GameThirsty's Forum Posts

  • Try this as an example to bounce

  • Just give your object the platform behavior.

  • Hello everyone!

    I've been trying to tackle an issue for quite a long time, I still cannot figure out how to do this.

    So lets say I have a huge inventory system, and I would like it to be compiled in a list of objects and text, how would I approach it to act like I am scrolling through my Facebook news feed? I am intrigued by how smooth and fluid the news feed is on Facebook and it inspires me to create a system to allow this kind of function in one of my mobile apps.

    I got the idea to use the clamp function in Construct, with the drag and drop behavior, you can create a scrolling effect but what is missing is the lerp functionality, where it feels fluid whenever you scroll slower, faster and let go it will still keep scrolling and come to a slow stop, just like a lerp function.

    This current scroll system works, but it is not what I want. It is not very fluid.

    Any suggestions on how we can achieve this? I plan on sharing it with the rest of the community as well.

    Thank you in advance!

  • Great Update QuaziGNRLnose !

    I have a suggestion, could you make default camera behaviors? Just like in Unity where there is a first person, third person and top down controller that can be set with a few simple button clicks. I know it would be a huge help to not only I, but others that would rather spend time on the actual game itself then to mess with the vector maths and setting up the camera to manipulate in the correct way for those modes. I find it not only useful for that reason, but most of the games being built with this plugin will use one of the three.

  • Ashley

    Will a mobile option for Facebook, Twitter and other social media applications ever have an "official" Scirra support? It just seems to me its half-baked in terms of mobile options currently. We have desktop application support, but still no official mobile support from so much discussion over this subject over the past year or more?

    With the huge increase of apps being built with Construct 2 lately, I find this extremely useful and I would be sure many others feel the same way.

  • I'll take a look at logins for various SDKs in PhoneGap in the next beta cycle, but if anyone's figured it out already then sharing code samples would be useful.


    Any more news on official Mobile support for Facebook login?

  • QuaziGNRLnose

    I think I have a start on what I need to do, my logic behind these events is to...

    1. Match the sprites angle to the current angle of the camera's Y-Axis. (direction the camera is looking in 3d space)

    2. Once the angle is set on the sprite, I can use the custom movement behavior to set the sprites (player) movement position to the sprites current angle.

    It does work a little bit, however its not what I am after. Logically I thought this would work, because all I am modifying in the 3d space is the X and Z coordinates, I am using the X coordinate of the sprite to set the X axis coordinate and using the sprites Y coordinate to set the Z coordinate in 3d space. Making the sprite have the same angle as the camera should set the correct movement in this example.

    Thank you so much if you have any suggestions!

  • it's gonna be easier with the helper functions in the new plugin, but you're essentially right. Position the camera at the sprites x,y position with some z offset above what you make the floor plane for the "height" every tick, and then move the sprite around however you'd like. Using custom movement makes it easy to implement strafe etc. cause you can accelerate things at angles.

    Okay, I will wait until the plugin has been updated.

    I thought the Y axis was the "Height" of the map and the X and Zed was the floor of the map?

    Or is it easier to reverse it so Zed is height and Y and X is the floor? What is the reasoning if so?

  • GameThirsty, yes exactly, you'd set the position of some player positions head. An easy way to do it would be to use the custom movement plugin and layout a map in the layout editor. perhaps make a topic in the how do i section on the forum instead of posting here, so people wont have to go through 40 pages to find out how to do it. you'd want to move the player at the planar angle of the camera when the forward/backwards keys are pressed, and 90 degrees to the planar angle of the camera when the left/right keys are pressed. It'd probably be easiest to make the X-Y plane your floor.

    Thank you for the help, I appreciate it greatly.

    I am still not fully understanding how you mean to implement this, so I will recap what I think you mean.

    To make an easy way to move the camera's position around the 3d world is to reference the players head camera to a sprite in a 2d plane. Give that sprite a custom movement behavior, and reference the sprite to make adjustments to the camera?

    I will indeed be making a How to? Post here soon, I just want to get more information about it so I can make an example for everyone to use someday.

  • GameThirsty

    You should be rotating the camera based on how much the mouse has moved. You'll run into a problem with the mouse hitting the edge of the screen however, so you'll need the MouseLock Plugin by TiAm : MouseLock Plugin

    then fill out the expressions like so and thats it !

    you can replace the /2 with *0.5 or any sensitivity scaling value to control the sensitivity of your fps controls. oh and thats meant to work for a game where the floor is the x-z plane and the positive y axis is down. The way you set things up initially is important. Also its a good idea to clamp the value or the camera can over rotate and things get flipped. That should get you started though.


    Wow! Nice! Thank you!

    Thanks for the help , I will see what I can make out of this and maybe make a simple DOOM clone to get the rest of the users started with FPS controls utilizing your plugin.

    I have the FPS camera totally working now. How would I go about moving with the WASD keys to move to that point in space? Using the Camera Position function?

  • GameThirsty

    first person view has always been possible. You have to control the camera position/rotation, there's not much more to it than that, its not the type of thing that would be part of an update. place the camera where your characters head would be and make it look towards the point you want to look towards.

    I got it working somewhat, I am using Camera Look At condition, and I set the Camera Look at position to Mouse.X for the X and Mouse.Y to the Y position, what do I do with the Z? It does look up and down so far.

    Thanks for the heads up by the way!

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  • ziziplanet Check the main post, there are three examples to get you started. The rest of the plugin functions very similarly to three.js itself, so reading the documentation can be very helpful. Also make sure to read the descriptions for each action, condition and expression as they provide insight into how things work.

    KZR The current version doesn't integrate into the editor, but i have an update I'm putting the final touches on that integrates much more streamlined into the workflow construct users are used to, and will be much more efficient to use since it implements optimized recycling routines and has a built in spatial hash accelerated 3D collision testing system.

    To those of you waiting on the update: I've gotten basic collisions finalized and object recycling finalized. I've gotten 400 models of suzanne the monkey (pictured below) to display at 60 fps on my 1.8 ghz laptop with integrated graphics, so performance is quite good, and objects create and destroy without garbage collection hiccups. I've also implemented a system for controlling textures using constructs animation system, which even allows for animated textures! Next on my todo list is general optimizations and extra features to accelerate objects which are static, or share properties with other objects. I also need to add support for more file types. Once this is done a 3D sprite object should come soon after, and then possibly 3D model animations using skeletal rigging, of course before i get into doing more i'll release the Q3DObject update i've been promising for so long. Thank you for the patience everyone, i hope i can get it out soon!

    (this is suzanne to give you an idea of the benchmark I did)

    Awesome news Quazi!

    Is first person camera view also going to be part of this update? Or is it already possible to do?

  • QuaziGNRLnose

    Do you think you could demonstrate to us a simple First Person camera demo capx? I still am having trouble trying to figure out how to manipulate the camera to allow for a First Person camera.

    Thanks in advance!

  • GameThirsty

    These tutorials might help a bit

    Walls are a bit of a pain when I use line of sight and it cannot detect the origin point of the solids.

    Only third party stuff I use for this is RGBrighter effect. Maybe later I check if some plugins could be used to streamline something.

    I'm not very technical person and I had quite a few attempts before this.

    I appreciate the response!

    I will see what I can make of all of this, and see if I can make any contributions to the isometric engine that can streamline it.

    Thank you again!

  • Constant 60 fps with a mid range laptop. i7 4710 CPU with a GTX 860M.


    Very interested in making a similar engine. Any plugins, readings, capx examples, etc you used to make this happen?

    Great work!