faggatron's Forum Posts

  • just a quick one, a sign function would be nice:

    like sign(x)=x/abs(x) if x=!0, 0 if x=0

    obviously you can do this anyway, but it would simplify a lot of my equations

  • It should be out soon. A lot of good stuff in the next build!

    eager anticipation

    This is pretty incredible, can cirtainly make some nice looking patterns, though I havent been able to make anything that seems useful - apart from maybe something that can be used for an energy vortex or something! Being a maths geek this is right up my street heh.

    so how will it work? will there be a mesh object or something? how do you actually tell the texture to be mapped to the mesh? do you set something up like this with a bunch of sprites and set it to a big group of them somehow?

  • I don't see any problem... will it not let you open it?

  • > Or you could just use


    > + For each Sprite

    > -> Add Sprite('Variable A') to global variable 'count'


    Sorry, but if I do that it just keeps adding to the total, rather than just show the total. Unless, I did it wrong.

    do you mean the event is running more than once? - either add trigger once or add always-> set count to 0 above it if you need it to always evaluate it

  • All collision testing in Construct is done by testing 64 pixels at a time in horizontal lines, and it stops on the first instance of touching pixels it finds. So it can't give the average point of collision - and it would be inaccurate up to 64 pixels on the X axis.

    ah alright <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_neutral.gif" alt=":|" title="Neutral" /> , well I guess you'd have thought of a way if there was one. Was just a thought, not very important for me anyway, would've just made things look slightly nicer - and other people are usually a hell of a lot more concerned about that sort of thing than I am <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" />

  • I remember that getting position of collision was suggested back then, but Ashley said that it isn't that simple, as firstly, there can be many simultaneous overlapping pixels, and secondly, collisions are optimised that way that when first colliding pixel has occured, it conludes that sprites are colliding and stops further testing.

    Suggestion about picking: Action "remove object from selected object list"; I had this event where there was two sprites created and after creating action, there was an action that set an angle for them. The first object's angle was 0 and the second's 180. But when the second object was created, the first object was still on SOL and setting the angle at 180 would set both object's angle at 180.

    <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad" />

    Surely it could find the average position of the overlapping pixels? And only work with the "is overlapping" event which (I assume) keeps testing after first colliding pixel.

    These picking problems definately need some addressing, I had a similar problem with collisions which ashley has kindly apparently fixed in the next build - though I can see it happening in other places too (such as this). I'm sure theres a way around that particular example, such as using a private variable and exploiting the fact that the newly created version will have the default value. Maybe there is a nicer way which doesnt use a value, I dunno.

  • pick n random objects (like pick random object but pick n of them) - I spose you can use repeat loops or something so this prob isnt actually necessary, though I just thought of it and it might be nice.

    would a "get position of collision" be possible, ie you imagine sprites A and B are both huge

    on collision between A and B -> create EXPLOSION at (collisionx, collisiony), at the moment I don't know how to do this and make it not look stupid (if A and B are huge, and if they're irregular (ie not a circle) I can't do it well at all)

  • Someone has already requested that copying levels/events between applications and I think it is definately a very important thing to add. So hopefully that will be added soon and you'll be able to use that

  • Database object

  • If it's not possible already... get loopindex for repeat/while/for each object loops would be nice (not 100% sure how it'd work - since they don't have names)

    I know you can do it already with events and some value or whatever, but this would simplify things.

  • Anyway, I decided to check out a speedrun of the game, and holy mother of god. I had no idea you could break the game so badly.

    Man, if you liked that you might like Rocketron

    (lol I don't expect you to at all)

    - a game I made a while back with these bugs in mind. It's probably the best thing I've made to date, it's horribly ugly (like most of my games ), but its really a game for the pros. My friend has completed it in under 4 minutes.

    You won't be able to play it at first but once you get used to it and get the basic jumps down it's pretty fun. It was really made for my benefit rather than for other people to play - since everyone, on their first go, seems to take one look at the graphics, be unable to fly the rocket about, and then gives up. But when I was making it, after months of level making, making unlockable stuff etc, making the level editor, I would still find new techniques and new bugs to be exploited, all leading to faster level times.

    The other brilliant (if I do say so myself) thing about it is there is a TON of stuff to unlock - once you complete the game you unlock more levels than you had before. To this day nobody (afaik) has unlocked everything 100%. (bloody albino faggatron )

    This is also the game that my name here comes from - (the boss at the end is called faggatron)

    sorry if this was too blatant a plug lol

  • true, but I'd rather have them in seperate caps, to save space aswell, since I have it set to save an insane amount of backups, and if each one is 6mb it adds up much faster than if they're about 1mb

  • basically the value asd is like the velocity right?

    so when you add to it it's like acceleration

    acceleration is measured in distance over time squared

    • the "squared" intuatively telling you you need two timedeltas.

    you need one for the change of velocity over time, and one for the change in position over time

    what it should be to make it independent of framerate is:

    System: Always (every tick)

    SpriteAdd 5*timedelta to 'asd'

    SpriteSet Y to Sprite 0 .y+Sprite 1 .value('asd')*timedelta

    hope thats clear

  • Agreed, I've found I need this - if I want cutscenes (with lots of huge images/sounds etc) but also want to send people gameplay betas for testing, theres no reason to have the cutscenes in the gameplay file when I send them it, all they do is increase the filesize, so if this was there you could have them in 2 separate .caps.

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  • I've probably already mentioned this somewhere, but the mouseandkeyboard object needs an option to not accept input when the window loses focus - as I mean I've never ever found myself needing it to move around when you're alt tabbed, and at the moment (if it's even possible) it's not that straightforeward to add with events.

    Also, I've definately mentioned this somewhere, but it needs a "Get current layout" value, that retrieves the current layout number. Or at least a restart current layout action, though the other thing would be preferable (why not add both heh)

    Also, if it's not been added yet (mentioned this already too), pick by highest/lowest expression would be very nice aswell, like pick by evaluate but it picks the one with the highest/lowest values.

    I know you probably know about all these things but I find myself needing them and desperately wanting them all the time. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarassed" />

    (sorry if this is a completely useless post - but need to get it off my chest <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cool.gif" alt="8)" title="Cool" /> )