eli0s's Forum Posts

  • Yes, this is very helpful, thank you very much for making it

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  • Aphrodite , thank you for the clarification. It's the concept behind some actions that confuses me. Since I am not a programer and I am introduced to programming concepts within Construct, I feel that sometimes the logic is very clear ("do x get y"), however the lack of foundational knowledge (in programing) other times make the logic behind conditions and procedures feel somewhat obscure. I can't really put in in words, it's more like a feeling, some steps seem to be way steeper than others. Perhaps this is something that someone that has a background in programming doesn't experience as vividly as I do.

    Enough psychoanalysis for one post though, thanks again for the information ;o)

  • fldr , there is a custom plugin called SpriteSheet by R0J0hount. It can act as a scalable Tilled Background and in fact, it offers animatable x,y offset values. The Downside is that it only shows the effect of the tilling at run time. Still, it can be very useful and it's a step forward the right direction which is tillable, animated sprites!!! (coming soon I hope)

  • shinkan , ok, but will they happen incrementally, or it will just go from 0 to 1000 at once? And if they do happen incrementally, isn't this adding more calculation time between each tick? I mean, surely a repeat 1000 times event should demand 1000 more calculations than just a single every tick event (both having the same actions). I hope I am not as stupid as I feel right now 8/


  • Thank you Iolva

  • I am not sure I see the problem with the meander textures. Are you perhaps referring on the fact that every 5th vertical line is a bit thicker than the others? If so, I am sure that you can avoid that in Ps. Just use the offset effect and you will notice it there also.

    As for Icarus, since it isn't a tilled texture, you can't really see any problems. On the other hand, I see now what you mean. You want a way to resize the sprites. The Icarus sprite isn't actually reduced in pixel information. The original pixel dimensions are intact. While the TB image is downscaled either from within C2 or in Ps. The downscale is what causes the artifacts. There isn't anyway around this however, you' ll have to predetermine the actual pixel dimensions for your TB textures. C2 (for the moment) only repeats the original dimensions.

  • Scaling sprites also introduces some artifacts but since most of the time you wont have repeating/tilling sprites you don't noticed very much. Scaling an image on an external image editor (like Ps) does produce better results however (in my opinion). So, perhaps do the scaling in Ps or gimp (you can also check for seems on those software and fix them on the spot) and after that import them into the Tilled Background object.

  • Aphrodite , may I ask what happens with the loops? When for example we have something like this:

    -everytick ----> set Sprite X to self.X + 30 * dt

    -Repeat 100 times ----> add 1 to variable Y


    The Repeat event how much does it "last" when C2 reads the Event Sheet? I know that without the repeat 100 times, C2 will add 1 at every every tick, but with the loop condition what is happening under the hood? Does the program "halt" until the CPU adds the 100 values and then it continues to the next event?

    I am a bit confused with the looping logic in programming

    danno55 , sorry for highjacking your topic, but I thing there is some relevance into this.

  • Ok I did a test and realized that if you want to have the enemy waves in the following order [normal wave, normal wave, Boss wave, ...] then you'll have to use WaveVariable % 3, not % 2.

    Here is a practical example.

  • Use the player's Y position to create your Obstacles. You can use the "random" expression for variation. For example.

    Every x seconds ----> Create object "Obstacle" at layer 0 , random(window.Width) [for the X axis] , random(player.Y - window.Height, player.Y - window.Height*2)

    Will create obstacles at random positions on the X axis (but within your viewport) and within a vertical area that spawns between the [(Player's current Y position) - (whatever Height in pixels your game has)] and [(Player's current Y position) - (whatever Height in pixels your game has * 2)].

    I know that in words all the above probably don't mean nothing so, here is a relative example.

    EDIT- funkyy is a ninja and answered first, but I had to carry the example with me

  • I realized that the third level (the one with the sculls) has a different kind of platform. Here is a capx tackling that. As ryanrybot suggested, this one uses the "Pin" behavior set to rope style to do the trick.

  • What Aphrodite said. Create a variable ("WaveNumber") and set an event that has the following condition:

    (Compare two values (this is a condition that can be found on the System conditions))

    WaveNumber % 2 is equal to 0 ----> Sustem | Create BOSS object...

  • So, if I understand you correctly, you want to check if the RedBox is in the BlueBox's shadow? You can fake this detection by using the "Line of Sight" behavior.

    See the attached capx.

  • tulamide , you are right and yes, this is indeed unfortunate.

  • Hello Iolva ,

    This is a tough cookie for my programing level. I am sure that there is a clever way to achieve the same result. However, here is a layman's way to do it. It has some flaws but in general it works. Perhaps you can improve it