Everade's Forum Posts

  • Welding down the engine cover so nobody can get to it is however a step too far in the other direction.

    Obfuscating is equivalent to welding down the cover... It's actively trying to avoid anyone even looking into the engine.

    The worst case scenarios given seem rather exaggerated. When looking at the addon download counts, 3rd party plugins aren't used THAT broadly. That 3rd party addons break at some point is to be expected, using documented or undocumented features, and i'm sure the majority of users understands that from the get go. While teachers can teach their students the principle very easily. But this issue of users misunderstanding what a 3rd party addon truly is and how it's supported could be further mitigated (actively and passively) through multiple ways by Scirra (as suggested already).

    So even if you've been burned before or learned your lesson, why go into the extreme?!

    I can't wrap my head around how possibly breaking 3rd party addons or projects every once in a while (which can be fixed by the community/users) can be compared to such an extreme counter-measurement. Which obviously does much more damage to the product than breaking all 3rd party addons altogether could ever do.

    We're all aware of the warning and its consequences, and everyone is entirely happy to comply with that as much as possible. If there were feasible alternative workarounds, we would have done it in the first place, it's not like we've been given a choice.

    Personally i would love to see Construct deprecating things (and breaking old projects) much more in exchange for greater enhancements. Or at least replacing certain features in a similar fashion to what you've done with the new functions. But i understand why you're trying to avoid just that.

    Either way, appreciate the open conversation here.

    Let's hope for the best.

  • I made a feature request for this a while ago. You can vote for it by adding a thumbs up here:


  • The github page you shared includes an example manifest file that you can download and import into your project.


  • Release - NormalMap32 v2.1

    Significant performance boost for WebGL (regression v2.0), and additional performance enhancements across all shader variants.

    Disabling lights by setting light intensity to 0 is no longer advised. The removal of this check within the shader is attributed to its lack of tangible benefits.

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  • Release - NormalMap32 v2.0

    This is a major overhaul and unfortunately not backwards compatible with existing projects! If you still plan to update: Remove the effect from all your normal maps - before installing this update. If you can no longer open your project after updating, just install the old effect version again and retry. Keep in mind that all your event code will require an overhaul as well.

    • Adds WebGPU support
    • Adds support for flipped sprites
    • Simplified the falloff formula
    • RGB values are now defined via color pickers
    • Most parameters are now defined in percentage
    • Removes ambient light settings from each light
    • Adds a single ambient light option
    • Auto-detects screen resolution for WebGL2 and WebGPU
    • Performance improvements
    • Improves parameter descriptions

    Added new 2.0 example project.

  • No idea, but i still had his mail from when i previously contacted him over a year ago. You can also still find his mail on his unity asset store page. So i'm confident that it's his mail.

    His exact response was:


    I'm sorry for my absence and delayed response.

    ProUi and Water addon are now open source for the community to take over :


    No funding needed on my side.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • I contacted aekiro recently with mikal's idea to fund ProUI becoming open source via the OpenCollective platform. aekiro responded with making it open source for free 5 days ago. So a big thanks to aekiro.

    For the time being the community could now help fixing issues.


  • Awesome, thanks Ashley!

  • Ah i get it now.

    For some reason everything has already your own thumbs up, however this first one does not actually count. I would prefer it to be 0, if there's no thumbs up.

    I assume there can only be either no stars, or 5 stars as soon as you get your first thumbs up. Means that there's no meaning to the stars at all, it just shows your thumbs up count between the brackets.

    I would suggest to either remove the star rating system, or implement it properly.

    And move the rating system to the addon page.

  • Can someone tell me where the star ratings for addons are coming from?

    The only addon rating system i've came across are the ones on a users' profile. There you can give either a thumbs up or down, however it doesn't seem to affect the star rating, or does it?

    Also why is that rating system to be found on the profile, but not on the page of the addon itself?

    I'm genuinely confused.


  • To be taken seriously, Construct needs a major makeover. Their website, logo, mascots, and how they advertise their engine all seem too playful. Don't get me wrong, it's professional, but their design language is truly geared towards young children.

    If Construct wants to appeal Unity users, it must undergo a complete re-branding. Construct has trapped itself in the "no-coding - fast prototyping" niche since the very beginning. And Construct 3 went full kids mode but with a hefty monthly price-tag.

    So while aimed at kids, kids usually don't have any income, making schools the main target audience. Unity is aimed at an entirely different market. Even if C3 is capable to take over a small portion of Unity 2D projects, it's just not advertised as such.

    Just compare the C3 landing page to Godot, Unity or CryEngine. C3 advertises how many users it has, and how the cutting-edge technology makes it run in your browser. It then starts to talk about "Chances are you've played games made in Construct and even have some installed on your phone.". Or "It's Fast". Does that sound appealing to a Unity, or any serious user?

    There's no real info on what the engine its truly capable of. No technical details. No proper game showcases. I would prefer the Construct 3 Features page as landing page, because it actually tells you some important information. Not perfect either, but much better.

    I think Construct does many things really great. But being appealing to a mature audience doesn't seem to be part of their marketing strategy.

  • Unfortunately the example project from NormalMapExtended doesn't account for scrolling. However that doesn't meant that the effect isn't working, it just means that you will have to adapt your code to keep light position at bay.

    I would recommend using my improved version of the NormalMapExtended addon called "NormalMap32". It is in every aspect a little better than NormalMapExtended, is also better documented, and the example project accounts for your mentioned issue.

  • + A overlaps B

    + OR: spacebar is down

    -> destroy A

    As it is, pressing Spacebar takes absolutely no effect, because it picked 0 instances during the overlap check. And if there are overlaps, only the overlapped ones get destroyed. Conclusion: "Spacebar is down" condition is redundant / non-functional.

    But yes, your other example works as expected.

    if (A.x > 500 || A.y < 500 ){


    I guess it's what it is, just doesn't feel consistent. But i have a better understanding that picking over-complicates it in the backend.

    At least i made myself a little reminder:

    "OR" stay within the same event block unlike "ELSE". And everything within the same block remembers picks.

    Which is i guess, the core principle of events as Ashley mentioned.

  • Then there's also backwards compatibility: we can't just change how thousands of existing projects work...

    For backwards compatibilty rename the current "OR" to "ANY" as you suggested yourself and create a new true "OR".

    To prevent any confusion, trigger a one-time pop-up the first time someone uses the new "OR", to inform users what changed so they know they need to swap to "ANY".

    Or if you're so keen to not rename it, call the new one TOR, *OR or whatever. Isn't as clean but at least we get the actual logic.

    And everyone's happy.

    Although events picking without mentioning picking could still get confusing. But that's nothing new. A tiny tooltip icon indicator on each event that picks ur unpicks might come in handy, but that's a different topic.