<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/159885981/awtest1Animation.gif" border="0">
This is the very early beginnings of a TBS game like Advance Wars.
The demo can be found here.
Right click to reset map.
Left double click on a unit to see its path. No actual movements yet.
The highlighted path indicates all the possible routes the unit can move.
This is calculated by having a certain amount of action points per turn which is reduced by the cost of each terrain type it will travel over during the journey.
This is different for each unit, for example Tanks can't go through woods or up mountains so the cost of that tile is above the max action point (obstacle), but they are fast over grass and up hills so they only incur -1 cost when traveling over that square. Soldiers travel -1 over grass, and -2 over woods etc. You get the idea.