Everade's Forum Posts

  • This well documented, advanced, isometric, real-time multiplayer template allows for absolute responsive controls. Creating identical gameplay experiences for every connected player.

    Made for co-op, and comes with nifty graphics, animations, sounds and more features. Coded from scratch for both C3 and C2! So you get the best from both worlds.

    No rubber-banding and no control delays for the controlled character.

    Full feature list and further details can be found in the Asset Store!

    Try it in the Arcade!

    Feel free to share your creations here. For support, refer to the asset store page.

    Changelog - 8 Jun, 2023 - Separated animation logic for host and peer, to keep peer animations responsive. Corrected some discrepancies between C2 and C3 templates. (regression V1.0.0.6) - 8 Jun, 2023 - Resolved a peer animation bug that occurred when playing with more than two players. Streamlined the animation code, eliminating the need for separate logic for host and peer. - 7 May, 2023 - Added a camera system, to smoothly follow the controlled character. - 27 Dec, 2022 - Replaced basic 8-direction movement with isometric movement logic. Added info for the new Construct3-r319 multiplayer data compression. Added review and support info. - 30 Jun, 2022 - Corrected some discrepancies between C2 and C3 templates. - 29 Jun, 2022 - Added Construct 2 Template, fully recoded from scratch. Several C3 template improvements. - 28 Jun, 2022 - Minor text correction on the asset layout. - 27 Jun, 2022 - Initial Release

    For up to patch notes, visit the template on the asset store and navigate to Releases.

  • ninowebs

    If you're experiencing sync issues while testing. (i assume you're testing locally) Then there's most likely an error in your setup. Make sure you didn't miss anything by looking at the multiple examples that are provided by Construct.

    If you setup a "sync object position", means that the Host will send the position data of said objects to all the peers. Means, if the objects never move Host side, then it will simply sync non-moving objects.

    To make them move, Peers must either send their movement inputs OR their positions to the Host. The host then either moves the objects OR updates their positions for himself. Then the host will sync these movements to everyone else.

    If you still encounter issues, and need help, please share your project file so we can take a look at it.

    Multiplayer Examples




    Multiplayer Tutorials


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  • I guess it does not matter, because the ideas have not gained the traction needed, don't know if its due to the limited votes or because there are so many ideas to choose from that the votes are getting divided into them.

    Traction was never the problem. At the end of the day, Scirra works on what they want. They are a small team after all, and think as a business, not as game devs. Problems you may encounter everyday, is for them just a single good idea on a vote page with many good ideas.

    There are many flaws with Construct, some are bigger than others. Skymen made some interesting blog posts about some of the core issues we have. Including UI limitations overall, not just buttons.

    For now, they're busy with that weird construct animate prototype. Since it's basically Construct, i would expect animation related updates for the rest of the year.

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  • The idea is very important, but it might be more of feature request for better working of multiplayer games and not an idea that eases the development of a game.

    It would truly ease game development a hundred fold when using multiplayer. Because it's easier than coding your own Multiplayer Plugin from scratch, or recreating the sync function with the send message event as a less performant function. ;)

    Just like any other idea only helps for its own specific task.

    It was top 3 of the highest voted ideas in the archive, and for good reasons.

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  • Many of them have been reported countless times.

    1. Can't navigate to any page number within the Tutorials section for languages other than "English". It will always forward you to the english section using the paginator. (Sets flang=X back to 0)
    2. The main sub-link filters in the tutorials section don't return any results if a language filter is set to something other than "0" english. Example: https://www.construct.net/en/tutorials/construct-3?flang=9
    3. The "Report this tutorial" link, displays the menu selector behind the Footer. So for short tutorial pages, it's not possible to submit a report. Example: https://www.construct.net/en/tutorials/parallaxeneffekt-with-ebenen-1565 Has also been reported here and here and here.
    4. Asset Store Bundle image previews are glitching out when hovering over them with your cursor. (Chrome) https://www.construct.net/en/game-assets/bundles
    5. "Label" on the suggestion platform can be used in the Text Editor, but they are not displayed when viewing the suggestion. I've reported it already to "Aha!", but it could possibly a custom branding from you guys?! Example in which i used the default grey "Label" multiple times: https://construct3-21h2.ideas.aha.io/ideas/C321H2-I-328
    6. Construct Addons page doesn't filter properly. If you remove "Show paid addons" no results will be shown. https://www.construct.net/en/make-games/addons?products=2&q=&cats=1%2C2%2C3%2C4&sp=0&sb=0&sd=0&sort=5&page=1
    7. "Undelete" a deleted post within the forums doesn't work.
    8. Changing an up/down-vote is inconsistent and doesn't work in all cases.
    9. Asset Store sale mails always contain a wrong x% off value. It never matches the actual sale price currently being offered.
    10. Addon Search function doesn't work properly. It is case sensitive, and somehow doesn't always return matches if the full word isn't written out. "normalmap" is a great example, there are 3 different C3 Normal Map addons available, but it's really hard to find all of them by using the search function.
  • I've created 4 ideas in total, and i'm already out of vote points for my own ideas. Unfortunately, i can't support any other ideas due to the lack of vote points. There are many great suggestions i would love to support.

    The 2 most important to me being:

    Multiplayer: Sync Interest Management


    3D Camera Viewport


  • You are not supposed to associate a weapon as a peer.

    Only use the Multiplayer->Associate on the object (character) the players are controlling.


    "On Peer Connected" triggers only for players connecting, but never for the Host itself.

    Also "Pick a random Spawn1 instance" doesn't do you any favor either.

    I guess i don't have to teach you what random means.

    There are several other issues though.

    I highly recommend to read the official tutorials or look at the examples before you continue.

  • Construct 3 has built-in physics behavior that works well in a 2D environment.

    You could also code your own physics, but the available behavior should fit perfectly fine for what you're looking for.


    Simply add the behavior to the mineral sprite, then you'll get access to all the physics actions and events.

  • It's important that every movement, that shall be framerate independent must use delta time accordingly.

    Wasn't able to run your example because of a missing plugin that you're using.

    But all answers to your questions have already been given. There's nothing else to say.


  • And also - will you work on any of the existing ideas during these 6 months?

    He just told you that they're not doing any long-term planning at all.

    They do whatever they want, so simply don't expect anything and wait for the patchnote gamble.

  • Ashley

    I think we're going in circles again...

    The main issue with Construct is, that there are:

    - No News

    - No Roadmap

    - Not a single glimpse into the future

    We only have changelogs to the latest patches, and that's it.

    But other than that, the entire community keeps on waiting for their own miracle, simply because there's no official information on anything future-related.

    The suggestion page is the closest the community ever got to future considerations.

    But we don't get any feedback there either.

    As such, your community is frustrated.

    Which is most likely an understatement.

    If so many people tell you something is wrong. Maybe consider it against your own will. That would be great for a change. I can only shake my head when i read your answers.