Fradno's Forum Posts

  • Thanks again. : D I only do 3D and pseudo-3D sprites now, totally retired from 2D spriting as I'm not as efficient in it. I still do 2D illustrations though.

    Amazing how people can specialize in different things. How easy would it be to implement multiplayer in the type of game I'm working on? Like 2 player same screen local, or via connecting to another android phone so two different people can play simultaneously?

  • dop2000 Thank you! It is working now!! There was no way I would have seen that, I probably would have gone a more covulated route in my frustrated state.

    It's quite funny, since the graphics and animations where the easy part for me. I never hit a brick wall or obstacle when making the art. The time it took me to try to solve this bug before posting on here, I would be done with a 3D model of a new enemy character(although the animation set would take an entire day or two). (Which I do by using a 3D program to make the model, then making pseudo-3D sprites from the animations of it.)

    I really should team up with somebody to handle the programming side of stuff for the next game, so I could have more time to work on the graphics. : / Had I done it for this game, I would have 5 more enemy characters, and 3 to 6 more playable heroes, all with finished animation sets.

  • I even put the global variables "HighScorePass" and "Score" in their own event sheet, and included that event sheet in both the level sheet and menu sheet. The menu screen is suppose to show the highscore, but when I try to load from local storage, I get a 0. I tried reading other examples, but somehow, when I test, local storage will not pass unto the global variable. I think local storage is finally working, but it just won't pass into the global variable and isntead resets it to 0.

    The game itself:

    Notice that if you hit refresh, the score resets back to 0?

    Here is the screenshot from the menu event sheet:

    From the level, where the score gets saved. (Scoresaver variable is only to prevent some buttons from being clickable until after the heroes defeat).

    Am I writing it wrong?

    EDIT: The stuff thats crossed out is from my various attempts to get localstorage to work. At first it was saving as words, then finally got numbers showing up in debug mode, then NaN for a while, then numbers, and although local storage appears to save the actual highscorenumber in the debug data, instead of loading into the HighScorePass to display in the text on the menu, it just shows as 0.

  • I'll try that out, my experience with another game making program where I used Photoshop to Mass resize led to a problem where in-game, the objects containing the sprites remained the same size, so I ended with objects containing a x2 resize of the smaller new image, making them blurry at high res.

    Although, the solution I found to that was that open the game's XML files and using a text editors mass find and replace function (such as replacing all instances of size 420 with 210) and managed to mass change a lot of stuff like that without destroying the game itself. It was great to see 100+ instances of something be replaced in 5 seconds(as oppossed to going through each individually and taking an hour or two to make the same change).

    I value efficiency where it's possible since only immortals can afford to daddle on tedious and repetitive tasks or take the unneccesary way for long periods of their life. : /

  • Hi, I kind of implied being able to use that feature in the second verse. D : With the mention of center sprite. Since the other options are stretch and another.

    I meant, is there anyway to resize by a percentage? And not just that, but have the entire project resized?

    Since you the method you mentioned, will only apply that to that set of animations. If a character has multiple sets, you have to go through each, and if they have been trimmed already, then you gotta carefully do it. I'll have to test to make sure my "align-center" theory works. if a characters sprites weren't centered to begin with, it becomes problematic.

    EDIT: So there is no fast method? I spent 2 hours making changes to code when it turned out I could have used replace with object to achieve the same thing in 10 mintues, I don't want to make that same mistake again. D : Is there no quick feature for mass size reduction by using a percentage? I just need to resize everything by 50%, and there is hours of assets to resize.

  • Is there anyway to mass resize an objects entire sprite set? I can't find any resize by %, only by number. I made the mistake of cropping the sprites, so the only way to resize them all is to re-calculate each individual frame. If they all had the same sprite size, I could just calculate for one sprite, and then batch resize the rest with that in mind.

    I was thinking of reverse resizing to their original size for all, and just center the sprite, then afterwards resize them all from their uniform size.

    But I wanted to make sure there is a more efficient way of doing this, like some button I missed. The fastest way I could think of is have Photoshop batch resize the entire sprite directory by 50%, since I need everything reduced by half since the game is too image heavy for mobile. But I feel using an outside program will FUBAR the internal stuff when I reopen it.

  • Added a second playable character to the game:

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  • Thanks, thats exactly what I was looking for, and that would have saved me a lot of time. I hadn't come back here after that post since I was busy working on the game and it took me an unfortunate amount of time replace every instance of an object character with another object character. Shoot. : /

  • I made a copy of an event sheet and made a Character2 variable, now I want to replace all mentions of Character1 in the copied sheet with Character2. I was doing this manually, but forgot to save and the backup file only goes back 20 mins. I am also thinking of using a family instead, but their moves are too different that I would end up doing the same amount of work.

    Anyways, theres no option like in some word documents where you put "Search for all instances of word" and then use "Replace All instances with new word" to mass change a word in the document??

  • Yeah, it was my mistake, I managed to fix it. Thanks for the reply.

  • The enemies in the game are set to come after a target, but will walk towards the character while looking in the direction of the target they are suppose to target. Either I got something wrong in the code, or they won't target something off-screen but still look in it's general direction?

    Also, when the game starts, they won't move at all until they are on screen, which then the enemies activate. I guess this is to save memory, but anyway to force them to activate without being on screen?

  • Ok, thank you, for some reason, every tick didn't work for attributes within an object, since there where 30 objects to check, but going the "every x" route worked. It might have been that I had something wrong, but I will just go with this.

  • Hi, I don't know the exact word to use since I in Gamesalad it's called "constrain", but I can't find the equivalent in Construct 2.

    Basically, a variable will contain within it the same value as the one it's targetting at all times.

    I need this because there is a self.attribute in enemies that keeps track of the X, Y of their target, and a third attribute that helps switch between targets. So basically, if the target value is 0, all enemies will keep track of the X,Y of the player, if the target value is 1, then it will keep track of the X,Y value of a different target, and so on.

    Right now I'm using "every X seconds" and alternatively, every tick, but I would prefer something that just "constrains" the values?

  • Jerk Blue guy keeps knight at bay, while Annoying Red Guy shoots Poison shots (Poishots) at him. Team work!!!

    Getting hit by Poishots isn't fun.