edwardr's Forum Posts

  • ok you have the global variable in Events menu, where it is used and active, but not in Restart.

    I would suggest that you put all global variables in an Extra Event sheet and then include it in all the others Event Sheets.

  • try this:

    add global variable: test / number

    on start of layout - set Value "test" 10

    add text

    every ticket - set text "test"

    if you use several layers: do you load all event Sheets? (because each layer has own Event Sheets) Event sheet, right click, include Event sheet

  • full Editor: there you can upload

  • You want to make an RGP, right?

    Let's say it so: a simple one 2D or 2,5D is possible. The beginning will be difficult, because C2 is more shooting/action,.. based, which also can be useful in a RGP. With many databases and a lot of thinking regarding database structure, it is possible. It might have some limits, but if you rethink and search in the forum you will find a solution. There are many topics regarding RGP

    A 3D like WoW: you are definitely wrong here .

    For 99 $ you can not aspect wonders, but it's much cheaper than having programmers and it's easier to learn than Visual Studio.

    If you want to make a multi-player-online-RGP: I have no idea if this is possible, but it would be interesting to know if this is possible.

  • you used set value ?

    is it in a group? then it's a local value

    capx ?

  • Regarding Point 8:

    I'm trying to make a sim/Tycoon game and at the beginning it was a pain. It took me about 2 months (in my free time) to understand C2 in detail and rethink some parts. Right now I finally made the logic and the main part, but I'm still developing/learning.

    What I want to say:

    Yes, it is possible, but it will take a while to understand. You will have to use some tricks (e.g. temporary global variables, additional databases,...) and it happen that you will have to reprogram it. For sim/rgb I would use several json-database (I have more than 20 and still need some more) and use the plugin json (you can find it in the forum), it will help you.

    Start small. I made small programs, just to understand how to make a message, use sidebar with json, calculate with arrays or use families. I checked how and if it works then I start programming the big part (just level 1 and build the other levels on it.)

    Database, flow list, ... such thing doesn't exist. In this case: paper and pen is much better and if you are over 21: buy a bottle wine, it can be sometimes very frustrating. Like usual: with time it will get much easier.

  • Hi,

    I didn't solved all problems, but I found a pretty good one. Somebody mentioned group, so I worked more in this direction.

    I will describe now how to make "windows" / layers and deactivate all other icons using groups, layers, function() and families. (which simplify everything)

    1.) Make a family (e.g. F_Icons) and all the buttons you will to need to go the next window/layer.

    2.) Go to the family properties and add a Family Instance Variable (e.g. ID - text variable)

    3.) Click the buttons in the family and add in the Instance Variable names (e.g. Menu_1, Menu_2, Menu_3,...)

    4.) EVENT: the programming:

    4.a) add a group (e.g. Menu_1) and put all the programming you need

    4.b) add a group (e.g. Menu_2) and put the other programming, and so on...

    5.) LAYER: the design

    5.a) add a layer with the name (e.g. Menu_1) put all the text, images, and whatever you need in it. Check it if its really in the layer (you can see this in the properties)

    5.b) if you use an icon several time in different groups, think about cloning/copying it or start the group to make it visible and end the group to make it invisible (sometimes it happened that I could see the icon (but not use it) in another group, so I cloned it.

    6.) set all layers invisible and groups deactivate

    7.) in the eventsheet put following command:

           Function on Menu: set group"Menu_1" deactivated
                             set group"Menu_2" deactivated
                             set group"Menu_3" deactivated
                             set layer "Menu_1" invisible
                             set layer "Menu_2" invisible
                             set layer "Menu_3" invisible
                             set group Function.Param(0) Activated
                             set layer Function.Param(0) Visible
           on left button clicked on F_Icon:    Call Menu(F_Icons.ID)    (<- add parameter F_Icons.ID)[/code:1lyrlruw]
    now it should work
    for newbies (description): 
    I put all buttons into a family. So I save the programming for each button. On click, open group, hide rest,...
    by adding a ID for each button, I know which button is clicked
    now when you click one button of the family "F_Icon" it opens a function"Menu". (it's a kind of a sub-program, which deactivate all groups and hide all layers at the beginning.)
    by adding the parameter (F_Icons.ID). The ID of the button is send to sub-program and can be used with function.Param(0)  (<- 0 stands for the first variable, you also can you more variables)
    because the ID has the same name like the layers and the groups, I just need to say activate the group with this name and show the layer with the same name.
    I found also other ways, but there are some small errors in it. Don't ask why.
    PS: sorry I don't have now the time to make a sample, but I hope the description will help
  • ... not good..

    I have to rethink this problem, maybe I can solve it otherway...

    if interested: I need this for a research function.

    e.g. I have several databases (ship, plane, truck, ..) with detail information and different level and I just want to show the players level (one globalvariable for each database) of the truck and all this information what it can do. e.g. Player: Level 10 for Truck, 3 for submarine, 5 for plane,...

    I thought with families and compare, I can reduce it to one function. (Except the players level it worked)

    If I find a solution I will post it

  • Hi

    Magistross: I have on more question: (sorry)

    is it also possible to pick a specific globalvariable? So without slider and given variables. (Families is not working with Globalvariables and function.param(0) is not recognized as a globalvariable)


    when Database 1 is chosen, take globalvariable 1

    when Database 2 is chosen, take globalvariable 2

  • pick by comparison .. THX!!!

  • I made a sample

    with the slider you can choose the Detail Information

    with the list you can choose which database should be load. (but this is not working)

  • yes, I'm using it already, but it doesn't solve the Problem with opening a specific database by calling the Name with a function

  • that would be nice...

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  • Hi, great plugin!!

    just some question (sorry):

    is it possible to count the objects?

    e.g. I have one json file with several objects (like wizard, hunter,...) and I want that the program counts them and put it in a global variable.

    In this case: there are wizard, hunter, Knight, farmer -> global variable: 4

    if not: I named the objects 1,2,3 and 4. Can it put the highest object in the variable. I tried it with instance.variable, but it always says "0"


    [quote:12vq0z5k]other question: is it possible to choose/open a json file with function?

    e.g. function(car)

    in the function: set text to car.value(0,0,1)

    I tried with variable, but the program didn't accepted it

    e.g. function(car)

    set function.param(0) to Database

    set text to database.value(0,0,1) <- error

    I would like to use one function instead making it for several databases.

    [solved] I had to use: " pick by comparison "

  • Hi,

    Has somebody experience with json and function ?

    I'm able to send variables through the call function.



    set text to Database.Value(0,Function.Param(0),"ID")

    But what I want to change the database name ???



    set text to Function.Param(0).Value(0,1,"ID") -> (this is not accepted)

    set text Database1.Value(0,1,"ID") -> (this should be the result)

    This should save me a lot of programing...