fedca's Forum Posts

  • I would use instance variables on a player-family. Never destroy players, just disable and hide them if they die, etc.

    Secondly you could store the stats in an array or dictonary and load them into the instance variables on re-spawn. Only in case you really really see the need to destroy the player object.

  • yea no real problem there, just felt counter intuitive to have this action missing for tilemaps. As it is available for all(?) other object types that have collisions.

    But there probably is a good reason it's not possible.

  • alextro Thanks for your help!

    I checked your example, but I want to check if the player is overlapping the bounding box of the tileset even if there is no tile at the position of overlap.

    So checking for bbox left, right, top, bottom works that's not the problem.

    It just felt like I was missing a "is overlapping bbox condition" and was writing an unnecessary amount of events, visually cluttering the event sheet.

    but I think with the help of rojohound I found a tidier way to check for overlap of bounding boxes

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  • just if a point is overlapping the bounding box...

    oh interesting yea I'm currently using 4 compares, that would definitly makes it a bit cleaner!

    I didn't even know you could do compares like that.

    then I could even do one compare like:

    (sprite.bboxright>tilemap.bboxleft)+(sprite.bboxleft<tilemap.bboxright)+(sprite.bboxbottom>tilemap.bboxtop)+(sprite.bboxtop<tilemap.bboxbottom) = 4

    thanks alot, at least it looks cleaner in the event view :D

  • sure, but then I would still need to store the correct tiles in an array, or add double the amoun of tiles to have a collision-less version for each tile.

    So RadioMars suggestion would probably be better than.

    Thank you nontheless!

  • RadioMars

    Thanks for your insight, your suggestions definitly sound like solid workarounds!

    still I wish disabling collisions for tilemaps would be available.

    I get that collisions work differently, as there are probably separate collision checks per tile or optimized tile-cluster.

    But from my naive point of view I would imagine this should still be fairly simple to add to construct 3.

  • Is there a reason you can't disable and enable collisons for the tilemap object?

    This would be useful for my case where I have a large generated world, each chunk is a separate tilemap object. I want to disable collision checks for far away chunks.

  • thank you alextro but wouldn't this just test if the corners are overlapping?

    some more information:

    I want to check if a sprite is overlapping with a tilemap object (even if there is no tile at the given position). With the tilemap object I can only set imagepoints and collison polygons per tile.

    (I guess the best way is to add an invisible spirte that is behind the whole tilemap objects for checking overlaps?)

  • I know how to check by comparing with bboxleft/right/top/bottom, But that seems to be so many conditions, epecially as I use this very frequently.

    Thank you!

  • I remember seeing this video a few weeks back: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCGELH9kPJ4

    this might be a overly complicated version of what you want, but should get you there.

  • I tried it but the way it is implemented right now is unusable to me.

    Proper Music streaming, scrubbing and resuming in editor and game is a must for me.

    Hopefully the audio-timeline feature will be get some additonal love in the future as it would be a great tool in theory.

  • I don't think that's the case from my experiments, it seems like it reflects correctly as long as it less than 100px in each direction if it is larger (scale/image size doesn't matter) it stretches. Maybe in the effect you mistakingly used pixels instead of scale percentages?

    But I guess it's a while since you created the effect, So I understand it's hard to go back. So no worries If you don't know a fix, it's not that important to me!

    Thank you nonetheless

  • thanks for the answer!

    When you open your sample project https://www.construct.net/en/make-games/addons/82/reflecty/examples/1/reflectyexample.c3p and scale the sprite (sprite3) that has the reflecY effect in editor.

    Now if you press play the reflections are offset and stretched.

    So it seems that the sprite with reflectY only reflect correctly at very specific sizes. Maybe I am misundestanding something fundamentally about this effect.

  • Hey Mikal,

    I really love your effect.

    I only have one problem, if I scale the sprite with relfectY on it the reflection gets distorted (also happens in your sample project).

    I don't understand how to keep the reflection 1:1 and I tried alot of things for example: if the sprite hast to be at 100%, square etc. but it seems somewhat random?

    Is there something I am missing?

    or does anyone else know?

    thank you!

  • yea multiplayer/online stuff gets complicated fast.

    If you have a server you could also use the ajax plugin to send and receive data but still far from easy.