Locked icon Construct 2 - Only A Toy?

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Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!
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    I've stumbled across some things i thought was limitations but I'm not ranting about it. I'm doing workarounds and learning new ways to deal with the problems. There's always a way. It takes a little effort and problem solving skills to develop games. Construct already has a lot af Behaviours to ease up the process when doing certain things, but I often find myself not using them to make my own custom Events/Plugins to better fit my needs.

    It's definitely not a toy, but ....well It reminds me of Lego bricks.

    Complaining about things you can't make in Construct is like complaining to Lego because they never produced a Brick in the exakt shape that you want. Use some skills, imagination, problem solving, research and try different approaches and you'll be amazed what you can do. Often I learn new ways to do things just by browsing the "How do I" part of the forum. People doing the same things in a lot of different ways, and often I'm amazed by all the creative ways to do things in construct.

    I noticed you mentioned local storage. Well, there are lots of ways to store highscores. Find the way that fits best. If one way doesn't work ...try the other way.

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    What is it exactly that you are having trouble making? Have you asked for help in the support forums and if so how did that go?

    What features got broken from one release to the next? I've used C2 every day for almost a year now and I haven't experienced any feature disappearing or getting broken from an update, though I don't develop for mobile much (or rather, not at all), maybe I don't know what I'm talking about. have you gotten any good results from asking around?

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    I smell a troll. Kyatric, just ban him. Nothing concreate will come from this. He has ZERO intention to actually build anything.

    [quote:vg003vr5]“Don’t wish it was easier, wish you were better. Don’t wish for less problems, wish for more skills. Don’t wish for less challenge, wish for more wisdom.” -- Jim Rohn


    [quote:vg003vr5]"If you really want to do something, you find a way to do it, or you find a reasonable excuse why you can't" -- can't remember

    and if you are serious you want HELP, ask for it, you have the best guys right here on this thread, but you spit in their faces.

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    It's not the first time he has this arrogant behaviour towards me.

    I'd be glad for you to point out in what other topic I'm having an "arrogant behaviour" towards you.

    The actual last person to call me arrogant was on another account of a troll that was banned a few months ago and was hitting on the community as well because he was failing on producing anything with C2.

    Strange coincidence...

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    Congratulations on "*halfway the business license and counting*"

    I came here as a last resort before I leave C2. Maybe I could get some direction, some help, some motivation to keep struggling, something... I don't know. Your points of views, your experiences and stories... maybe could help.

    The thing I expected the least was that a moderator would piss me off like this. Seriously, what a bad customer support! It's not the first time he has this arrogant behaviour towards me. He really hit the last nail in the coffin...


    tbh, You have a 8 page thread with generally your discontent ... and community members supporting the software ... Lots of pointers involved ... and lots mentioning you can always ask for help in the forum.

    You seem to wave the tips and advices in the wind, and rightout say folks are 'blindly' supporting something ... actually telling them something which generally resembles an insult ....

    After such posts I would neither expect a moderator to handle/communicate-with you with satin gloves.

    I will point out what others have done too ... this community is strong in its support, and .. if you check the variety of help topics, you would see that almost any problem is handled in dozens of ways. You just have to search for your applicable solutions.

    And if all else fails, you can always just ask in the forum.

    Afraid someone takes your stuff ? make a trimmed down version and use that when asking for solutions.

    Though Scirra mentions that games can be created easily ... they never mention a time span and 'easily' is a relative concept.

    To give that some contrast:

    I have spent an evening on a single game that made more revenue in a couple days then a game I took 4 months developing which has been online for weeks :\</p>

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    > It's not the first time he has this arrogant behaviour towards me.


    I'd be glad for you to point out in what other topic I'm having an "arrogant behaviour" towards you.

    The actual last person to call me arrogant was on another account of a troll that was banned a few months ago and was hitting on the community as well because he was failing on producing anything with C2.

    Strange coincidence...

    You respond half an hour later. Did you delete your post in the meantime? Cause I can't find it now. Great misuse of power if that's the case.

    Seriously, ban me if it makes you feel better and if it makes you feel you have any kind of authority. All I know is that I haven't given any real reason for that.

    You admit that I'm not the first who called you arrogant, which may indicate it has some truth to it. In that case you need to adjust yourself. What you see now is a reaction to your action. Also, you're showing some kind of paranoid delusions if you think that someone you had a beef with a while ago is the same person as me. That is a serious allegation with no substance at all!!!

    Just wow..! Do you treat all your unhappy customers like this? I have done nothing wrong in my opinion so let Scirra decide if "my behaviour" right now should result in a ban or not.


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    And regarding the pathfinding, I can completely back you up that it's kinda wonky and hard to use. For my game I wrote my own pathfinding method through events and it worked out fine for me. I honestly don't know, I'm used to dealing with roadblocks like this, maybe I'm just jaded. Maybe C2 really is a very bad suite and I'm just the sucker who tries to make things work in other ways. Maybe I'm also a bit biased since I've done a bit of coding in the past.

    Well think everyone solve a lot of problems, not related to C2, but just because, when you make games you run into problems, and if you aint willing to work to solve it, well then it will end quickly. But the problem I was referring to with path finding, is not something that you can "event" yourself out of. But is a flaw or unfortunately design in how it works in C2, and that's not something you as new user would spot. But completely agree with you a lot of the fun in using C2 is to make things work. But it shouldn't be the wrong stuff. Like making workaround for importing audio file, the object already have a source in the editor, you just cant access it in the code...these things I really don't like doing, because it doesn't seem like you are solving something as much as you are patching up some "unfinished" stuff.

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    You respond half an hour later. Did you delete your post in the meantime? Cause I can't find it now. Great misuse of power, now I don't have anything against you.

    Not that I want or care to get involved in this discussion you have going. But just saying page 6

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    > You respond half an hour later. Did you delete your post in the meantime? Cause I can't find it now. Great misuse of power, now I don't have anything against you.


    Not that I want or care to get involved in this discussion you have going. But just saying page 6

    I'm not talking about this thread. I'm talking about his repsonse to a question I had a while ago.

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    > And regarding the pathfinding, I can completely back you up that it's kinda wonky and hard to use. For my game I wrote my own pathfinding method through events and it worked out fine for me. I honestly don't know, I'm used to dealing with roadblocks like this, maybe I'm just jaded. Maybe C2 really is a very bad suite and I'm just the sucker who tries to make things work in other ways. Maybe I'm also a bit biased since I've done a bit of coding in the past.


    Well think everyone solve a lot of problems, not related to C2, but just because, when you make games you run into problems, and if you aint willing to work to solve it, well then it will end quickly. But the problem I was referring to with path finding, is not something that you can "event" yourself out of. But is a flaw or unfortunately design in how it works in C2, and that's not something you as new user would spot. But completely agree with you a lot of the fun in using C2 is to make things work. But it shouldn't be the wrong stuff. Like making workaround for importing audio file, the object already have a source in the editor, you just cant access it in the code...these things I really don't like doing, because it doesn't seem like you are solving something as much as you are patching up some "unfinished" stuff.

    Oh man I forgot about the audio, iterating on sound design is a real pain in C2 I've found. I see what you mean, maybe I should've thought about stuff like that before posting before. My bad!

    X : It's frustrating when I ask questions and try to help and you just handwave them away. It feels like you have decided to be bitter and angry no matter what..

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    X : It's frustrating when I ask questions and try to help and you just handwave them away. It feels like you have decided to be bitter and angry no matter what..

    Sorry man. Not my intention. But my focus has shifted as you may understand.

    I will respond to you when things calm down.

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    No I haven't deleted an answer of mine to you. Moreover, this is a forum. Any member can actually edit and delete their posts. But yeah, I must be abusing my "authority".

    Again, and to the point I developed earlier about how you sound and look you are the one being paranoid, disillusioned and playing the victim.

    You are not the first to act like this either, unfortunately not the last I guess.

    You keep mentioning you are a "unhappy" customer, but all you have so far is your intent of buying a license.

    So technically, you are not a customer. A technicality, of course, but this whole topic has been about you using those technicalities and the hit and miss on them.

    I'm not assuming, I'm just stating things as I read and understand them. Again, experience. I've been using Construct 2 far longer than you have, haven't I ? Or perhaps that's being arrogant to simply recognize that FACT.

    One more thing, I'm not paid to be a moderator, I've been doing it for about four years now I guess and I have had my fair share of trolls and idiots calling me out on various issues.

    Misreading persons as well. Have I accused you of being somebody else ? No, not at all.

    I have mentioned another person using the same kind of vocabulary and having the same kind of issues with our community. Yet another technicality. Yet again.

    If it makes you feel better considering I'm the bad guy, go ahead I don't care.

    If, when indeed you calm yourself and come to your senses, you may go back and read again this whole topic and perhaps understand clearly what has been said instead of focusing on whatever you want to focus on and thinking we are out to get you.

    Any time someone has posted out being willing to help you, you've just evaded posting an actual question to an actual issue.

    I guess you were too busy being bullied, flamed and lynched, right ?

    Being banned away by nasty moderators who are just abusive.


    Edit: Also I forgot, yet another technicality, but everybody gets the point by now, those are a community forum, not customer service.

    The community is users giving out of their free time and helping out on a willing basis.

    If you are looking for customer service the mail address is

    You see, it's just those little imprecisions about your speech that put altogether make you sound like you are just missing the point on a lot of things.

    But comfort yourself, I'm nasty, wooooooh.

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    You and I differ on so many things. I have no quarrel with the community at all, as you falsely claim.

    "you are not a customer"

    Thank you for trying so hard in making me feeling unwelcome here.

    Example: If I go to Google/Apple store via my mobile phone and download a game which has ads but you can pay if you want. Am I a customer or not to the company who created that game? In my opinion I sure am, and I bet that the company looks at it the same way. But you're saying no. Since I haven't paid. I wonder if Scirra shares your opinion in this question.

    "I've been using Construct 2 far longer than you have, haven't I ?"

    I never said anything about that and I really don't care how long experience you have with C2. It doesn't help you, nor me that much in this discussion right now, does it? I'm not comparing the size of our p*nises.

    "I have had my fair share of trolls and idiots"

    If I was founder of Scirra I'd be more careful with who I put as a moderator on their forum. Calling customers (even if they're bad customers) trolls and idiots is unprofessional - it is especially bad when it's done in front of thousands of other customers. Try that in any other company and you'll see.

    "Have I accused you of being somebody else ? No, not at all. I have mentioned another person using the same kind of vocabulary and having the same kind of issues with our community."

    You forgot to include the last sentence from the original post. Where you also said "What a coincidence..." - As if I was him and that he returned to this forum. That's what I reacted on. You implying that. But also your threat about giving me a ban for no reason.

    "Also I forgot, yet another technicality, but everybody gets the point by now, those are a community forum, not customer service."

    No, what you forget is that you as a moderator is part of Scirra's customer service, whether you like it or not. You are part of the service they have for customers. You deal with their customers. If you really can't see the connection then there's another reason Scirra should reconsider who they make moderator on their site.

    After all it's all about their product and their customers. Not about one single moderator with attitude and easily hurt feelings, who needs to relax a bit and return to his main job - customer service. Anyway, you still have a nasty tone throughout but also trying to riducule me "But comfort yourself, I'm nasty, wooooooh" but I've calmed down and realize that you and I will not be friends that's for sure.

    But Ashley I need to know right now if I can continue to stay on this forum or if I will be banned - for nothing - which Kyatric threatens with.

    I can go back to ask my noob questions again.

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    Yes please ask us more inflammatory questions.

    The pertinent ones have so many less replies.

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    Yes please ask us more inflammatory questions.

    The pertinent ones have so many less replies.

    Such an unnecessary and unfair post. Just when things are about to calm down. Oh the irony, regarding "inflammatory"...

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