Flump's Forum Posts

  • Received an email back from the Clay.io guys, the servers have indeed been closed so clay.io is no longer an option for leaderboards.

    They did say that the new version is on its way, I've asked if C2 will be supported but no reply yet.

    Clay database is not working guys, Is there alternative plugin?

    I've been looking around and the only other option I can find is hosting your own mysql database, which isn't the best solution.

  • So that's it then, all the score data has gone?

    It effectively broke my game today, the guys on the steam forums arn't happy.

  • Really neat concept! Will get this over the weekend

    Thanks man, very much appreciated!

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Cool game. Best wishes for continued success!

    Thank you

  • Hey everyone!

    I just uploaded a free demo of Horizon Shift to steam if you want to check it out.

    It was meant to be up ages ago but was delayed due to illness (nothing serious).

    It'll take you up to the second boss, should give you a good idea what the game's about

    Here's the steam page: http://store.steampowered.com/app/326120



  • Hey everyone!

    Just wanted to drop buy to let you know there's a free demo of Horizon Shift on Steam now if you want to give it a try.

    It'll take you up to the second boss.

    Here's the steam page: http://store.steampowered.com/app/326120



  • This is great news - congratulations!

    Congratulation !

    Wish you have a lot of sales!

    Thanks guys Seems to have had a good start so far.

  • So after about six months I finally launched Horizon Shift on Steam.

    It got off to a slow start but things start to be picking up now.

    Here's the steam page


    The reviews have been amazing which has been a massive relief.

    Now on to a sequel <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

  • Congratulations Flump! This must be some exciting time for you! I wish you all the best on sales and just having a great time!

    Thank you.

    Yeah, it's scary

    Things are just starting to settle down a bit now, it's a relief that people actually seem to like the game!

  • Congrats on releasing!

    From the looks of it everyone has nothing but good things to say about your game so far, which much be so exciting!

    Thanks you

    Yeah, I'm quite shocked actually, the feedback has been amazing!

    Sale's have been a little slow but I'm just glad the people who did buy it liked it



    I can't believe it's actually gone live, so nervous and excited!

    The game is £3.99/$4.99 but there's a10% launch discount at the moment.

    The OST is also available for £1.99/$2.99, that also has a 10% discount.

    Still can't believe it's out, Construct 2 is friggin' amazing!

  • Flump , hey that controller looks awesome! you made it? good luck with the game, did the beta run good?

    Thanks man <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    Nah, I didn't make it. There's an arcade and fight stick designer who does custom designs.

    He sent me that for free if I help promote his business, he'll be selling that stick with a copy of the game too, which is insane!

    Here's their site: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Richs-Ba ... 0949489263

    Feel I need to plug them now I got a free stick <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    Yeah, the beta went really well, thanks for asking. Way more people interested than I expected.

    They also found a load of really annoying bugs <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile"> So all in all a success.

    So scared about tomorrow though!!!!

  • Can't believe it, Horizon Shift is actually out on steam tomorrow!

    Feels like it's been in development for ages.

    To celebrate I got me one of these

    Amazingly enough these will actually be going on sale along side a physical copy.

    Been a crazy few months, fingers crossed people don't hate it

  • Hi everyone,

    Only 2 weeks left until the game's released!

    I've decided to run a closed beta to make sure everything runs smoothly when the game's released.

    If you're interested in participating you can sign up here:


  • I love how utterly crazy this looks, its very different and chaotic and has many aspects, you put lot of effort in it, i wish you good luck with finishing it.

    Thanks man

    Yeah, this ones taken a lot more effort than anything I've made before, really wanted this one to be done right!!!