ErekT's Forum Posts

  • Wow, lots of good stuff in this thread

    Here's a small clip from a Street Fighter/Metroidvania hybrid I'm working on - testing and tweaking some boss AI here:

  • Well put. In between all the criticisms against html5 and subscriptions it's easy to forget sometimes how intuitive and plain nice Construct is to work with compared with anything else out there. Issues notwithstanding, Construct is still a damn fine tool.

  • If you separate them, you might have a problem with the 'else'.

    I suppose that 'platform' is a tilemap and 'breakable' a sprite. So you cant bring them in 1 family.

    So, make 'breakable' a tilemap, if possible. Now just check overlap with 1 family. I what i prefer.

    You can separate them like ...

    is overlapping platform

    ____set boolean


    is overlapping breakable

    ____set boolean


    ____unset boolean

    i think that should work

    Yeah no prob, I structured it like this:

    Pick Collider -
                                     | Set C_CannotBePushedRight to False     (defaults to this)
       Is overlapping     | Set C_CannotBePushedRight to True
    I did discover that another problem event got cleared up by going from this:
    Is ConditionA            | Do stuff
           - or -
    Is ConditionB  
    Else                           | Do something else
    ... to this:
    Is ConditionA           | Do stuff
    Is ConditionB          | Do stuff
    Not ConditionA      | Do something else
             - and -
    Not ConditionB
    Not trusting 'or' from now on 
    That's a nice trick, thanks 
    Is there a more efficient way to iterate through them? I use a boolean to minimize the looping already (Activated). Every tick, yeh I agree. Lots of game logic that needs updating if I change it but maybe I should anyway.
  • Hm, yeah sorry I don't really know much about solids except that they affect built-in behaviours like 8direction and platform, as well as physics I think? You're sure the 8direction behaviour is enabled too right?

  • I split them up and it worked! Thanks so much

    That's a pretty mean gotcha. Is the 'or' operator a bit flaky in general maybe?

  • I have to ask. It's probably some kind of bug on my end but I can't find it and it's driving me a bit nuts

    I have a group of object instances (Character) I loop through every game tick. Like this:

    Every loop calls a few functions to handle the current Character's movement, collisions, and rendering:

    I'm passing object UID's to these functions, which is probably bad practice. But they're global objects created on startup and their UID's never change. So it should be okay.

    The problem happens in Collider_Chr(). This function aligns a couple of collision boxes on each side of the Character object and checks if they're overlapping with anything. If one of them does, an instance boolean gets set to true. If there's no overlap, the boolean is false.

    This function is structured the same way basically as everything else in the game: I pass an UID to the function, then pick the Character instance from that passed parameter. And it works fine. Except in this case. This event/function doesn't want to pick the right Character instance for some reason, so all the collider objects get set to the position of the first Character in the main loop.

    I can't figure it out. This 'pick instance by passed function parameter' approach works fine everywhere else, at least as far as I can tell. Anyone able to see what I'm doing wrong here?

  • Just checking, your player and solid objects both have collisions enabled right?

    • Post link icon

    Well, could be that they're seeing C2 as something that'll continue to be a viable offering to hobbyists and one-man indies while C3 targets small studios and the like (and anyone not scared off by annual subs). Two products for different market segments.

    C2 won't magically turn into cack once C3 hits the store page, so I really don't get all the talk about migrating away from Construct myself, but to each their own

    Oh... buy obviously. Might be able to put up with subs, on the fence atm.

  • Okay then, thanks for the info

    • Post link icon

    This assumption that Scirra is only going to have 100 people subscribe to C3 is silly.

    I think his point was that at 3x price your customer count goes down to 1/10. It won't scale in their favour.

    In any case, I fear Bleenx is correct. My instant reaction on seeing the announcement was ******** this is not gonna work out is it". One of the problems is C2 is already pretty feature-complete. Scirra needs to offer some strong incentives to pull customers in to buy C3, and 99$ subscription is a large pull in the wrong direction.

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  • Hi devs Tom Ashley,

    just wondered if you could answer this for me. C2 has several .js files under exporters/html5/ that expose engine code like layout.js, glwrap.js and so on. I use a slightly modified version of these to get some functionality I need. Will we be able to modify those files in C3 as well?

  • Yeh, I might decide to go with C3 in the end anyway so no rush I guess

  • I feel bad for Ashley and Tom though. I know they have great visions and drive. I just think they lost their focus and began to ignore our cries for important features like native export/compiling.

    As most of us know, Scirra is based in England.

    - but way back in time we Scandinavians invaded England in the Viking Age.

    We did that because of a vision (and revenge) but it would have been impossible without the support, belief and ideas of the people

    Does that make sense?

    Viking visions heh. You saying Scirra should start hitting them magic mushrooms?

  • Okay, thanks for the info

  • I was considering buying a business license back before talk first started about C3, but decided to hold off until we got more info on that. Now we have and well, it's turned into a spicy discussion safe to say. I don't want to bring that over here, but I think I might go with a C2 business license depending on how things play out. Hell I might do both who knows? But anyway! In the license description I see a business license is restricted to being used on one single machine at any time. Does that mean we can't install it on several? I have a laptop I like to use for testing and developing away from home (happens a lot). Technically I would just be using one machine at a time, but maybe that's still not kosher? Anyone able to clear this bit up for me? Ashley, Tom or anyone else? Thanks.