Hi, how would I go about adding Value A of each instance of Object A?
i.e. I have 2 object a's, 1 with value a of 20 and the other of 10, how would I add this up to get 30?
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No worries i made an example.
It uses a loop with a condition "Pick highest Private Value" and then adds to global value, change private to 0 and then again until every private is 0.
Or you could just use
+ For each Sprite
-> Add Sprite('Variable A') to global variable 'count'
Awesome! Thanks for the help.
Or you could just use + For each Sprite -> Add Sprite('Variable A') to global variable 'count'
Sorry, but if I do that it just keeps adding to the total, rather than just show the total. Unless, I did it wrong.
> Or you could just use > > + For each Sprite > -> Add Sprite('Variable A') to global variable 'count' > Sorry, but if I do that it just keeps adding to the total, rather than just show the total. Unless, I did it wrong.
> Or you could just use
> + For each Sprite
> -> Add Sprite('Variable A') to global variable 'count'
do you mean the event is running more than once? - either add trigger once or add always-> set count to 0 above it if you need it to always evaluate it
Yeah, I tried that but it's acting all funky. I'll post my cap in the upload so maybe someone can look at it.
It's up. (Custom Slider Bar not working)