DUTOIT's Forum Posts

  • I'm currently doing a refresher C# course because when 4.3 releases I'm going to be all over it.

    The 2d toolkit is beyond fantastic.

    Won't have to worry about export using CocoonJS - does happy dance.

  • You should move your mydocument folder then to D:\ permantely and let C:\ be for windows/software etc

  • You can rent unity pro and all extensions at $75/month a piece.

    This is great if you are turning a profit, and can write off the expense against profit each month.

    If you pull in $5000 a month via sales/advertising/whatever and have a expense of $375 then it doesn't look too bad.

  • I have it installed on windows 7 64-bit. I have the 32-bit version and 64-bit version.

    Grab a copy...


    Or here


  • firefox nightly is 64-bit. Game(s) work, but have a number of issues.

    Try it out, but good news is it is still beta and lots of room for improvement.

  • Lol, so cool. I know what you do for a living or at least as a hobby. Great work.

    Your Idea: Wow, that sounds really cool. You going to use touch then for sure. I think that is going to look fantastic.

    All the best. Will follow other thread.

  • Kura, you are spamming board - saw your other posts - that is against forum rulz - please post help wanted board.


    I tried different directory works perfectly.

    as well as your given directory, just had to drop a t.png image in there.


    I also changed equal = to not equal != to get correct results for webnodpath != NodeWebkit path else it says appfolder!= webnodepath which isn't true

  • Here is something really small I'm working on for my mom - don't laugh. She likes playing the slot machines, but she is sailing round the world. its her birthday, thought I would make something.

    Just started, but the spinning is there. Mess around with it, steal what you want. Anyways, I'm sure you'll figure it out :)


  • Agree about doubling events not required.

    Also you only need touch control - as it works with mouse too. So any mouse click is a touch.

    I was thinking allong the lines of 4 slots with pictures in animation frames.

    Up arrow above and down arrow below slots (great for touch).

    Students can cycle threw images until they feel they have right sequence.

    You currently have 1 correct of 4 - this could be a blue border around slot if it is correct. and a red one if not.

    That is one brain fart thought pattern.

    The other along your lines is using Card is overlaping number object.

    Do a check

    So number(animation frame = 1) = Card (animition frame 1) 1=1 correct

    number animation frame 2 =/ card animation frame 3 ||| 2 =/ 3 incorrect

    The overlapping makes it easier to just drop card on other card. The whole snap to place isn't needed. makes it look more like a deck of cards that you place down on top of each other.

    Well something like that???

    EDIT: Damn I really got to learn to edit my writing so others can better understand. Anyways, if you don't understand anything (which I won't blame you) just shout, I'll try to be more clear.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • I have also tried to add more useful information to the error messages for the next build, so let me know if any error messages change from r145+. On top of that any extra information such as which build the problem first started occurring in could be useful.

    That is good news. Will definitely aid in narrowing it down a bit. This is truly a head scratch er, because it works perfectly, then doesn't without any changes to system, program, project file.

    A reboot fixes it - sometimes.

    If I open another project then open project with grid enabled it might work - sometimes.

    If I open capx of project it might work. Caproj of project crashes it almost always.

    Text alignment crashes it, but then doesn't.

    All, in all extremely weird, and agree, very hard to pin point.

  • How many cards?

    How many little games?

    What I'm asking is are you going to create a animated sprite for each game

    frame 1 to 4 picture cards

    frame 1 to 4 number cards

    I have a number of suggestions, just don't want to waste your time or mine - by going off in the wrong direction.

  • That is a very good tutorial.

    Everything is done in stages.

    Eating salad. You will need an animated sprite.


    Basically animation frame 1 will be whole salad. frame 2 will be slightly eaten salad etc etc etc.

    And instead of worm overlapping salad and destroying it. It will cycles through the frames.

    All tutorials teach the principles, you've just got to mold them into what you want to do. This I'm afraid is trail and error, and there are various ways to accomplish the same thing.

    There are no right answers, just many ways to do the same thing.

  • Problem Event Name:     APPCRASH

    Application Name:     Construct2.exe

    Application Version:

    Application Timestamp:     5237048f

    Fault Module Name:     StackHash_22da

    Fault Module Version:     6.1.7601.18229

    Fault Module Timestamp:     51fb164a

    Exception Code:     c0000374

    Exception Offset:     00000000000c4102

    OS Version:     6.1.7601.

    Locale ID:     7177

    Additional Information 1:     22da

    Additional Information 2:     22da62097dc8c13a260fd1b8be6b9a98

    Additional Information 3:     db07

    Additional Information 4:     db07d627e13345a651902a765c4c89af

    And lets crash it again

    Problem Event Name:     APPCRASH

    Application Name:     Construct2.exe

    Application Version:

    Application Timestamp:     5237048f

    Fault Module Name:     StackHash_3566

    Fault Module Version:     6.1.7601.18229

    Fault Module Timestamp:     51fb164a

    Exception Code:     c0000374

    Exception Offset:     00000000000c4102

    OS Version:     6.1.7601.

    Locale ID:     7177

    Additional Information 1:     3566

    Additional Information 2:     3566df989f77308e9def50045489207c

    Additional Information 3:     b697

    Additional Information 4:     b6972ee0d40a4c6050a1201af93c3227

    Generally StackHash errors can be fixed by turning off DEP for all programs and services that trigger the error.

    Unfortunetly, Construct 2 cannot be turned off (well the steam version) and You can't turn off a 64 bit .exe


    Any ideas?

  • Oops, completely miss understood the question. The > threw me off.

    tulamide, I spy with my little eye something beginning with "P" Answer: PRO, spot the pro <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Blender - any good teach yourself recommendations - I have it installed, and want to learn, but am scared to death of it. Well, not really, but My 3d is limited knowledge, but would love to learn.