DUTOIT's Forum Posts

  • Very simple.

    Open C2 > Click C2 Button > New > and browse for any templates / examples you want. There are tons of examples/templates that demonstrate various games etc etc

    You'll find the platformer template very worth your while, includes jumping etc.

    And as wizaerd suggested - your best friend is the manual and tutorial section. Don't forget the forum - use search, there are great gems in the forum.

    Best of luck.

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  • Noooo! Centered alignment doesn't fix it anymore. <img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Now I can't wait for Call of duty Ghost - gonna kill me lots of people lol - frustration is best served with a pizza, a coke, and a shotgun <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • To clarify: Used a crack copy, while I actually have a licensed copy, I just wanted to try steam vs desktop. I have since uninstalled cracked copy as it isn't updateable anyways.

    Edit: I don't have that cracked copy to test this issue, but I believe that no matter what version this issue will persist as it appears others have had similar issues to this.



    Where did your post go??? lol. I swear you posted that it worked on your windows 7 and that it was my drivers etc etc etc and now that post is gone.

    Sorry for 2 posts in row, the edit says I don't have permission etc etc etc

    Lol did it again:

    Found it -

    4. Set Horizontal alignment and Vertical alignment to Center.

    Thank you ramones for making it reproducible.<img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Sprite Font and have horizontal and vertical alignment centered creates the issue.

    ITS NOT MY DRIVERS! AND ITS NOT MY MACHINE <img src="smileys/smiley7.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> LOL, okay not really just <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Kyatric,

    I've told Ashley before, I have latest graphic drivers - my machine is game ready machine - I love games.

    My drivers - They are updated.

    I don't have issues with grid at all. ONLY with sprite font and GRID.

    First time using sprite font and this happens.

    I updated steam to latest beta release and it seems to have helped a little. I don't get C2 crash. The layout page freezes. I just have to unselect grid and everything is back to normal.

    Once again. C2 and steam don't play well.

    I have done absolutely everything to ensure that C2 functions correctly - even redid my registry files (which I thought helped a bit, the crashes decreased considerably).

    But I'll stand by that C2 is extremely unstable.(On my machine, and I ain't buying a new on - I love it, more than I love C2 and I like C2 alot) but until we can can get to the bottom of it (I am not the only one) then ALL our hands are tied.

    All the crashes I have experienced are in one way or another FONT related. It is very hard to pin point and understand Ashley's frustration cause we can't reproduce - but Ashley brushes it off that he can't reproduce it. Ask questions, tell me what to try, lets get to the bottom of this and sort it out.

    Look, I'm sorry our machines aren't the same, but I use 100's of software and I don't have half the amount of trouble.

    I even used a cracked C2 copy and it gave me ZERO SH1T.

    So you tell me.

  • I just upload my own project in bug section, same thing crashes with grid.


    The only thing that is different with this to other projects is that I also used sprite font.

    I usually use text, but wanted to try out the sprite font for another project that might require it.

    Anyways, link to my project files (don't laugh) just a small birthday present for my mom - ha ha - she is sailing round the world and loves to gamble.

  • Link to .capx file (required!):

    Just started this for my moms birthday next week and wanted to use grid, which resulted in crash.


    Steps to reproduce:




    Observed result:

    C2 Crashes every time.


    New steam beta updated just came through.

    Steam beta upgraded and now instead of crashing

    it gives a rendering view error then crashes.

    Expected result:

    Show grid and allow snap to grid

    Browsers affected:

    None as it is within C2

    Operating system & service pack:

    Windows 7 64bit / steam beta

    Construct 2 version:

        Latest beta 144.2

  • I don't understand what you are trying to do, but I guess at what you are doing, then I would use a big world map and make the regions image points. Then store image points numbers as variables.

    Sorry, I don't understand exactly what you are trying to do. I'm sure someone smarter than me will give some good advice.

  • The debugger feature is Fantastic - especially for arrays.

    Cohack is looking fantastic <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> better and better each time I see it

    Edit: Just found this, makes for some interesting reading.


  • BACLog

    I've had rudeness from 2 folks, he is the other one lol


    This only works if your objects have the same names though. I rarely have objects that are duplicated with the same names.

    I created a app (weekly grocery list generator with recipes) and had to create ingredient list and used for each ingredient. Many many lines. Now I can Build same list in few lines using families and same name, different UID. Sick how easy C2 is when you know how to use the functionality/features.

  • , really, I've been doing it all wrong then lol.

  • Spot the pro newt

    If add enemies as a family you don't need for each do you?

    Just use enemyfamily

  • wizaerd

    Lol, I'm going to collect/pick at the communities collective brain very soon. I'm hitting a wall with advanced array handling/sorting etc (can do it perfectly via php, but can't get my head around it in C2 - lol)

    Driving me nuts, but will call in favors when I need em <img src="smileys/smiley15.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Everyday is a paid day off, if you doing what you love, the bonus is when someone wants to pay you for having fun :)

    Okay, its not always fun, but its close enough when you get to snuggle up to hobby game in development.

    Edit: added the advanced to the array line.

  • Registry Files? Mine permissions were messed and had plenty issues with C2 in general. Strange that it is open - I had that exact issue with Visual Studio and was registry files there too.

    Since then, reset registry files permissions etc and so far all good

  • SysDiman

    Sorry DUTOIT thanks for helping

    No Problem, and you are most welcome. Might help for future to realize that we help each other out because we want to, not because we have to.

    We all have lives, and bills to pay, so any help we get ourselves, or give to others is a gift.

    I see SysDiman gave you an awesome example and Someone promised you a tutorial.

    I don't know what you want to make, but you've got a long way to go, enjoy the ride, games take a couple months at least to make :)

    Look forward to the finnished product, and at that time, you will be a C2 pro <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle" />