eli0s's Forum Posts

  • Sonyika , I haven't tried the video plugin yet. Can you post a capx with a small sized video imported? If you do so, I could check it and perhaps find out what's going wrong.

  • Can you provide a capx or at least a photo of what you are trying to do?

  • As Tylermon said, many of your questions can be answered by the ghost shooter tutorial. Go to the tutorial section on the site and follow the first 3. The game mechanics inside them will provide you with valuable experience. If you do those tutorials and still have some gaps on how to set up a system that does the things you ask for, post again here. It will be much more constructive for both you and us to guide you then.

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  • I am using this setup to achieve similar results. This has the added benefit that you can use conditions and change the camera's position to somewhere else than normal, if for instance you want to point out a part of the layout to the user.

    The scrolling is happening automatically by the 2 scroll to behaviors that exist on the Player and the camera sprites. Of course, you want the camera to be invisible in the game, I've left it visible for illustration purposes.

  • In my opinion, a 2d environment should provide more relaxed depth perception experience than a full fledged 3d world. I think that anaglyph 3d could be already possible with some post effects. But for active, pasive or OR methods of viewing, as was previously stated, you'll need a 3d workspace and 2 cameras.

    By the way, I'll take this opportunity to beg for a 2.5d workspace, again

  • The part with the respawn is using a loop, it's just a way to do something in few events and it makes the need of the placeholder sprites (and all the hustle arranging them) obsolete. It's not nothing necessary, although all those placeholder instances might add a few draw calls that tax the CPU a bit. But If the framerate is great, all is good

    As for the web storage and Facebook stuff, I know nothing about these subjects yet, so I can't help unfortunately. I a m sure that there are tutorials for high scores though, try to search the tutorial section on the forum.

  • ramones that's brilliant and elegant!

  • i think its not related with the solution i am looking for

    Oh, ok then, my bad!

  • If you don't care about controlling the fish with the platform behavior and you just using it for the jumping arc, then you can use an other, hidden object to do the jumping and add its Y values to the fish. Check the capx.

    On the other hand, if you do want to control the fish with the platform behavior, then I can't think of something, you'll need a way for the the solid/jump-through behaviors to be object oriented (for lack of better wording), like with the tabbing system that we have for the audio object, or even the shadow & lighting behavior.

  • You can use variables to enable/disable the jump through behavior. Check out the attached capx. Is this what you want to achieve?

  • What DuckfaceNinja said. Link your effect parameters to variables. A bit of a workaround but you will have full control after that.

  • One way will be to use modulus. Check the capx.

  • I hope you get well soon! Keep it up!

  • As good ol' Alice would say, Welcome to my nightmare!

    First of all, make sure that you have the "Parallax on editor" set to yes. Click on any layer and look at its properties. After that, make sure that you are zoomed at 100%, you can achieve that by going into Constructs view tab, there is a button there that does just that.

    Now, by panning around (middle click, or space bar) your scene and centering your point of view on different parts of your layout, you should have a good approximation of where is everything in relation with each other, taking into account the parallax offset. It's far from been accurate and the further away you are from 0,0 coordinates the more difficult it gets to arrange your scene.

    Oh, how much I wish for a 2.5 d camera...

  • What you describe is oxymoron. On the one hand you want an angle based in the relation between the Rectangle and the Circle(s), on the other hand you want a fixed angle for the Circle even when the relations between them change. It isn't the distance that affects the angle, it's the actual change in the angles between the center of the Circles and the Rectangle. Try to visualize two lines that connect the Rectangle's center and the center of both Circles and you will see that they produce different angles with the horizontal axis in your picture. See the attached capx.