fedca's Forum Posts

  • Oh thanks so much, the URL word confused me, I thought I'd need to host the arrays externaly for that to work.

    Thanks so much for the help!

  • Hey I have a problem with how I want to stream in arrays.

    Currently I have dialogues stored in seperate arrays and I want to stream them in via AJAX from the files folder.

    They should be randomly selected. I thought I could do something like this :

    Ajax request file: "Dialogue"&int(random(0,100))

    But Construct doesn't allow picking by name only throught a dropdown in editor.

    Am I missing something or is there a workaround.

  • I spend some time to work in the feedback, I hope it's better now!

    I also started experimenting with upgrade stages and pilot portraits.

  • very good points!

    I'll rework those key elements to make their function more readable.

    Thanks alot for the feedback Icecreamvamp!

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  • Hey People!

    I'm currently early in developing a HD space ship asset pack and I wanted to get some feedback on it. So I can make them as good as they can be without having to retroactively change alot.

    Here is a first draft of some parts and the way I plan them to be set-up:

    The current plan is

    I want there to be 3 parts to the ship:

    - base/cockpit

    - wings

    - guns

    and additionally some floating adds guns

    each assets will have 3 upgrade variations and you should mix and match the parts freely to allow alot of customization.

    So if you would create a game with these assets, what are some features that would be must haves and nice to haves? I want to know that early on so I can design the assets to be as useful as possible to various usecases.

    Thanks alot for the feedback!

  • Hey fellow game devs,

    I just released a pixel art asset pack. It contains gun parts that allow for over 1 million combinations, this is very useful for games with gun customization or random loot like Borderlands.


    I created a little demo game to show off the assets, it's on the construct arcade:


    Do you have some feedback on the assets? Would they be useful to you or are they lacking in some way?

    Subscribe to Construct videos now
  • sorry I missed it, thanks for the info. It helps alot!

  • glad I could help!

    I assume you want the bullets to just fly in a straight line, for that I wouldn't suggest using a physics object as they need alot of calculation from the hardware.

    Instead you could use the "bullet behavior" and set "angle of motion" to the direction you are shooting or to the mouse position if you are using the mouse to aim.

    here a little sample how to use mouse position:

    set "bullet" angle of motion = angle(player.x,player.y,mouse.x,mouse.y)

  • Yea, I guess that's a way to do it, a bit ridicolous though if I have to be completely honest.

    I will try to create my own editor instead of using yours though, not that there is anything wrong with it.

    I don't expect scirra to instantly go ahead and implement it, but I still want to make a point that something like this would be a feature that people would benefit from imo.

    thanks for the help, Elanor!

  • Hey Vahn,

    I could help you more easily if you tell me how you are currently aplying force to the grenades.

    Are you using "apply force at angle" for example?

    If you are using "apply force at angle" you could check if you are facing left and than do the same function but apply force at the angle you are using to throw to the right, but -180 to throw in the opposite direction.

  • Hey Elanor,

    That's a cool project, but not really what I am looking for as I want to create the level design in the game editor itself, because the game should start with the world already designed. I'm not trying to make an editor game.

    I'm sorry my initial question might have been a bit unclear.

  • I am currently making an isometric game and I order the tiles by sorting by the y position and for stacked tiles I use layers. This works great for what I am doing.

    But when designing the level/world in the construct editor the z order is obviously wrong in the editor itself, if I don't manually correct it. Which makes creating maps an extreme pain and it's very hard to see how it will look like without testing every few seconds.

    I wondered if there is a way to run a similar script in the editor, so the z order is changed live while designing the world in the engine?

    Unfortunately I have no experience with extending the functionality of the editor and would really appreciate some help!


    I posted a feature request: https://construct3.ideas.aha.io/ideas/C3-I-1405

    I hope I have done the request correctly.

  • Hey Lumi,

    I was trying to make a drawing application in construct too. But I couldn't get large brushes look as smooth as you are getting them in this app (especially curves). Do you have some tips?

  • Hey Juan, could you describe what exactly you mean by "everything looks bad". It could mean many things.

  • This looks like problems with the hitboxes of the clouds or character.

    In constructs documentation they suggest using rectangles as hitboxes when using the platformer behavior.

    how do the collision polygons look like for your character and clouds?