ErekT's Forum Posts

  • Hello.

    No need. Just import your sprite frames separately and C2 will arrange your sprites into optimized sprite sheets when you export the project.

  • Hey cool, nice work so far!

    I'd like a tutorial on this too! I'm extra interested in mechanics like movement collisions (fighter gets pushed out of the way when the other fighter jumps on him etc).

  • Yo! Here's a trick you can try:

    Set default controls to 'no' in platform behaviour.

    Add a 'simulate control left/right' action that kicks in whenever your player is in the air.

  • I got this as well. Happens with Chrome and Node-webkit builds, haven't tested other browsers. I'm not using *dt either.

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  • Yo!

    I tried to reproduce a TV effect for C2 with phosphour glow and shadow mask the other day. Came up with this:

    This is how I set it up:

    Png image to simulate the shadow mask with Overlay Blend applied. This goes on top of everything else.

    Blur Horizontal 10 on entire layout for a sense of color bleeding like you get with phosphour glow.

    Sharpen 10 on entire layout.

    HSLAdjust on entire layout with Saturation 105-110 and Luminosity 93.

    Sampling -> Linear in Project Settings.

    You'll be needing WebGL obviously. The entire canvas needs to be scaled to at least 2X and the CRT2 image needs to be set to 0.5 scale to get it all to look right.

  • You can place them wherever you like I guess, but I always leave em at the top. Ensures that the included event code is available to the entire event sheet you're importing it into.

  • Is it possible to switch between linear and point sampling on the fly? I'm doing a tv mode effect that relies on the linear sampling mode and would like to include a setting to turn it off in-game.

  • I'm not familiar with the plugin/behaviours you use for spaceship control but how about including a countdown variable that runs whenever w isn't pressed? Pseudo-code:

    System -> every tick

    If (key.w <= 0 And ship.speed > 0)

       If (ship.countdown > 0)

          ship.countdown -= 1; (or whatever)

          ship.speed *= ship.countdown;


          ship.countdown = 0;

          ship.speed = 0;

  • Aha! That worked, thanks for the help! :)

  • Hello.

    My name is ErekT and I am experiencing funky behaviour when I switch layouts in-game. My player object is global, has platform behaviour modified through events, and a sprite and camera focus object attached to it. On the first layout everything is swell but on switching back and forth between the first and second layouts strange stuff begins to crop up.

    On the second layout, the player object, which is the one colliding with things, will begin to trail off away from the sprite pinned to it along with the camera object the further the scene scrolls. That's pretty strange in itself, but weirder still; the camera focus has a scroll-to behaviour attached to it so scrolling is supposed to follow the focus object at all times. But it doesn't! It follows a position in front of the sprite instead for some reason. There's always the chance I just goofed something up of course, but this is really beginning to smell like a bug in Construct.

    Switching back to the first layout things behave as normal again, except now the pinned sprite has become slightly offset from the player object. This is cumulative: Every time the game returns to the first layout the sprite position gets displaced some more. No biggie, if the pin refuses to behave I can just ditch it and set the sprite position manually instead. It's still odd, though.

    Here's a link to the project. The player object is the green box and the camera focus is the purple one. The player spawns outside the screen so just hold right until the layout changes. Double-tap to run.

    I have no clue how to fix this so any help is very much appreciated!

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  • Yeh, you can work around it with more events but it's a bit clunky. Hope they plan to add this in the future.

  • Yo.

    I'll second alspal's crt screen suggestion. Great for simulating the classic arcade look.

  • Cheers, I also checked out the images in an exported project. Looking good but are image sizes customizable? Didn't look like it in the blog post. If not then no biggie.