edwardr's Forum Posts

  • ok, I solved it. Nothing what a glass whisky can solve

    Actually it is easy, but it needs a little bit "organization" on database structure.

    Two databases need the same column (e.g. "ID")

    1. Database with all the details (let's say: "Detail")

    2. Database with the user-information (let's say: "Overview")

  • ok, I have headache with comparing jsons data (or Construct2 has headache with me) and I need a little bit help.

    (PS; the plugin works fine)

    I have two json.

    1.) has information about a building (e.g. production time, price, Image, description, ... and an ID)

    2.) has information about the user (only the ID)

    The idea is: a small user json get all data from several json with all information and then show the right text from the "detailed" json.

    All my tries didn't worked. Has anybody tried this before or has any idea?


  • Thx, I'll check it.

    But I'm not manipulating the json file. I'm just searching for in the file for e.g. a number. Maybe it's easier to rethink and use you plugin

  • I have a problem to search within a .json file.

    I load a json file into in an Array and insert one data in a global variable. That was the easy part.

    When I search for the Position in the Array, the result with the global variable is wrong, without the variable it is correct.

    Where is the error? I add a samle to see my problem.

  • I try to make a sim/tycoon and need a lot of datas for the AI. For that reason I decided to save the datas in several json files. Then load them in webstorage/global numbers. A little bit frustating to load all the datas. I'll check the Forum, maybe there is an easier way

  • Just have a question: I have a lot of json files / databases (about 18). Each has several variables. Do I really have to write for each a global variable and save the database variable into the global variable... ??

  • I'm still working on it.

  • I know of a Nigerian prince who would be interested in helping.

  • yes, suddendly I have every day severel emails with the same content. if it's weekly that will be okay, but with this amount of emails I will unsubscribe it.

  • I'm trying to do a menu with Options (e.g. what do you want to build/upgrade, ... ).

    If I understand how it works, I would like to include some submenu.


    Player has several icons (buildings/empty spaces).

    Click empty spaces: what do you want to build: Hotel, shop, Airport, Military, ...

    Player choose Military: what do you want to build: Airport, defence, Radar,...

    Player choose Radar: Radar will be build, thank you, go back to menu


    Click building: you choose Radar

    do you want to upgrade, destroy ?

    what do you want to upgrade ?

  • ok, funny thing. I tried something new and it worked (partly - as usual )

    I just use layers and spirit. No variables and Buttons

    Main Page:

    Icon "Sub2" and the submenu 2 is working. All Spirits are deactivated and are not disturbing the other layers

    Icon "Sub1": All the submenu layer and Spirits within in the submenu are working, also no disturbing.

    Problem: the Icon in Main Menu "Sub1" conflicts with the "Icon 3" of the submenu1. So if you click the upper part it goes direct to submenu1_1 instead submenu1

    I don't see any difference between Sub1 and Sub2. Maybe somebody finds the Problem/difference??

  • brunopalermo: thank you very much. It took me a while to understand each step, but it's logic. I had to rethink and use more variables and functions. Also I tried to use the Spirit as a button. Now I use an invisible button so I can disable and enable it.

  • Thank you very much. I will check it now. I thought I could solve it just with layers, but it seems too complicate.

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  • brunopalermo: thx, but in this Version the main button e.g. menu is still active, when the popup (click outside to go back) is still active.

  • Ok, 50% success.

    Everything is working accept the outside button. Even it is deactivated and not in the same layer, it is still disturbing the main buttons. This means there where the outside button is, nothing can be clicked. I added the code so you can see what I mean or you can use the other function.