Everade's Forum Posts

  • I've made some small improvements to your code and:

    • Edited Origin of player sprite so the player base is at the feet of the player sprite (since it should be the players actual position on the ground in case you walk into solid objects)
    • Added a stone as a solid object editing it's collision polygons. So you're colliding with the stone with your feet location properly

    The "trigger once" will be important as soon as you've added an animation to the character. Otherwise the animation will restart every tick (so you will think the animation will not work but it's actually just restarting the animation about 60 times per second)

    I recommend to download the Z-Sorter plugin from Rex.

    Using this plugin allows you to automatically change the z-order of your player sprite (or anything else that's moving) based on their Y position on the layout.

    So right now in the example i've sent you you will notice that it looks correct if you walk BEHIND the Stone.

    But as soon as you walk in front of it your character will still be behind the rock.

    Using Z-Sorter plugin will help you to get this properly done <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">


    Personal tip:

    In case some animations are visually exactly the same (for example walking left or right).

    Do not create another animation for it... this will only steal resources which isn't required.

    You could simply MIRROR the animation instead using an event.

  • Awesome art style

    Interesting concept

    Really looking forward to this one.

    The only thing i would recommend to you for now is that you add a simple tutorial or something similiar before releasing the game.

    I was kinda confused at the beginning on how you're using some cards.

  • It isn't that complicated if you have read yourself through all tutorials from ashley.

    I've got an isometric shooter pretty fast to work.

    Unless some issues with syncing the char angle direction and that if i shoot on the client that the host is shooting as well.

    But for now it was more for testing rather than fully implementing it.

    All in all it works better than expected in the first place.

    But you always have to take care that the host is handling everything.... Otherwise players could cheat easily.

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  • I recommend creating a player base (an arrow graphic or whatever you prefer)

    Add 8-direction walking behaviour to this player base.

    Add a variable to this base, and create events which check the angle of your player base.

    In the end you could set variables (0-8 or up, down etc.... whatever you prefer) based on the current walking angle.

    That's not that complicated.

    Ones you're done with that.

    Simply PIN your player drawing (animation) to the player base.

    Then simply check the player base variable to set the animation accordingly.

    With that, there's no need to check any button pressed at any given time.

    I found this tutorial which should help you through this process in more detail:

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/413/di ... -animation

  • Oh my god.... this was actually planned?

    And dropped again?.... :'(


    If MP was such a big wish, why do you think there's no one actually using it?

    You have to consider that MP games are not that easy to code/design, so it will take much more development time.

    Or do you see that on the signalling server logs?

    However considering the fact that the MP feature is still pretty young, i doubt that there are much MP games out as of yet.

    If you look at the guides, they have quite a lot visitors and it is not even 1 year old.

    Me (for example) have only bought Construct 2 because i knew that it is even able to create multiplayer games.

    I'm currently working on quite a big Desktop Game project which is all about multiplayer.

    So before you're ever going to see this as an actual release or open beta you would have to wait for another 2~4 years maybe. (once i will be that far i will buy the signalling server anyway.)

    I would also be willing to pay a higher price on the signalling server if it's offering me such great features.

    With that dedicated servers wouldn't appeal me that much anymore.

    I think you should still consider developing the multiplayer much further than it is now.

    I haven't seen any updates on it since it's initial release, while i was reading about a few bugs on the multiplayer itself.

    Like not correctly syncing players position due the Local input prediction.

    For some games it might not be a big deal, but other games may be designed were this would be required to be more exact.

    I have some smaller issues my self, but i'm not giving up on it, i'm sure i can improve it ones i'm further with the game.


    I hope you haven't dropped this idea entirely.

    I guess this was only planned as subscription anyways. It would be freaking awesome to buy such an advanced signalling server for ourselfs to host it on an own server.

    In the end, it's your ultimate decision.


  • But look at the screenshot of my game above.

    I can't compare x and y positions.

    Because x and y can be exactly the same on both floors.

    The 1st floor isn't that much higher that i could compare these values.

    I don't want to take away the freedom of the map design by simply pulling the floor THAT way higher within a big house design.

    Also i want the player to be able to walk completly free BEHIND the houses.

    Just imagine on the screenshot, that the zombie is standing exactly on the player, but the zombie is on the ground and the player is on floor 1.

    Visually it looks correct. But the engine will tell me that they're on the exact same x,y position.

  • Ok upon further testing with construct 2, i found a pretty easy way to get the player to a new floor.

    I've simply triggered an event upon reaching the top of the stairs to de-activate the Solid objects on the ground.

    However in a multiplayer environment this would mean that other players walking around on the ground would also be able to walk through all the objects / walls etc.

    Is there any way to trigger such events considering UID's of a specific player?

    Instances or something like that?

    Since the "solid" is a behaviour of an actual object, i don't think so.

    But would this be possible by using a collision check (including UID) instead of changing the solid behaviour?`

    Like "if peerID1 colides with table, ignore" ?

  • In case... they're actually going to work on C3 (i doubt it)

    But let's just consider it...

    Then i would like to know what's going on with our current projects.

    Will they be portable into the C3 engine, or do we have to stick with a no-more updating C2 infrastructure.

    I hope they're still improving C2 for now, rather than working on the next thing already.

    I think a lot of these wishes could still be implemented into Construct 2.

    And in case they're really planing Construct 3 already, it would be more than interesting to know on what their goals on the next engine may be.

  • All the people asking for 3D and built-in isometric engines and what not so very often honestly feels a little ridiculous - if you need that just switch to a different engine. C2 has been very open about what's possible and what's the expected output.

    I'm not asking for a full isometric engine.

    And i think the most people are using Construct 2 because it does not require any coding.

    I've tested Unity and the Unreal Engine for quite some time but was never able to achieve anything nearly usable because i can't code. Also the blueprint stuff within the new unreal engine isn't that easy to use as it may look.

    Construct 2 is intuitive as it is, and all i'm asking for are some tools to make it EASIER for us to create an isometric world.

    And isometric isn't really that hard to do in events. I don't feel like it needs its own editor.

    Is it easy to create an isometric layout, place your graphics, player and set to 8way- walking behaviour?

    Yes, kinda

    Is it easy to create buildings or other big objects to get the the zorder properly done?

    already getting tricky, unless you're using a zorder plugin.

    But still it doesn't work properly if the objects are to big.

    You're forced to create walls which are really short in the lenght and puzzle them together while making sure it looks visually correct.

    Is it easy to create a proper colision with such an environment?

    No it's getting kinda annoying, especially if it includes weapons to shoot and you've limits with collision polygons. (performance issues) etc...

    Is it easy to create multiple floors within an isometric environment?

    I haven't found a working solution as of yet at all. Teach me


    Is there any way to get realistic physics into an isometric environment?

    forget about it...

    All i'm looking forward to are some tools or behaviours or events or whatever to help us in the development of an isometric environment. And i'm sure i'm not the only one.

    isometric... in my point of view is still one of the top notch layouts you can achieve in 2D.

    And about 3D:

    As mentioned before, there are for sure a lot of unexperienced game devs in the C2 community.

    Creating 3D models for game development is really not easy and takes a lot of time.

    I have experience with it, but i don't think that it fits the Construct engine at all.

    Just my opinion thought.

  • Everade Thx for taking some of my point on board. I agree with rest of your aditional points, but I think you agree with me too that online must wait till we have a stable and streamlined local environment.

    I totally agree.

    But a good idea however might be to increase the SCIRRA team with additional developers who will be working on additional projects/features such as a dedicated server for example, while Ashley would be able to work on the c2 environment itself.

  • The longer i've worked with Construct 2, the more i've realised that it's rather impossible to create an advanced mobile game without having major performance issues.

    So i've started to develope a PC game instead.

    So for me as well, rather than trying to improve something that's relying more on mobile hardware than HTML5 / Javascript capabilities to achieve better results on mobile. I would suggest to look forward to the real an original gamers. (PC, Mac, Linux, Consoles)

    Just look at The Next Penelope, Cosmochoria or Airscape.

    It would be great to see more original C2 games getting available on steam, and on consoles in near future!

    No one talks about mobile games after 1 year of it's release...

    Looking forward to:

    1. Expanded solid behavior so we can turn solid objects in relations to other selected objects.

    2. Menu and inventory object. Of course we can program it ourselfs, but it would be great to have BASIC tools we can work fast with, removing mundane tasks. An decreasing the amount of events. I would say that the most games are using these objects.

    3. A stable and well performing DESKTOP EXPORTER pc/mac/lnx and next-gen Consoles!

    4. A useful lighting/shadow system to immerse players into visualy and atmospheric better games

    5. Isometric tools!

    Construct 2 is a 2D game engine... some of the best games in the past, and still today, rely on an isometric layout! Currently working with C2 it's a pain in the *** to work on anything that's isometric. Giving us helpfull tools would be a relief for everyone working with it. And maybe attract others to give it a try.

    6. MYSQL connection tools. Give us the possibilites to set up a secure connection to a SQL database and let us use it as a library and saving option.

    7. Dedicated Servers!

    Looking forward to the next generation of Constructers

  • Ok, so you say zheight is just a player variable

    I don't understand why you always want to change the objects y position... but ok

    Here's a screenshot so you can see a better example, i have outlined the floors so you can see them better.

    There are currently only objects on the ground and the player is at the first floor

    Could you please explain me which event i can use to make a player avoid collisions with SPECIFIC SOLID objects (ground walls, table, chairs, bench, cupboard)?

    I mean sure, i can simply set a variable to the player to indicate that he is standing on the 1st floor now.

    But which events do i have to trigger to avoid specific solid objects?

    Or do i have to create an own collision system because it won't work with the solid function?

  • Ok.... uhm wait a second.

    I've searched myself through the whole scirra forum and tutorial page right now, and was not able to find anything similiar to what you've just said.

    There's Z Order, correct, simply telling Image 1 is VISUALLY above image 2. I'm using that... that's fine

    Then there's X & Y

    These are simply the position on the whole layout.

    X is left to right

    Y is top to bottom

    I've searched myself through the construct 2 events as well.

    Also through available plugins.

    But there's nothing that gives me the possibility to place something on top of each other that ignore anything that's under it.

    So for example ignore all Collission objects or whatever.

    Have i missed anything specific?

    Or are you only refering to playing the player by Y higher at the layout.

    Because that wouldn't help me at all.

    I'm sorry, maybe i'm just to dumb to understand what you mean.

    But i really wasn't able to find anything at all.

    There's nothing such as Z Height nor Y Offset to represent a different level

    Thanks in advance for your patience with me ^^

  • 1. I don't think so. It would be awesome, as i'm looking forward to it as well.

    The only thing that scirra is currently offering us is either their own "official" signaling server as described above. So you don't have any control over the signaling server itself

    Or what's pretty new is that they're now selling a license for your own signalling server so you can host it on your own one. But in the end it's still just a signalling server.

    2. Yes i think that should be possible, so you could (for example) synchronize all the player data as long as they are on the same map / instance. So all you would have to do is some checks if a player enters or leaves an area.

    3. That's perfect, makes it easier for you

    4. I really don't know. But i would love to have this feature as well. I guess it's possible somehow, but haven't informed myself about it as of yet. I've just asked ones if there's a way to connect to a SQL database, but i've been told no.

    5. There are global events yes, and it should be pretty easy to synchronize those yes.

    6. I would say Construct 2 is perfect for a zelda style combat game. If you give your best, i would say you would be able to create a 1:1 copy of any old top down zelda game.

  • Yes what?

    Give who or what a z to go?

    I'm an absolute beginner, but from what i know is that Z is only the height of the object or layer.

    In the current state i'm using z-ordering to get the objects displayed in correct order (bottom to top)

    But until now it had nothing to do with collisions or anything similiar.

    Bullets fired from the top layer do still hit objects who are on the lowest z-order.

    This includes collisions with the character itself.

    I thank you for your answer, but it's not that constructive as i've hoped for