enyon's Forum Posts

  • valdarko

    Now even able to reply for private message because of low rep :(

  • I understand that forum is limiting people with not enough reputation to write private messages. But when I receive private massage why I am not even able to reply???

    Why is this such a pain. I would suggest to allow one reply to PM post regardless your rep. (at least)

  • valdarko

    Yes gravity works, and other stuff to some degree too , however still learning stuff :) If you want to try demo I handed as final for concept class PM me I will send you the link privately. Would be nice to hear some more critique. Still low on reputation...

  • <img src="https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-bQnMAcz7lNE/UcFPBcnZ6uI/AAAAAAAAAI4/ya8G8uBY4Ss/w1153-h768-no/gravity_apha_03.jpg" border="0" />

    <img src="https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-gL5-zG0Vr7Y/UcFPBRaLoMI/AAAAAAAAAI8/SBYSi2TXY48/w1153-h768-no/gravity_apha_02.jpg" border="0" />

    <img src="https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-ogZjuc59jEo/UcFPF9mN6LI/AAAAAAAAAJ0/WmWzL5deaDg/w1153-h768-no/gravity_apha_10.jpg" border="0" />

    <img src="https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-qJ8W8iPv2o0/UcFPEJcQK8I/AAAAAAAAAJc/9BI24lNlkKM/w1153-h768-no/gravity_apha_07.jpg" border="0" />

  • Of what object? Platform? Physics object? Do you use multiple instances of same object, or just unique object in a scene ... IF you want help you need to be more elaborate.

  • Hi guys

    So my player is Platform and my boxes are Jump Trough / Platform, and while player is walking trough boxes on ground he occasionally jumps on top of them by itself, or just try to, what creates jerks of the view port.

    Is there any way to turn it off while player is running around on the circle-ground?



  • Yay, Thank you!

  • Hi guys

    I am testing a touch control set up and I have two question.

    Even I got it mostly working as I wanted, I am not clear how the multi touch pass on coordinates. Here is an example of the touch objects position. Problem is that if I first touch the jump object and keep holding it while I try to move player immediately (by touching direction object) to right(side of the screen) it acts incorrectly and jumps to left.

    <img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/71343504/construct2/TouchTest03-01.jpg" border="0" />

    If you have chance to test .capx with touch screen to replicate an issue, touch and keep touching jump, while immediately trying to go with player to right side of the screen, it will jump left.

    I am using cocoonJS on iPhone 4 to test it.

    <img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/71343504/construct2/TouchTest03-02.jpg" border="0" />


    My best guess is that, when I touch Direction object, it still passes ordinates of the first touch whatever it was. So how do I do it so it passes the coordinates of the touch that is touching direction object, where it is first, second or third couch.

    Oh and other question, can I use one touch UI layer for different layouts or I have to set it up with events so its get created same on start of each layout?

    Thanks guys.

  • - Create a global UI layout which is only visible and active in a level. The prevents you having to recreate your UI in every layout (a major pain if you want to adjust it later). Alternatively, create your UI at runtime with events

    Where do I find more about this, can't find anything about global layout. Can imagine that with events I can create touch objects with events and set their position and size on start of the layout. Is that only way?

  • 137 views and no response BUT IT CAN BE DONE! :P

    example: t.enyoneugenius.net

    Make platform to follow your touch correctly on circular ground. :)

  • Your deceleration slows you down to quickly. dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/71343504/construct2/AngeledTrampoline.capx

  • So I am experimenting little bit with touch controls.

    background: game is gravity side scroller (you are running around circular planets) trying to get to other planets.

    I was thinking how to make control such that player will move (or go by itself) until it gets to closest point you touched on screen.

    My idea was to use half circle objects that will rotate on the screen with player. But that only kind of works only until player is in the centre of the screen.

    example: dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/71343504/construct2/TouchScreenControlTEST01.capx

    Next I was thinking if it was possible to calculate function y = k*x + b(where player would be 0,0 of the grid and his up angle would the parameter k) so that you can test if b = y - a*x is zero(x,y are coordinates of the touch). It it is more then zero player would be pressing left until it is zero, and if it is less then zero, player would be pressing right until it is zero. But I could not get this working correctly (even for the half of the screen).

    <img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/71343504/construct2/touchfunction.jpg" border="0" />

    Do you have any suggestion, ideas?

  • Yes you can set them to platform and turn off default controls(in properties panel). Then you can set up event where you compare position of your enemy to your player and trigger event enemy simulate pushing left/right/jump. (I assume it is side scroller) And maybe there are some tutorials how to make more intelligent UI.

  • Thank you

    That works perfectly with my trampoline, now I don't have random jumps.

    Sound on landed if vectorY is more then 180 works perfetly if you land on box(jump trough, platform) but only very occasionally works when you land on planet (solid).


    Setting global variable falling = 0, change to 1 when vectorY is more then 200 and if vectorY is then less or equal zero wait 0.1 and change it to 0. (Without wait it would randomly not work as well.)

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  • So I have some problems... Because my planets are circular (the collision mash is about 12-16 side polygon) and gravity always change, the value of Platform is Falling is often true when I am walking for a millisecond and that cause problems, like playing sound on landed like crazy.

    Any idea sqiddster