eli0s's Forum Posts

  • TheDom thank you very much for your input and for offering help in the future. I really appreciate it

  • I don't think it has to do with interest. More likely that knowing how busy Ashley is with C2 development, it's highly unlikely to get dynamic lighting out of the blue. I am sure that if and when the time comes, we will know it beforehand. I remember Ashley asking in the past about priorities and wishlists when a development circle was about to end an a new to begin. That was before the debugger was implemented.

  • Following blackhornet 's instructions I made this example. I think that this is what blackhornet meant and it works in the way you describe.

  • The jerking is due to the scrollingY and the 8direction movement going up actions. You don't have to move the Smurf upwards. You want the fruits and rocks to fall down.

    I changed those things and I am attaching the capx (I removed the music and some images in order to reduce the file-size and be able to attach the file).

    Overall the game has a nice aesthetic, the music is kinda on the loud side and the fact that it's only 8 bars doesn't' help.

  • Can you be more specific? You want to pin the instances onto what? Like having a missile that has a smoke tail pined onto it and when that particular missile gets destroyed the specific tail has to be destroyed also?

  • This has already mentioned a few times in this topic https://www.scirra.com/forum/what-features-do-you-want-to-see-in-the-future-c2_t103752 and I am sure that there are quite a few more topics that request the same thing. I agree that realtime lighting will be a major eye candy and probably add great potential gameplay wise, but it looks like it's a tough beast to tackle.

  • This solution seems to be interesting. Could you make an example using CAPX that I have shared?

    Unfortunately, such an action doesn't exist. I've stated the lack of it on this topic (https://www.scirra.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=146&t=104264) which criticize the lack of controlling some behavior parameters thru actions. I don't rate this need as high enough though, I doubt that Ashley will prioritize this any time soon.

  • I would add a "Pick" (as opposed to the "Drop") action for the Drag&Drop behavior.

    Also, I believe that the Fade behavior does not take into account the sprite's current opacity value, that creates abrupt flashes when used on sprites with opacity value less than 100. It would be nice if the default behavior began the fade from (or to) the sprite's current (or set from within an action) opacity.

  • You can Tap-click on overlapping Sprites to circle between them.

    From the manual "Hold tab and click a selected object to select the next object underneath in the Z order"


  • So, what happens when the object touches the orange frame? It resets its position at the startx, starty coordinates?

    Nevertheless, what you really need is a "Pick" action, as opposed to the "Drop" that the Drag&Drop behavior already has. That way you would drop the object every time it overlaps and pick it up again automatically if the mouse were still pressed.

    To be honest, I can't think of something useful. The closest I got is without using the Drag&Drop behavior, with a simple "set position to" mouse.X, mouse.Y action (you can lerp it for smoother movement) and a boolean that becomes false when the object overlaps with the container and stops the "set position" action. The problem is that when it stops the overlapping and we re-enable the "set position", the result is a jagged movement as the object collides and re-collides constantly with the container. Also, if you sweep the object fast enough, you can even pass thru the container, since the 60fps aren't enough to check for the collisions.

    Sorry that I couldn't be of more help.

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  • Xerullian That's brilliant

  • Damn, it's harder than I thought. I am sure that there is an optimal way, perhaps with loops and/or arrays, but that's beyond my scope of knowledge!

    Here is a semi-working example, the problem is that when you come back to the main menu, the locking/unlocking resets. That's because the booleans doesn't keep their state after you leave the menu layout. You have to find a way to store each level's condition within a global variable (or an array, dictionary, whatever stores data). I am too confused to think about it right now. Try to improve upon this, if it helps you, and meanwhile perhaps someone else will think something more appropriate!

  • I am sorry, I don't understand what you mean by "the object returns to the original place when I drop it". I thought that you want upon collision for the drag&drop behavior to stop acting. The "while" events in my example ensure that there is no overlapping between the sprites, I guess that since you use the Physics Behavior that wouldn't even be necessary because the detection is very tight by it's own with physics.

    Can you share a capx file to clarify your needs?

  • Is this what you want?

    Please have in mind that since you want the inventory on-top of (the scrolling) player, the UI layer should also have to scroll, therefore it's parallax values can't be different from the Game layer values. I suggest moving the "inventory" object into a different layer and keep the UI with 0,0 parallax for static things like health bars, score and that kind of stuff