I am looking for some advise for a game I'm making.
There is a ball and some chests placed around. When the ball collides with the chest it opens and reveals a prize. The issue I'm having is that it happens that the ball collides with 2 or 3 chests at the same time, and when that happens it only adds one prize, not all of them.
The prizes depends on which frame the object had when the ball collided with it. So for example frame 0 - 9 has no prize, while 10 does. So I'm basically checking "Animation frame = 10, then add to prize".
I'm using one object that I copied around for all the chests, I tried using a different object for all of them but the game takes up so much space when I do that. It added 15MB just for that. The thought was that then it would add all the prizes correctly, since then I do a check on each individual chest instead of only on one. But when there is 77 chests, it would be a lot of work if I need to add more frames or do some changes, I have to do that on all of them. So I guess that when 2 chests opens at the same time, the program thinks it's 1.
Any ideas of what I can do here? Thanks.