Couple weeks ago, i've done my game called Street kungfu, deveploping with Construct 2 and export to cocoonjs, and the game have a good result in my country after a few day testing it, but the googleplay not yet allow VietNam(my country) to upload the game and making money from it.
I can not connect to the charging system of a 3rd party in my country(it's the way to make money in my country). They also give me full documentation, API and their SDK but I still do not know how to connect to their system on Contructs 2 and cocoonjs.
I send an email to ludei, and they said "you can use websockets or the XMLHTTPrequest object to connect with third party APIs you want".
This is so important for me, i've never done anything like it before and i'm noob at plugin and don't know about how to connect with 3rd API.
I'll pay the good money for it. For those who can help me with it. If possible, i'll cooperate for those who help me for a long time.
my mail :
Or if you interesting, contact with me here, i'll give you the API and any information about 3rd party i want to connect with.