ecb247247's Forum Posts

  • Hi,

    Does anyone know?

    Thanks & Regards,


  • Hi,

    I have been looking around but haven't found any posts about how to add Emoji icons into a text field or list box. Is there a code that's used for this, and where can I find a list of all the code for each Emoji? Even easier, is it possible to simply have an SVG image or a sprite with an image, then just click on that object and the Emoji will be added to the text field?

    Also, Is it possible to send the Emoji icon over to another player in a Multiplayer chat by simply using broadcast message or send message to peer? Or do I actually need to check if an Emoji icon was actually sent, then on the receiver side add that Emoji icon?

    Thanks & Regards,


  • Hi Guys,

    What I need:

    How to store and save color values of multiple instances/copies of an Object using an Array + how to load the data back into Construct with JSON.

    What I have so far:

    1. I'm having one object that uses a For loop to create multiple instances like in the photo below.

    2. When you click on of the instances it changes color to orange.

    3. When I save the game I want to store all the color values of each instance/copy into an Array.

    4. When I load the game later it remembers which instances/copies has orange color.

    Note: I'm able to save and load variable and text values successfully using an array with Download as JSON data, and loading the data using File Chooser, but when it comes to multiple instances/copies of one object I don't know how to make it work.

    I'm thinking it will work using a For Each command or Repeat, but have no idea how to go about it.

    If anyone could share with me how to do this, I would be very grateful!

    Thanks & Regards,


  • Hey! :)

    I'm a game music composer looking to join a new project.

    My style of composition would fit genres like RPG, Adventure, Mystery and Horror games.

    Here is a recent Pirate theme song I composed.

    Subscribe to Construct videos now



  • Hi,

    I am making a checkers game, have everything done, expect I can't figure out how to check for the condition that you can't move any more of your pieces.

    I am using an 8x8 array, so basically the movements and all evolves around the array.

    Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas?



  • CSS works fine with dropdown objects. Here are some that I use to style mine...

    > List: Set CSS style "background-color" to "black"
    List: Set CSS style "color" to "#e3ca47"
    List: Set CSS style "border-color" to "#bf9f22"
    List: Set CSS style "border-radius" to "5px"

    Thanks for the reply.

    It works now, I had to remove transparency at the end of the color code. I was using: Set CSS style "background-color" to "rgba(49, 61, 52, 0.10)", with the 0.10 at the end. The list was fine but when I opened the dropdown it was white.




  • Hi,

    Does anybody know how to change the white background color of the dropdown list object? I managed to do the rest with CSS, just not the dropdown.

    Someone said you do it with Javascript, but it didn't work.

    Please see photo attached.




  • Even if you collided with multiple chests at the same time it would still run logic for all of them I would imagine if you had an event on collision with chest. You can check that by adding some logging.

    Thanks for the reply lionz,

    I have added a variable called "collide", and every time the ball hits the chest it adds one to it, but it adds only one when the ball collides with 2 or 3 chests at the same time. Can it be that it only checks for that one event since it's happening simultaneously, since it's the same object and all 3 chests have frame 10, but they are the same copied instance of each other?

    What I'm thinking is that I have to either make the ball smaller or the chests bigger, so that the ball can't collide with more than one chest at the time. But that would require changing of design and positioning of the objects etc...

    If you have any other ideas I would appreciate it a lot!




  • Hi,

    I am looking for some advise for a game I'm making.

    There is a ball and some chests placed around. When the ball collides with the chest it opens and reveals a prize. The issue I'm having is that it happens that the ball collides with 2 or 3 chests at the same time, and when that happens it only adds one prize, not all of them.

    The prizes depends on which frame the object had when the ball collided with it. So for example frame 0 - 9 has no prize, while 10 does. So I'm basically checking "Animation frame = 10, then add to prize".

    I'm using one object that I copied around for all the chests, I tried using a different object for all of them but the game takes up so much space when I do that. It added 15MB just for that. The thought was that then it would add all the prizes correctly, since then I do a check on each individual chest instead of only on one. But when there is 77 chests, it would be a lot of work if I need to add more frames or do some changes, I have to do that on all of them. So I guess that when 2 chests opens at the same time, the program thinks it's 1.

    Any ideas of what I can do here? Thanks.



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  • Hi,

    I have been a passionate musician and a music composer for the past 15 years. Have also produced my own music and songs. Currently I am focusing on composing game music. I am flexible and offer very professional service.

    You can find a few samples of my work below, these samples was made with an RPG game in mind.

    You can contact me to discuss any of your requests / projects.



  • Thanks for your reply.

    I tried doing this with Javascript and are able to store the username in a cookie on the website, but I'm not sure how to do the script in Construct, tried a couple of different ways.

    Do you have any script examples or been able to get a variable a into Construct and store it as a global variable yourself?


