faggatron's Forum Posts

  • If it doesn't, it's a bug.

    It doesn't. Nor does anything else (mousekeyboard directsound etc)

  • thank you so much this is brilliant, I feel like crying with happiness

    I'll donate on next patch when I can actually use it (even more than �10 if you add find/filtering lol)

  • I'm gonna bump this because I still haven't found a solution and my offer still stands.


  • We're talking a difference of maybe 10 pixels here. Do you really have areas you can't jump to if you fall 10 pixels short? Or areas you can reach if you jump another 10 pixels high? Really?

    heh thats not a particularly good argument, I mean the fact is you might.

    I think this proposed logic display separation would solve kayin's problem, only thing is I don't see it as a very big problem - (I mean its spot on 99% of the time right? - if you're running it at 1fps its gonna be unplayable on any mode you try - a 10 pixel variation will be the least of your worries).

    Saying that it might be nice to have an option - if it's not insanely hard to add. I probably wouldn't ever use it and the same probably goes for most people - so if it is a lot of effort its probably not worth it (sorry kayin ).

  • Out of interest (the reason my other game broke when adding timedelta) how would you change something (at say 60 fps) like:

    always - > set x to x*0.9

    to use timedelta.

    Since the amount that's being subtracted is changing constantly (and not even at a constant rate) it became hard for me to work it out, then I started approximating and it went downhill from there - I used this as a vital part of my engine and when I couldnt make it work the same it just broke everything.

  • I dunno about the accuracy of the timer, but I've used it and it worked find for my purposes.

    Maybe this wouldn't be more accurate but couldn't you (instead of using every x) make some value x and do:

    always -> add 10*timedelta to x

    x>1 -> SOME ACTION

    obviously changing the numbers.

    I expect this isn't actually any different than using the timer though, since timedelta is the time since the last tick, correct me if im wrong, but always add timedelta to x would just be = timer(????)

    I don't actually see the point in adding skip frames, since timedelta is always preferable, and if there was an option for that would you be bothering to learn all this timedelta stuff?

  • I don't have a good way to drop or boost my frame rate,

    Set framerate mode to unlimited to boost and fix it on like 20 to drop.

    Anyways, my question is whats the best way to keep a decreasing value in sync witht he actions on screen? Especially since the (every X) action doesn't have the resolution to try and match 1 tick in 60 frames. I can do it for 20 milliseconds which might be close enough, but not as smooth. Is there a better way? I can use delta time of course, but I fear dealing with these values as decimals. Thoughts?

    cant you just use timedelta then use int(x) where you need it? (Construct's never really given my any problems with using floats for anything apart from using the % function)

    I was playing IWTBTG because someone mentioned it. (you're a *******

  • I admit I didnt understand timedelta at first, but after reading the wiki page on it a couple of times it's easily doable for anyone capable of using construct at all. Once you know roughly where you should be adding it, there usually isn't that much thought required.

    When I didn't know timedelta existed, started making a game, then tried to add it afterwards I did end up just breaking the game, so its not really ideal, as it is pretty much vital - I just can't see a better alternative to it.

    One tip for doing this I think is to remember that timedelta is roughly 1/fps, so if the rate it would usually be fixed at is 60, then instead of: set x to x+5, you can do set x to x+5*60*timdelta, then when the FPS is about 60 the timedelta and the 60 cancel eachother out and you've got what you wanted. Probably just stated the obvious heh.

    Also, maybe construct is aimed at people who've never made games before, but I don't think thats who it should be aimed at - what it should be is anyone who wants to make a game, but doesnt want to learn a programming language. Just as much aimed at people who want to make complicated games as people who have never made a game at all.

    This is probably actually who it's aimed at but it sometimes seems people who have never made a game are the priority right now.

  • I still dont understand the difference between what you're suggesting and on loop.

    surely "add "box is not overlapping group ground" to -on loop "fall" add 1 to Y" is exactly what you want??

  • A working find/replace dialogue, so you can search for always: sprite32 set x and it will find all relevant events, (you couldnt do this with the old *now missing!* find dialogue) and you can replace them etc.

    extremely useful for large projects with lots of events. Also useful if you search for "x+10" and replace all with "x+600*timdelta" for example.

    filtering for the event editor, filter by object, filter by action, filter by condition, filter by anything else you can think of. Construct needs this for much the same reason, if you have a medium to huge project it will speed everything up 100fold. Would also be nice if you could chose to filter events that have actions for the object, conditions of the object, and events which the object appears in an expression for. The more precise this can be the better.

  • Is it possible for a TimeDelta Framerate Mode? What I mean is that you set the Framerate mode to "Time Delta" and it will automatically apply the TimeDelta multiplication to any actions that don't already involve it at runtime? That would be even easier and would allow the numbers to stay the same inside the program while the objects are moved and etc at Time Delta.

    how would it tell the difference between something like:

    on button clicked -> set x to x+10

    always -> set x to x+10

    the always one you want timedelta with, the button one you dont

    if you know about timedeltas from the start (fallen into that trap aswell) its really not that hard to implement them

  • Remember, you gotta get the green things, they give you loads of points, and points = lives = get further.

    I have also played llamatron in reasearch of this game the only thing I don't like about it though is the autofire controls that just fire in your last direction, rather than having the other control aswell.

  • heh do the brains (homing missile jellyfish???) kill you loads on level 5 or something

    I was going to add walls at some point, maybe in another zone, I have some pretty outrageous ideas for other zones later on.

    Yeah I think the being surrounded at the start needs a little addressing, I think I'm gonna try to lower the amount of enemies and make it harder in other ways, giving you more room to move.

    Also, I may end up not making this the first zone, and adding an easier one before it, so by this time you may already be used to the game.

    Which powerups do you think need to last longer, just all of them in general? I really don't want to make powerups TOO powerful, they're pretty powerful already, I guess I'll see if this is necessary after I change the way powerups drop.

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  • 1. Consistent alphabetical sorting for all the object selection windows.

    Agreed. When you have a lot of objects finding the correct one can be a maze, sometimes it even takes a couple of minutes just to find the bloody thing.

    (Ignore this if its dumb ) Also would be nice if it was like Sprite002 rather than sprite2 because at the moment if its alphabetically sorted it goes sprite1 sprite10 sprite 11 sprite12 sprite2 which is a little irritating. I know you can rename, but I'm lazy.

    2. Global objects listed in every event sheet object list in the event editor.

    definately, when you add a global mouse and keyboard object for example, it doesnt show up in all the layouts, meaning you have to add another one. Maybe these could also be split up into sections like normal, global, familys, etc.

    (can I add my own? - sorry if hijack just seems pointless to make a new thread)

    4. I know I've already posted about this, but the event editor REALLY needs an up to scratch filtering and find/replace ability. As soon as a project's number of events starts getting into the hundreds this just becomes so vital.

    5. Would be nice if the mouse and keyboard object had an option to not accept input when the game loses focus, currently it requires some effort to do.

  • Thanks for the responses, I guess I completely lost touch with what it was like to be a beginner, having obviously played it 1000x as much as anyone else with testing and whatnot...

    It seems I have to tackle the difficulty, I will take your advice deadeye and make it easier to start off with, and I actually think it needs to be harder in the later levels. As I said the consistency of games needs to be improved, because pretty much everything (mainly powerup drops) is based on randomness, so sometimes you get lucky and sometimes you dont.

    out of interest what sort of levels can you guys get to?

    how should I make it easier, other than lowering the amount of enemies? Like, should I slow them down, make their bullets not travel as far etc...