EncryptedCow's Forum Posts

  • There's not enough information to help you. Try logging to the console with the Browser object to make sure you have all your events right. If you can't figure it out with that post some screenshots of the events involved.

  • Select the while True block and right click -> add blank sub event (Or press B) then you can add any actions you want to run after the for loop in there

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Or try the lerp function :)

    From the manual: lerp(a, b, x) Linear interpolation of a to b by x. Calculates a + x * (b - a).

  • The reason opening the capx doesn't work with Steam is because the Steam version checks your account for if it owns a license. The Steam version doesn't use a license file at all so when you associate the capx file type with te executable, it opens the project but doesn't go through steam meaning it can't check your account for ownership. I don't think this is really fixable by Scirra unless they change the Steam version to also use the license file.

  • Links for the lazy.

    Picture 1

    Picture 2

    Picture 3

    Looks pretty cool :D How far along are you? Are you able to place/remove blocks or is that all done in the editor? Also what do you plan to do with it?

  • <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Katy Perry or Daft Punk

  • It should be distance(x1, y1, x2, y2) you have distance(x1, x2, y1, y2)

  • Elemental Balance is now (for the most part) available on Clay.io! With it comes 10 achievements and a much prettier site (imho). You can play it here.

  • Doing it from Eclipse? O_O Are you using Construct 2 at all?

  • dt or delta-time is the amount of time that has passed since the game last updated. It is used to make sure that any calculations that have it in there are framerate independent. A time that you would use dt is if you are gradually moving an object in a direction (eg. a bullet). A time you wouldn't want to use dt is if you are moving an object to the right x distance on each click. If you used dt, it would multiply the 100 pixels you wanted to move the object by a very small number, which in turn would hardly move it.

    More info

  • Gve the player an instance variable called Floated with the type set to boolean. Then, do these events:

    On Space Pressed and Player Is Not On Floor (do is on floor then press I to invert) and Floated is False

    • > set Floated true
    • > set Max Fall Speed to 100

    On Space Released

    • > set Max Fall Speed 500

    Player Is On Floor and Trigger Once

    • > set Floated False

    I can't guarantee this will work, it's all if the top of my head and I can't test it.

  • I don't know what kind of game you are trying to make and what behaviour you are using, so I can't be more specific.

    You'll need to give more information. But I'm assuming you are using the Platform behavior, so just do

    Space is Down -> Player Set Max Fall Speed to 100

    Else -> Player Set Max Fall Speed to 500

    Numbers are guesses, you can change them.

  • That's not a bug. The layout size is 1280x1024 whereas your window size is only 640x480. In a new empty project you'll have the same sizes preset and there will be a dotted line. that dotted line is where your window will be. So either you need to shrink your game to fit in the window, or make the window the same size as the layout.

  • Depends what you mean by quick. You can't change it in the properties, but you can use 4 events

    W/A/S/D is down -> 8 Direction Simulate Control