but I do not have the knowledge of Javascript to do that. I know there is a plugin for this right now, called c2i or Canvas 2 Image here:


    > it works, however this plugin snapshot area is way inaccurate, I give coordinates of snapshot and it doesn't line up to the coordinates given very well, and accuracy is very important in my app.


    > If someone is willing to create the plugin, I would be happy to pay for it.


    > Thanks.



    I think the paster plugin can do what you want currently :

    you just paste the area and layers you want to screenshot, than you get the dataURI of it.


    Interesting, I came across this plugin before, so basically I just "paste" an area which I want to screenshot, and retrieve the dataURL out of it? So its kind of like a "fake" snapshot/ crop?

  • Hi everyone,

    I personally believe that the official snapshot to canvas system expression should be extended by giving us the option to snapshot a certain area of the canvas.

    For example, you could have a system action -> Snapshot canvas -> Location of snapshot is X1, Y1 and X2 Y2 giving us a box area of which the canvas will be snapshot.

    I would custom make a plugin myself, but I do not have the knowledge of Javascript to do that. I know there is a plugin for this right now, called c2i or Canvas 2 Image here:

    it works, however this plugin snapshot area is way inaccurate, I give coordinates of snapshot and it doesn't line up to the coordinates given very well, and accuracy is very important in my app.

    If someone is willing to create the plugin, I would be happy to pay for it.


  • "the sub plugin will make these things easier, but right now it's easy to get things to work like regular construct by linking them to a sprite dummy, and associating the id of the 3D object to the sprite by saving q3d.idlast in a variable when you create the object. from there you can do whatever you want to make them "link". i don't know if this is clear but ill make an example if you want some help."


    I don't quite get what you mean either. Whenever you have the time to show us that would be cool to see.

  • I got the camera to work! Sort of, though you have to use arrow keys to look around. I would prefer mouse movement look around, but here you all go! First person view look around. I'll see what I can do for mouse look around also. ... 1fUWtfSW8/

  • QuaziGNRLnose

    Thats what I was guessing, right now I am following some three.js FPS movement tutorials, and looking at how they handle the camera on their end in calculations and see if I can get the camera to move right for now.

    But thank you for adding behaviors in the future it will help a ton!

  • > First steps into a fps inside Q3D, still need lots of stuff added, its VERY limited right now ill mess around and see what I can get done with the little info we got now.


    > Still needs:

    > Freely move camera

    > Fire bullets

    > Freely move walking/ running

    > Enemies spawn

    > Shoot at and kill enemies

    > Possibly some form of enemy AI?


    > ... lpdy1qcDg/


    can modfy some code and the use drag and drop plugin

    combinding plugins with like pin to imagepoint to pinhandler and sprite to arrowkey move drag up down right left , pinning to 8 directions and pathfinding the posibleties are endless ,

    gun pin to q3D or pinhandler or set position to invisible imagepoint pinhandler

    using creative try and fail ..

    Yeah I still have some things up my sleeve to get the ball rolling here, hopefully I can make the camera just the way I like it thats what I have been struggling on the most.


    It took me only like a half hour, its only one imported model, the ground is just a cube basic model with some texture of grass, the building is just one basic texture to see the lighting, and the lighting appears dark because I only have one point light with low intensity.

    This works only with WebGL and HTML 5. Mobile deices that support WebGL can use this yes, I tested it on a Samsung Galaxy s5 with a solid 58 fps. However that phone is new and quite powerful. Older devices I am not sure what it will do. There isn't much going on in the scene, so once you start adding more things I am skeptical if mobile will run it efficiently or not.

  • First steps into a fps inside Q3D, still need lots of stuff added, its VERY limited right now ill mess around and see what I can get done with the little info we got now.

    Still needs:

    Freely move camera

    Fire bullets

    Freely move walking/ running

    Enemies spawn

    Shoot at and kill enemies

    Possibly some form of enemy AI? ... lpdy1qcDg/

  • TiAm

    i am trying to do a fps demo, just cant grasp the first-person-view camera motion yet, I have the up/down motion I just cant find out how to do left/right

  • >

    > Also, how can I use multiple textures on an object? For example, most buildings and people have textures for certain aspects of the model



    Texturing should be done at the mesh level, with UV's exported as part of the .obj file. That's the way I did it in the tiny tank demo, and the way it should be done for any game. A single .obj mesh can be comprised of many geometric primitives, all sharing the same texture.

    You need to UV unwrap your mesh, then create a texture which contains any graphics you want (all in the same image), then map the individual polygons to the respective areas on the texture map. This can be done in most 3D programs. (I recommend blender, it's free) Alternatively, you can create multi-part objects on the Q3D level (instead of the mesh level), which each have their own materials. This isn't optimal though (and should not be done in any real game): it's highly recommended to bake as much geometry as you can into single meshes, to have minimal separate objects on the Q3D level, to minimize cpu bottlenecking.

    Thank you! Ill take that advice.

    What should I do for first person view? I am confused on how I can make the camera look left or right with the mouse, I have up and down working

    Sorry for all of the questions, but how is events trigger in 3d space? Like how Unity has a "trigger" where you can have a hidden or fake object that detects collision and can trigger events.

  • > Is it possible to make a third person perspective yet?


    The tiny tank demo is already in third person!

    I meant to say first, I got the camera looking up and down, I just cant seem to grasp it side to side.

    I also have the camera moving forward, backward and side to side or strife

    Also, how can I use multiple textures on an object? For example, most buildings and people have textures for certain aspects of the model

    Thank you

  • Is it possible to make a third person perspective yet?