DUTOIT's Forum Posts

  • Textbox plugin not supported via cocoonjs, and neither is the button, etc. Pretty much all form controls. It's documented that CocoonJS does not support form controls. cocoonjs is also depreciated. But you know that

    Note: CocoonJS has text input workarounds so ask them.


    I used the word ban. This forum gets lots of trolls, usually they come back every couple months to vent their frustrations because they failed or they think the software failed them.

    If you are NOT a troll, and really want to build something, then take a breathe, relax.

    Breathe in. Breathe out. Promise me you will revisit this topic when you are calm, cool and collected.

    You will see no one has an issue with you viewpoint. We do have an issue that your viewpoint is obsured. Nothing wrong with that, as there are tons of awesome folks here that would help you see things correctly.

    You seem to harp on the controller aspect.

    It is super easy to build one, why build vs having it built for you - simple - for a paint by numbers game, it is fine, but you might have a toddler playing your game (My son, whose ability doesn't allow a paint by number style controller) so I can now customize / develop it from the ground up to aid his play style.

    You will have to get your hands dirty - you will have to build the game - you have to acknowledge that - right?

    Android performance

    GM is awesome, as it has better mobile performance, but you will have to get your hands very very dirty there. And it has issues, more so than here in many areas. I have the master collection - and it is sitting on my desktop unused for like a year I think.

    Look, you have some basic issues currently, okay mobile performance is going to have you pulling your hair out, and smashing your keyboard against your forehead, but we all have that. Performance is a nightmare. And no phone is the same - it's a nightmare.

    Look. This is the most supportive community, and scirra is in the software business. The community actually are the guys you don't want to piss off. These guys here you are spitting in their faces, are the same guys who could offer up an huge amount of info, shortcut your dev time etc. We all have controller capx floating around. But we don't have to share... heck, we most definitely won't share with a disrespectful member.

    You want to build a game, WE want YOU too build a game. WE love it if a C2 game is a success. The guys here are in your corner. So stop punching your team mates - okay.

    I smell a troll. Kyatric, just ban him. Nothing concreate will come from this. He has ZERO intention to actually build anything.

    [quote:vg003vr5]“Don’t wish it was easier, wish you were better. Don’t wish for less problems, wish for more skills. Don’t wish for less challenge, wish for more wisdom.” -- Jim Rohn


    [quote:vg003vr5]"If you really want to do something, you find a way to do it, or you find a reasonable excuse why you can't" -- can't remember

    and if you are serious you want HELP, ask for it, you have the best guys right here on this thread, but you spit in their faces.

    Guess people now are too offended of what I already said to continue the discussion in a constructive way, instead they blindly defend C2 with all they got and bullying the OP with their "high fives" to each other.

    I'm not offended. I own most of the competition software (wasted lots of money).

    But, there is nothing constructive about your limited viewpoint, as I see it, you have no experience with other software to make assumptions on c2 and

    I don't blindly defend C2, I happen to prefer it out of a long list of 'really' buggy software, yes more buggy than C2.

    But I have the viewpoint of owning and using other software.

    C2 has issue (no denying that), but so do all other softwares.

    But, I say again disappointment comes from 2 things:

    (1) The inability to use the tool.

    (2) The realization that it is limited.

    You are sounding more and more like a (1).

    The way I see it, no tool is perfect, you have to beat it into submission in one way or the other. And I agree that C2 is not perfect, I'm just trying to see the silver lining through all this bitterness I've seen towards C2 not being a cookie-cutter program made for everyone and all (it isn't, it has limitations just like everything else). What I mean is that if there's a feature missing, make it yourself. For most programs I've used I have wanted to do a specific thing only to look it up and see that it isn't part of the suite, so I either change my design or try to find a way to bend the program to do what I need. It is very important to understand the scope of the suite you work with, never expect something of a program you use, always read the manual, do your homework and you'll spare yourself the heartache.


    I don't think it's a toy either


    Love super ubie land <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">

    Really, lack of floating dual analog touch controls. My work has Unity licenses($70/month) and Unity has a buy price of $1500. There are no built in touch dual analog touch controls. I'm done with this thread.

    This says it best.

    Mr X wants a cookie cutter software... and mr x will leave and never do anything of value like so many others. Its a shame really, all it takes is hard work.

    I repeat: €330. I expect this to be built-in. Why shouldn't I? Or do you think I'm asking too much of a "professional" product now? Thought you guys said this wasn't a toy.

    (I'm aware that my disappointment shines through btw)

    This is a game development software which has been marketed as paint by numbers type deal (which it isn't), game development is exactly that... YOU develop the game (yes, even the controllers), no software can or should do that for you, or at least none can do it to your unique requirements: So many diverse c2 creations from top of the chart mobile games right down to simple apps for disabled kids. This is truly a fantastic product. Others have built amazing mobile games, the reason you can't is, you can't.

    Your disappointment seems to be rooted in you want a cookie cutter software development tool that can build the next greatest thing, well, you haven't earned that knowledge yet. It can be done, it is being done, just not by you... not yet

  • signalling server connects the players together, that is it. After that it is browser to browser, so if player drops connection then he leaves, and if he is host, then gamers are disconnected.

    the signalling server is free, scirra are running one that all can use. if you want to run your own, then you have to buy it. But hard to beat the specs of the scirra one.

    The issue isn't the server, it is that webtrc is still buggy as hell, and the various browsers keep breaking it.

  • Try Construct 3

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    I might sound harsh, but I'm truly disappointed with the whole picture so to speak, of Construct 2.

    You are entitled to your viewpoint.

    But, disappointment comes from 2 things:

    (1) The inability to use the tool.

    (2) The realization that it is limited.

    Note: Number 2, can only be used by users who have mastered the tool. In all honesty there really isn't much C2 can't do within the scope of what it was built for. It can go head to head with many products currently on the market. I own most of them, and this "toy" is pretty top notch.

    I understand where you are coming from, I have my own disappointments, but your disappointment I feel is more from an inability to use the tool, whilst mine are limitations outside of the scope of which construct was intended for.

  • Sorry don't know. I am using eset currently, but avast, avg, eset, bitdefender etc all are pretty similiar. So it shouldn't be hard. Google Bitdefender inbound rules and work your way through it. You should also configure your windows firewall inbound rules too.

  • Here you go How to preview on local network

    90% I think you didn't configure your firewall.

    and another nice trick is to reserve an IP address for your work computer (C2 installed on) on the LAN [so you always use same ip and don't have to change it via construct prefrences everytime it changes. or look it up when using your phone. reserving is done via your router. Google your router and reserve ip LAN

  • DayDream,

    Because its is for kids... I went digging into my swipe bin and deep into my archives: Trivia Game

    Use previous capx for non duplicates to get list of questions numbers for sequence of questions.

  • Don't use a text file, rather use a array.

    Here is how to random the array with no duplicates.

    If you only have 10 questions then make array width the number of questions it will random that. Save those random numbers and into another arrar, and delete them one buy one as you use the questions.