DUTOIT's Forum Posts

  • Hi guys, first time poster here.

    A couple of questions on this topic:

    - The manual states that event sheet includes are a kind of automatic copy-paste. Am I right thinking that the included sheets are evaluated first and the "host" sheet follows?

    - Lets say I have 2 different sheets: One to handle sound&music and another to handle visual FX. Is it a bad practice checking for the same event on both sheets but triggering different actions? e.g.

    EVENT SHEET 1 (Sound&Music)

    Player collides with Enemy --> Play sound "GotHit"

    EVENT SHEET 2 (Visual FX)

    Player collides with Enemy --> Player Spawn object "Explosion"

    It doesn't realy matter. The event sheet is read top to bottom with included sheets as if they were pasted in at the points you included them. I say doesn't matter because it is read top to bottom every tick, and that is multiple times a second so it makes very little difference. It is purely benificial for you to structure your code by breaking it up (which is recommended)

    But you would include a sheet called player collides with enemy into your main sheet.

  • export as html, import html on newgrounds. With free version, you not aloud to make any money.

  • Ashley,

    I am now experiencing the same issue. And I can replicate it.

    re-install construct 2 stable version r212 from any of the other versions and from installer try to run construct 2.

    [quote:2cs7qvnv]Unable to execute file

    CreateProcess failed; code740

    Need to elevate permissions to run this file/program

    I can bypass this my elevating permissions, but definitely something wrong with R212. It seems to only trigger once you try downgrading or upgrading from another release.

    Same as OP, windows 10 64bit, etc.

  • Absolutely, company publishes the game.

    Uses: Adult games comes to mind, where the company and company website are the face and brand.

    Create another company that is the developer for game publisher. Use 3rd party support services... actually better to remove yourself entirely from the banding on most things.

    A pty ltd company is seen as a legal person, and is treated as such.

  • Never going to happen....


    [quote:2glu7wbz]Export your project from Construct 2 as a WIndows 8 export, open the SLN file up in Visual Studio 2015. Build and export that from VS 2015 as an android APK

    See if that works.

  • it works across all except iOS. You need chrome/firefox/edge to be installed on any device wanting to connect.

  • You will have so much time on your hands at college... do a start up whilst studying "business".

    The majority of college students... party, party, party. Then cram before the exams.

    Spend time building a startup, you can bootstrap it. Some of the best business started with the founders still in college. They dropped out once the business became successful.

  • I meant not to put your database login in the post data string. Rather store those details in config.php.

    You can also add some salt

    and multiple uses for .htaccess to lock it down.

  • Don't pass login details via post.

    Please read this Tutorial It will answer your questions.

  • Photon is probably your best bet with construct2, they even have a plugin floating around here for C2. Works pretty well. You pay for what you use.

  • Dictionary is easier to learn. But array will set you up forever... Arrays make games possible, arrays are the golden ticket to data. Best spend time learning them.

    And here is example

  • You using steam version? or standalone?

    Steam version, there is a known issue with authentication... they 2 years later still haven't fixed it (they being steam)

    Got update last night - windows 10, my steam stuff working fine. (Is a strange issue you having that is for sure)

  • I thought I'd try 213 (beta) and that works, though it seems that 212 and 212-2 are the problem versions.

    It is very odd!

    beta 213 fixed the windows 10 exporter - shrugs?

  • I've just tried uninstalling 212-2 and installing 192, that works fine.

    Then it isn't your pc at all. Hence, I am stumped. It is something specific to construct and that version and user permissions or as ashley says "elevated permissions".

    I haven't a clue. I am running windows 10 and not having same issue. Albeit, I haven't used C2 much last couple weeks.

    This is strange indeed.

    There is a lot of windows 10 features added in recent releases, but I can't comment on that.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Tried the tweaking thing, and a reg clean but still getting the same errors

    Seriously? Oh, wow. How can that be?

    New beta works?

    Umm, actually, have you installed a version prior to r212.2? And it works or doesn't?

    If it works, then I am stumped.

    If it doesn't, then you will need to uninstall, and remove all trace of the software manually and try install again.

    This is the worst kind of issue... and the problem is, that it might have started with construct2, but can start spreading to other software [No attacks you know of, no recent downloads, installs, firewall warnings, anti virus warnings etc] (I'm pulling at straws)

    Sorry I'm not much help.... but this is weird... tweaking should have sorted all those issues